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Interesting stat on FIVE

Started by Robeenhuut, Oct 12, 03:58 AM 2012

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Quote from: subby on Oct 13, 10:07 AM 2012
I'm looking forward to watching your 3 year stint John, I am almost a convert and in another year I too will be able to start a proper adventure with the discipline I need to get there. At the moment I have the odd fleet away from iron discipline and those fleeting moments are getting fewer and fewer. I know that after Xmas I'll be in a position again to have a decent BR to start again properly without having to take the BR out to pay for some real life issues (which I've had to do a number of times recently to cover dentists, vet fees etc...unexpected bills)

In the new year I'll have what I need to keep the BR for playing the game with and not have to look to use it for other stuff. I'd like a BR sufficiently big to eventually get me a regular £100 a week extra then I can start to take out that £100 and use it.

Iron will and patience is the key and the sooner you realise this then the better off you'll be sooner. Far too many with the "win fast and win loads now" mentality, doing the rounds. Winning 10 units a day for about 300 units a month = £300 a month. That might not sound a lot...but if you can work your BR over the space of 6-12 months to give you the breathing space to see your unit value easily go from £1 units to even just £2 units makes that end month amount of STILL 300 units....worth £600...now we're talking. Imagine the standard 300 units a month when you've grown your BR through laser discipline....when you have £5 units x the 300 units a month....£1500 spending money a month is where you start to have fun.

To play £5 units risking maybe 81 units (code 4 for example) that's £400+ which is really steep to lose that on one loss....BUT....if you've taken 12 months to grow your BR at low unit stakes up to the point you can afford to play £5 unit stakes...then your BR should be up in the £6000-£8000 region. Losing £400 out of £8000 isn't something that should, by the stage your br is that high, be something that affects your mentality in playing the game. If you have worked your BR to that level your mental toughness to deal with a loss and not risk a lose bet, is at, then you're "above" that lose play risk and you'll just keep coining in it playing for 10 units a day.

It is ALL about having the mental will to do it...few if many, perhaps less than 1% of players, will have that mindset toughness to get to the stage where you have a huge BR and good money coming in each month even after taking into account losses in the month....It's being that 1% that's the hard bit to do ...not playing the game systems.

Just my two cents...
Absolutely Subby, you are another who has the right mindset to make it in this game. If BV allow it I will reach stellar levels. And at some point be winning over 20K a week. Its all about growing in relation to BR. None of this I go to the casino with 2k and hope I don't lose it.


Hi John,

Any chance you could state a win U /hour for *****FIVE***** average.

So the answer will look like this.

1U/hour, 5U/ hour, 10 U/Hour

And what is the U?....... U_£1/$1, U=£3,$3

Considering you log wins and can quote 1032/1 you must be able to reply very accuratly.

(I dont log anything, but I can still reply  "..errr..mmm...about £10/hour ish...I only bet 50p chips")



Quote from: Turner on Oct 14, 06:56 AM 2012
Hi John,

Any chance you could state a win U /hour for *****FIVE***** average.

So the answer will look like this.

1U/hour, 5U/ hour, 10 U/Hour

And what is the U?....... U_£1/$1, U=£3,$3

Considering you log wins and can quote 1032/1 you must be able to reply very accuratly.

(I don't log anything, but I can still reply  "..errr..mmm...about £10/hour ish...I only bet 50p chips")

Turner it depends on the situation. As you know I'm playing FIVE on BV RNG for pennies at present and also Live for 5 pound units. Live is slower. I would get no more than two games an hour live on average. So 10 units would be the anwser there. On an RNG. I've had as many as five games in an hour. And two minumum. Once I am at a level where I am playing for Euros next year. I would be playing for 2 euros a game. So anything from 4--10 euros an hour would be possible.

But as I KEEP SAYING. I never just play one method at a time. I play 2---4. So FIVE has a cousin that I call 8 ON 1. And I am playing it in conjunction with FIVE. So between the two of them. I am getting 3---6 games LIVE an hour or 4---8 games on an RNG. Plus theres also the other methods I play.

I don't go by the hour Turner. I go by OVERALL WEEKLY GROWTH, ON TOTAL BANKROLL. I aim for 8% weekly growth on overall bankroll. Or on every 7 played days. As I can't always play everyday. And if you can get that every week. The games yours.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Oct 14, 07:36 AM 2012
Turner it depends on the situation. As you know I'm playing FIVE on BV RNG for pennies at present and also Live for 5 pound units. Live is slower. I would get no more than two games an hour live on average. So 10 units would be the anwser there. On an RNG. I've had as many as five games in an hour. And two minumum. Once I am at a level where I am playing for Euros next year. I would be playing for 2 euros a game. So anything from 4--10 euros an hour would be possible.

But as I KEEP SAYING. I never just play one method at a time. I play 2---4. So FIVE has a cousin that I call 8 ON 1. And I am playing it in conjunction with FIVE. So between the two of them. I am getting 3---6 games LIVE an hour or 4---8 games on an RNG. Plus theres also the other methods I play.

I don't go by the hour Turner. I go by OVERALL WEEKLY GROWTH, ON TOTAL BANKROLL. I aim for 8% weekly growth on overall bankroll. Or on every 7 played days. As I can't always play everyday. And if you can get that every week. The games yours.

Thats fairly concise John...thanks.

So currently, theres no reason to disbelieve mixed systems could make 10-20U/hour on average.

(my questions do sound loaded at times....there not!...It does sound like I am going to jump in with a "if thats so...then why did you say....", Im not)




I dont have a problem with patience and speed really. Provided that i have something that beats the wheel even by a small margin regularly. Then all you have to do is to increase your bet size.
I think that lots of members felt at some point that they had something good but it collapsed when faced with larger number of spins. 
You play recently few methods that always produce above average results including FIVE.
You know the odds of roulette.  Do you really think that in the long run you would be able to maintain constantly a winning record?
Is it that you play always few games a day that gives you the edge?  I dont question your numbers but i guess everybody is aware that a luck plays a crucial role and maintaining your strike rate is far from a given thing. 
You need to have lots more of games under your belt to really make any predictions.
I tested recently a method that in around 150k spins and 3300+ games delivered 2.6u a game and beat average strike rate by almost 3/1 margin. Looks like HOLY GRAIL  ;D Still have doubts.
What i believe in is that the wheel could  sooner or later start producing less favorable spins than i had before. 



QuoteWhat i believe in is that the wheel could  sooner or later start producing less favorable spins than i had before

Excellent choice of words Rob, random has a flow, be it live or RNG, of numbers that will kill anything, that's what we KNOW will happen, when is another question.

As you said many members will have had a method that only died after a long stint of numbers, I posted about a year ago I had a method that lasted an all night run for 5 or 6 days, I left the bot running from when I went to bed until I got up, each day the profit was excellent but then it happened, the inevitable down trend, I did rerun it and it only survived another 2 days then hit 2 bad runs again therefore, the first 5 or 6 days were pure luck.

@ JL one thing that concerns me buddy is you keep saying BV probably wont allow you to win big and you will probably start losing, either you are preparing us/you for a losing streak or you are laying the foundations of a complaint against BV/RNG, I'm sure others have noted this from quite a few of your recent posts, why the negativity? you are usually so full of optimism, if it happens it wont be because they don't want you to take their money, or they've caught on to your methods, it will be because randoms flow has changed.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


i have noticed a downturn in Johns  rhetoric, to the point that i knew he would have a loss (will be soon announcing a loss more like) because he started residing to it, and sure enough there it was.

i don't get all of it really, especially mixing other ideas. Either it works on its own or not....kinda like saying I am a vegetarian...but i do have the odd sausage inbetween meals.

Also, being taken to 4, 70 or so times would make you think that too.
I wouldnt like to be taken to 4 on his £5/unit stint....£135+£135. That would shake the faith of strongest of us.

When it gets to the 4th progression...you start to think "hello my old friend random, have you found me out?"



Quote from: Turner on Oct 14, 02:07 PM 2012
i have noticed a downturn in Johns  rhetoric, to the point that i knew he would have a loss (will be soon announcing a loss more like) because he started residing to it, and sure enough there it was.

i don't get all of it really, especially mixing other ideas. Either it works on its own or not....kinda like saying I am a vegetarian...but i do have the odd sausage inbetween meals.

Also, being taken to 4, 70 or so times would make you think that too.
I wouldnt like to be taken to 4 on his £5/unit stint....£135+£135. That would shake the faith of strongest of us.

When it gets to the 4th progression...you start to think "hello my old friend random, have you found me out?"

To Superman and Turner you both make valid points. I got a hard time today. And lost 2 plus Euro on BV. But it was more my fault for experimenting instead of playing my regular methods. I will put it all back as I always do. But I take both of your points.


******I got a hard time today. And lost 2 plus Euro on BV. But it was more my fault for experimenting instead of playing my regular methods.********

Well, there you have it!!

A fellow who has preached "stick to the game plan" and "have patience" and now we learn he veered off course.  Human after all.

Dostoevsky wrote this same stuff--when?--a hundred years ago?  I think it was called THE GAMBLER.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: Johnlegend on Oct 14, 04:12 PM 2012
To Superman and Turner you both make valid points. I got a hard time today. And lost 2 plus Euro on BV. But it was more my fault for experimenting instead of playing my regular methods. I will put it all back as I always do. But I take both of your points.
I know I carp on about chess...but you must realise that its took its toll on me, and i learned a lot of lessons. Every failure in chess I could back track to a mistake I made.

Even when i played GM Nigel Short...I could of easily put my 28 move loss down to him being massivly better at chess than me. nonsense. Every advantage I gave him was my fault.

I find everything ends up my fault somewhere down the line...and that it perfect to regroup and find a solution. Why? because you know where the problem started.

You don't allways have the luxury of that knowledge.

(sorry for getting all philosophical on your as.s...as our friends over the pond would say)



Philosophical's fine mate.  I'd have been kicked off a long time ago if we couldn't say anything that's not directly related to the topic at hand.

That reminds me.  Where's Chrisbis?  I miss trading shots with him.  I know he was going through some rough personal stuff.  I hope everything turned out okay.
Chris, if you happen to read this, we miss you mate.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: superman on Oct 14, 11:22 AM 2012

Excellent choice of words Rob, random has a flow, be it live or RNG, of numbers that will kill anything, that's what we KNOW will happen, when is another question.

As you said many members will have had a method that only died after a long stint of numbers, I posted about a year ago I had a method that lasted an all night run for 5 or 6 days, I left the bot running from when I went to bed until I got up, each day the profit was excellent but then it happened, the inevitable down trend, I did rerun it and it only survived another 2 days then hit 2 bad runs again therefore, the first 5 or 6 days were pure luck.

@ JL one thing that concerns me buddy is you keep saying BV probably won't allow you to win big and you will probably start losing, either you are preparing us/you for a losing streak or you are laying the foundations of a complaint against BV/RNG, I'm sure others have noted this from quite a few of your recent posts, why the negativity? you are usually so full of optimism, if it happens it won't be because they don't want you to take their money, or they've caught on to your methods, it will be because randoms flow has changed.

So given an example by Superman although a bit extreme (probably few mil of spins)  ;D do you think guys that its possible to produce a playable betting system that can beat a average strike rate constantly. John predicts that his strike rate with FIVE could hold at 400/1 although 200/1 would be excellent and he stands at 200+ with Code 4 after 6000 games.


You can go on and success as long you are lucky to not get those killing numbers. You will never find a method of playing which for sure can stand any number series.

There are allways a way to lose a bet, and they can come in a long row. The likehood it does we can compute, but the expected values is not the real outcome, it can fail any time from the first attempt to a very long series of success.

There is probably not any limits for randomness, that's the reason we can win or lose.

Every million spins are  are likely unique even if all million spins should be number 7.
Nobody has seen that, but nobody has seen any series of a million 2 times either.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Oct 15, 02:51 AM 2012
So given an example by Superman although a bit extreme (probably few mil of spins)  ;D do you think guys that its possible to produce a playable betting system that can beat a average strike rate constantly. John predicts that his strike rate with FIVE could hold at 400/1 although 200/1 would be excellent and he stands at 200+ with Code 4 after 6000 games.
That's true Matt, and 8 ON 1 which I will post up this week is 305/0 And its never been challenged once so far. I'm going after 3 consecutive 4 gaps on the same Dozen. And I've never even been taken to the third step of the progression once yet. After 300 games with FIVE Id been challenged 23 times. I know from playing the ZONE its very hard for random to keep a dozen under FIVE for more than 35spins
