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Who thinks John is pulling our collective leg?

Started by TwoCatSam, Oct 04, 01:55 PM 2012

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Sorry about the first one.  Vote on this one please

He is.
10 (29.4%)
He isn't
12 (35.3%)
I'm ready to forget the FIVE
6 (17.6%)
I'll give him some more time.
3 (8.8%)
He better provide some proof soon!!!
3 (8.8%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Voting closed: Oct 14, 01:55 PM 2012


OK,  messed up the first time I tried a poll.  Stupid forum won't let me delete it.


Who thinks John is just giving us the run around and will never allow himself to be tested properly?    It's like the donkey with the carrot in front on the stick.  We just plod along, hoping for a carrot and John is in the wagon laughing his arse off!!

I'm ready to move on.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



I assume your Poll is regarding FIVE only ? and nothing to do with JL's other work.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Oct 04, 01:55 PM 2012
OK,  messed up the first time I tried a poll.  silly forum won't let me delete it.


Who thinks John is just giving us the run around and will never allow himself to be tested properly?    It's like the donkey with the carrot in front on the stick.  We just plod along, hoping for a carrot and John is in the wagon laughing his arse off!!

I'm ready to move on.


Am glad you got it finally....it's better to lose time then money.
You can always get me on  


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



He has no reason to lie about the results but i don't believe he sticks to the rules as he posts....the *human factor* thing remember  ;)   i believe he chooses when to bet by feeling and (i don't think he's being straight forward about that) and also think he's a lucky fellow....how else, in any system he touches he gets these whooping results?!
come up with a system where you bet once every 70 spins, give it to JL and you'll see him post the same whooping results.... ;)
why in the world is a guy who's been beatting roullete for ages be playing cents at BV?! :o


Five was not the first method here  that was not completely understood. For me the explanation was pretty clear from the beginning, maybe the fact that a bet trigger can happen before a game trigger could have been explained better. We get updates on how many games are won playing Five as well.
And the fact is that many including me question why it is supposed to work. And it affects the judgement on other issues.


Why he is now playing for censts  on BV? ??? ?

To me unswer is very simple.....remember him saying in past;only B&M casinos....
but now BV...... 2+2= SUPER 4......you ppl.with me? ??? ? It is trap.
You can always get me on  


Im trying not to attack the man but i think john style of roulette system in my view is like astrology compared to astronomy. Both subjects are based on the same physical properties i.e. Stars, but one is real and one is fantasy.
5 is a means to an end. Its not fun and is terribly boring. I am not willing to suggest john is lying in any way or telling the truth. At the end of the day...as iggiv says...you only lie to yourself


My problem is with the testing itself.  Anyone can write something out wrong.  Humans have terrible trouble communicating, even when they speak the same language.  (What is John's first language?  LoL  TCH)

To conduct a proper test one must post hard and fast rules and stick to them.  If you cannot stick to hard and fast rules, it is not a system.  Case closed!

A system:

Bet every fifth spin to be red.

Not a system:

Bet every fifth spin if you think it will be red.

I need to let all this go.  It is not good for me and my wife is tired of my being on this box all the time.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: vundarosa on Oct 04, 09:52 PM 2012
He has no reason to lie about the results but i don't believe he sticks to the rules as he posts....the *human factor* thing remember  ;)   i believe he chooses when to bet by feeling and (i don't think he's being straight forward about that) and also think he's a lucky fellow....how else, in any system he touches he gets these whooping results?!
come up with a system where you bet once every 70 spins, give it to JL and you'll see him post the same whooping results.... ;)
why in the world is a guy who's been beatting roulette for ages be playing cents at BV?! :o
Vundarosa you are wrong. There are very few methods that can really beat this game. What I do is nothing special. If a man who has no patience decides he can't wait 50 spins average to win. That's fair enough. But to then attack A man that can is wrong. I'm using cents for two reasons at present. A, the account belongs to Superman and its his 20 euro I am working with. And B, I don't fully trust BV yet. When I do I will open my own account and get serious. Playing the fun mode at BV I've made 71.5 euro without really trying from their 1000 euro BR. If they are really fair I will be winning over 100 euro a week by this time next year. Half for Superman half for me. By 2014. I will be winnng over 400 euro a week. If BV allow it. No ones taking me seriously yet. That will change in time.

They'll have to ban me, mark those words.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Oct 05, 12:35 PM 2012

No ones taking me seriously yet. That will change in time.

They'll have to ban me, mark those words.


you've been saying this for a while now, what 2 years?!....don't think we're getting any closer to taking you seriously thou...



Quote from: vundarosa on Oct 05, 03:07 PM 2012


you've been saying this for a while now, what 2 years?!....don't think we're getting any closer to taking you seriously thou...

Vundarosa it bothers me not. I wasn't doing this two years ago. What I am going to do over the next two years is show any interested how I take a modest sum of just 20 euro to thousands. By playing and growing at the right pace. I will increase in compound form at the rate of 5---10% per week. Or in every 7 played days. As I will have to break from time to time for holidays and other things.

I know human nature well. Once I have gone way beyond recall. And have increased the starting BR by 10 fold. Many will start to realize I know what I am doing. Its not luck. Its METHOD applied with discipline that few possess or everwill. STAYING POWER. that's another attribute few people engaged in this game possess enough of. And without it you can't succeed lonterm. I am tired of talking to be frank. And will step back from this forum. Only coming to update the methods I play and respond to genuinely interested and openminded people.

Superman and Still will keep you updated in due course. And as I have said I am now showing instead of talking. Therell come a time where even the most critical towards me. Will realize even if they can't admit it. I am for real. That's the last comment I will make on this insulting thread in my defense. The results do the talking from now on.


Sorry john...Ive been here 1 year and I am starting to hear a theme of rhetoric and in many ways an air of the esoteric from you. I certainly am not sitting in the wings waiting to gloat over your downfall. Quite the oposite. Im here to learn about all angles of roulette...and randomness..and you let me see the "astrology" side of roulette.

I just think you are losing your audience. And I think your audience is what keeps you going.

be careful.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Oct 05, 03:30 PM 2012
Superman and Still will keep you updated in due course. And as I have said I am now showing instead of talking. Therell come a time where even the most critical towards me. Will realize even if they can't admit it. I am for real. That's the last comment I will make on this insulting thread in my defense. The results do the talking from now on.

JL has a chart thats heading up.  I'm not sure why there is still so much doubt.  Maybe there is doubt about whether JL is explaining his method transparently.  But can anybody doubt a chart that's heading up?  Ok, it represents 50 hours, not including the chart from Bayes RNG that also headed straight up after a while.  50 hours and a bumpy start, so ok, the chart is not yet entirely convincing. 


I can only recommend to put in more hours up front on the BV account to quiet down the mumbling and grumbling.  But with a base unit of a penny, there may not be that much incentive to do so.  I understand why start with a penny. We want to stay under the radar and make a track record.  As you make money, we want to see if BV treats you differently.  With an initial BR of 2000 units, you are on track to double your money every 100 hours of play.  There's always a question of how many units are really necessary.  If you used a 1000 unit BR for example, you would double your money every 50 hours, and by now your base unit could be 2 cents. 

If Turner thinks you are losing your audience because the upward climb is not interesting enough, or whatever, i propose to sweeten the pot.   I would put in $100 if you would raise your base unit accordingly to about 6 cents, and compound it a penny for every $20 increase.    At that, i still think you can stay underneath BV's radar long enough to establish a track record.  I would ask the standard rate, 50% of earnings on my share, collectable whenever BV kicks you out, or whenever you stop compounding and want to maintain a max gain per week.  I would pay Superman 10% of profits coming out of the account and forwarded to me.   

