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CCD Methos (First)

Started by rayhd63, Nov 18, 05:53 PM 2012

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CCD Method

look at the last two spins.

We use the two last columns, which have to be diffrent.
If they are not diffrent , then wait for the next spin, till you have two diffrent columns.

This lets us with one unused column. From these 12 numbers, take away the last dozzen numbers and bet on them. 8 numbers to bet.
Bet max 4 times flat.
If a hit comes within 4 spins start with the hit number plus the one before. (Again they have to be diffrent)

I have played over 500 spins, see chart.  Also provided you with the numbers I was playing on them.

The result is flatbetting only. No progression. Played with 1 units.

If a Zero is the last spin or the one before, then allways wait for 2 diffrent dozzens.

What do you think about this method.



Not bad. Curve looks pretty stable.  :)

I'm no flatbetting-expert, did some experimenting only. Like flatbetting on the 9 last numbers etc. Didn't do any statistics around this, but hit rate was not so bad...

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Quote from: rayhd63 on Nov 18, 05:53 PM 2012
CCD Method

look at the last two spins.

We use the two last columns, which have to be diffrent.
If they are not diffrent , then wait for the next spin, till you have two diffrent columns.

This lets us with one unused column. From these 12 numbers, take away the last dozzen numbers and dont bet on them. 8 numbers to bet.
Bet max 4 times flat.
If a hit comes within 4 spins start with the hit number plus the one before. (Again they have to be diffrent)

I have played over 500 spins, see chart.  Also provided you with the numbers I was playing on them.

The result is flatbetting only. No progression. Played with 1 units.

If a Zero is the last spin or the one before, then allways wait for 2 diffrent dozzens.

What do you think about this method.

to clarify.......

we wait for 2 different columns to hit. Say....10, 11, and bet....14,17,20,23......26,29,32,35 for 4

ex,1) 2,35,21 bet .....3,6,9,12.......27,30,33,36..... for 4 spins
ex 2) 2,36 bet .....3,6,9,12........15,18,21,24..... for 4 spins


And this is me walking out the casino with a fat cigar.....thats 3 straight wins


first try always looks like the holy grail...LoL this is proof of that strange phenomenon

laughing here




....if 10 , 11 would hit we would bet :


because 10 is column1, 11 is column 2. So the unhit column is column 3.

then 11 (last hit dozzen) would be dozzen1 , we take off 3,6,9,12 from column1 that leaves us with



Quote from: rayhd63 on Nov 18, 06:47 PM 2012

....if 10 , 11 would hit we would bet :


because 10 is column1, 11 is column 2. So the unhit column is column 3.

then 11 (last hit dozzen) would be dozzen1 , we take off 3,6,9,12 from column1 that leaves us with


I may prefer my misunderstood version...Ive lit the cigar now!!!


...I know, but it could also look like this, when it starts bad but picks up....



Quote from: rayhd63 on Nov 18, 06:50 PM 2012
...I know, but it could also look like this, when it starts bad


I understand...I get the idea now..Im just fascinated by the fact that the first test is awesome...of any idea.
Ignatus has to understand this wierd phenomenon



thanks won ~40euros playing with 0.10

have a good night


   @ rayhd63

I played simultaneously the DDC methode

2 dozens different    I played  the third dozen  minus Colomne from last number.

EX; 21;35   I played  1/4; 7/10; 3/6; 9/12;

and also CCD methode  1/4; 7/10; 13/16; 19/22

TOTAL : 8 PIECES  for 1/4; 7/10 my bonus is double.
Nice game :thumbsup:



I tried it.  (BetPhoenix American Wheel)  Won on first and fourth attempt lost seven attempts: Total -2

It might do better with a virtual win first.


@ ludo8400

the double method CCD + DDC  sounds intresting !!!!

going to try it out immediately



@ rayhd63

I do this game with this recovery progression.

RECOVERY is a fine progression for twelve number bets which can be very useful when combined with a good betting selection.

The progression has the following construction:

1.bet:    1 unit
2.bet:    1 unit
3.bet:    1 unit
4.bet:    2 units
5.bet:    2 units

the next bet is calculated by addition of the last 3 lost bets and dividing the sum by 2:
( 1+2+2 ) : 2 = 5 : 2 = 2.5 whereby the result is rounded up.
6.bet:    ( 1+2+2 ) : 2 = 3 units
7.bet:    ( 2+2+3 ) : 2 = 4 units
8.bet:    ( 2+3+4 ) : 2 = 5 units
and so on.

Every hit recovers the last four lost bets!

After a won bet we continue then with the betsize of the last lost bet.
If this bet loses, we add the three last lost bets and divide that number by 2.
If the attack balance is positive after a win, we begin a new progression!



@ Ludo8400,

nice progression. Thanks !!! Even so I have never played it with progression. Always stoppt after the 4th spin.

To come back to the CCD + DDC ,

if 4 and 33 came, where the 4 is the last spin, you would bet CCD (14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35) + your DDC (145,18,21,24).  Is this the way you would put your bets ?!?

Since i always stoppt after 4 spins, how far down the prgression did you have to go !!

Going to try it out , the progression, see how it works for me....



@ rayhd63

33,4  last numbers

I don't play the double anymore, just 6 units for the 12 numbers.

14/17; 20/23; 15/18; 21/24;    26/29; 32/35;

The progression (Look at the  game on the dozen before picture)

When I have 4 mises lost in a row , I always wait for a virtual winner and start the game again

So perhaps this can help you


