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Started by Hermes, Aug 31, 11:23 PM 2010

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Long time ago, in 1980, we tested 3700 spins of live roulette in Travemunde for dozens formations. We came to astonishing results of the roulette laws. Every one who try to develop system for D or C should know the laws of them.

There came 1625 chops (singles), 536 doubles, 178 triples, 59 streaks of 4, and 34 higher streaks. The single D/C shows up double so often than the sum of all streaks! Each streak shows up 3 times so often as the next higher streak.
A chop of any D/C is to expect once in 2,27 spins, double is to expect in 6,8 spins, triple is to expect in 20,4 spins, one streak of 5 comes in 184 spins. For each streak of 5 on D/C comes 3 streaks of 4, 9 triples, 27 doubles and 81 chops (singles).
Each D/C sleeps double so often as it comes in one streak. For one streak of 4 D/C will sleep than at least for 8 spins (4x2=8). Every D/C will sleep in average for 10 spins once in 184 spins.
Now, one exact D/C (like say 3rd dozen) chop is to expect in 6,8 spins, double is expected in 20,4 spins, triple in 61,2 spins.
Now come the laws of the Figures of D/C in play, but that in next post.


Hermes, having that in mind its safe to say that betting the chops while the wave is in its lower zone is a profitable practice. You know, as well as anybody that has researched dosen/column behaviour that streaks come in clumps, followed by equal wave of chops. Always.

by the way, where did the 4x4 drive turbo revised method disappear? As far as I remember it was a method for betting always on the alternative two d/c's of the last appeared?


The 4x4 was built on that knowledge. I don't know look for it on next pages? They are every day a new systems pushing the older one in the hole.
If you know that in 184 spins all 6 D/C get at least 10 spins to sleep you have at least 6 hits with large bets in 184 spins. Just mark what D or C streaks 5 or more in row and wait for its sleep. Could be even 20 spins winter hibernation? Knowledge is power. Chops are the best to exploit on D/Cs.
Soon come figures. Another subject for exploitation.


OK, now the figures (F). For developing figures always watch last 3 spins!
Figure 1 - XXX; 1D,1D,1D; 3 times the same D/C e.g.. 15,19,17.
Figure 2 - each D/C once e.g.. 2-3-1, zick zack, chops.
Figure 3 - Two D/C in variations e.g.. 1-2-2, 3-2-3, 3-3-1.

Playing only for F1 or F2 needs just one D/C but playing for F3 must bet 2 D/C.
The figures law:
F3 will come double so often as F1 & F2 together.
F2 will come double so often as F1.
Now you can build a system on those laws. I did.
By the way the world record from 1966 is 38 chops on columns without a one streak (F2).
Happy discoveries.


Hi, Hermes, thank you for sharing your knowledge about this interesting roulettetheme.
I ve looked over my real played spins , which I ve noticed by hand and tried something by hand :

watch 2 spins and play the third spin as follows:

same dozens : play the other 2 par.ex doz 2- doz 2  play doz 1 and doz 2

2 different dozens: play the 2 different dozens par. ex. doz 2 doz 3 play doz 2 and doz 3

important: play this for only the fhird spin then

again wait for 2 spins and play like described.

I think there should be a progression , perhaps after 10 minus play 2 units for each dozen till in plus .
This is only an idea, not tested.

Best regards



Yes, kawa your idea about progression is good. If you want to chase just F2 wait for 3rd spin e.g.. 17-25- ? bet 1st dozen (missing dozen) and so on. But it would be better to employ the LW strategy. The F1 is not worth to chase because comes seldom. But F3 has plenty of uses, especially with LW strategy. It is different if you chase doubles only. Very solid system! Doubles come often, and what comes often is easy to exploit.
I already made the system for one D/C where you bet the second last e.g.. 1D-2D-? bet 1D.
On figures it would be the third one. Combine the 2 strategies and you have a solid system for one D/C.


The fantasy has no boundary! You can alternate Figures with real D or C as they are 2/3 different. If you get streaks on one you get on the other chops most of the time. If you play only streaks or only chops alternate!


Ok, example:
D-F1-F2-F3     D1-D2-D3
2                          X
2                          X
2  X                      X
3            X                  X
2            X            X
1       X           X
3       X                       X  
1            X      X
3            X                  X
1            X      X  
2       X                 X
2            X            X
3            X                  X
2            X            X
1       X           X
3       X                       X
1            X      X
1            X      X
1  X                X
and so on... observe always last 3 spins for forming figure. If zero comes between look at it as see through. e.g.. 2-2-0-3  is figure 3, 1-0-1-1 is figure 1, 1-2-0-3 is figure 2.
Can you imagine using F3 with LW strategy? Or F2 as betting single D/C but again with LW strategy?
Even better alternate the figures with real D/C formations as they are 2/3 different? Look the different formations of Figures and Dozens in the example.
P.S. I can do nothing with the dozen columns, they are screwed up. The first is D1, the second D2 and the third line D3.


This is one of the best  systems betting two dozens. (F3) !

Ok, let s  try F3 with Lw strategy.

Use this rules:

Progression Leveller  1/1  ,2/2  ,4/4   stay on 4/4   until in plus.
When bank in plus reset to 1/1.
Trigger is W, bet until appear first L, wait new trigger.
So at L stop and wait new F3, but still wait the virtual  W, than bet.
We bet the last two dozens from the F3 ( Ex: 232  bet 2 and 3)
or other Ex: F3 (122  bet  1 and 2 ).


12  1
13  2
9    1  F3(1,2,1)
15  2  w  trigger, bet 1/1
30  3  L  -2 wait  F3 and trigger w
33  3  F3 (2,3,3)
19  2  w  trigger, bet 2/2
26  3  w    0  bet 2/2
14  2  w  +2  bet 1/1
22  2  w  +3  bet 1/1
35  3  w  +4  bet 1/1
34  3  w  +5  bet 1/1
20  2  w  +6  bet 1/1
13  2  w  +7  bet 1/1
3    1  l   +5  stop wait F3
30  3
32  3  F3 (133)
18  2  F3 (332), no trigger w, no bet
5    1  
25  3
26  3  F3 (133)
1    1  w  trigger  bet 1/1
33  3  w  +6
23  2  l  +4  wait
6    1
2    1  F3(211)
23  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
1    1  w  +6  bet 2/2
19  2  w  +8  bet 1/1
7    1  w  +9  bet 1/1
8    1  w  +10  bet 1/1
13  2  w  +11  bet 1/1
26  3  l  +9  wait
29  3  F3 (233)
4    1  no  W no bet
32  3  F3(313)
23  2  -
27  3  F3(323)
14  2  w  trigger , bet 2/2
18  2  w  +11  bet 2/2
12  1  l  +7   , F3 (221)
12  1  w  trigger   bet 4/4
34  3  l  -1   , F3 (113)
24  2  -
24  2  F3 (322)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 4/4
27  3  w  +3  bet 4/4
8    1  l  -5  wait
12  1  F3 (311)
25  3  -
10  1  F3(131)
26  3  w  trigger  bet 4/4
11  1  w  -1  bet 4/4
6    1  w  +3  bet 4/4
16  2  l  -1  ,  F3(112)
1    1  w  trigger  bet 4/4
2    2  w  +3  bet 4/4
7    1  w  +7  bet 4/4
19  2  w  +11  bet 4/4
9    1  w  +15  (new profit) bet 1/1
35  3  l  +13  wait
12  1  F3(131)
11  1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
23  2  l  +9  ,  F3 (112)
19  2  w  trigger  bet 4/4
23  2  w  +13  bet 4/4
10  1  w  +17 (new profit) bet 1/1
31  3  l  +15  wait
13  2
19  2  F3 (322)
3    1  -  F3(221)
20  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
15  2  w  +17  bet 2/2
5    1  w  +19  bet  1/1
14  2  w  +20  bet 1/1
2    1  w  +21  bet 1/1
14  2  w  +22  bet 1/1
25  3  l  +20  wait
25  3  F3 (233)  
13  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
4    1  l  +16  wait
31  3
27  3  F3 (133)
1    1  w  trigger  bet 4/4
7    1  w  +20  bet 4/4
5    1  w  +24(new profit) bet 1/1
33  1  w  +25  bet 1/1
20  2  l  +23  ,  F3(112)
8    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
20  2  w  +25  bet 2/2
12  1  w  +27  bet 1/1
6    1  w  +28  bet 1/1
24  2  w  +29  bet 1/1
24  2  w  +30  bet 1/1
21  2  w  +31  bet 1/1
12  1  w  +32  bet 1/1
28  3  l  +30  wait
0    -
13  2
10  1
10  1  F3(211)
26  3  -
13  2
31  3  F3(323)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
33  3  w  +32  bet 2/2
29  3  w  +34  bet 1/1
15  2  w  +35  bet 1/1
6    1  l  +33  wait
35  3
8    1  F3 (131)
23  2
19  2  F3 (122)
4    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
10  1  w  +35  bet 2/2
5    1  w  +37  (new profit) bet 1/1
8    1  w  +38  bet  1/1
34  3  l  +36  ,  F3 (113)
7    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
16  2  l  +32  wait
10  1  F3 (121)
25  3
18  2
25  3  F3 (323)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 4/4
13  2  w  +36  bet 4/4
15  2  w  +40(new profit) bet 1/1
5    1  l   +38  , F3 (221)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
0    0  l  +34  wait
3    1  F3(1201)
13  2  w  trigger bet 4/4
21  2  w  +38  bet 4/4
26  3  l  +30  , F3(223)
11  1  
30  3  F3(313)
34  3  trigger   bet 4/4
16  2  l  +22  F3(332)
2    1
7    1  F3 (211)
25  3  F3 (113)
10  1  w  trigger  bet 4/4
35  3  w  +26  bet 4/4
9    1  w  +30  bet 4/4
25  3  w  +34  bet 4/4
14  2  l  +26  wait
16  2  F3(322)
26  3  w  trigger  bet 4/4
16  2  w  +30  bet 4/4
4    1  l  +22  wait
29  3
17  2
6    1
20  2  F3(212)
2    2  w  trigger bet 4/4
14  2  w  +26  bet 4/4
9    1  w  +30  bet 4/4
17  2  w  +34  bet 4/4
21  2  w  +38  bet 4/4
32  3  l  +30  F3(223)
33  3  w  trigger  bet 4/4
27  3  w  +34  bet 4/4
33  3  w  +38  bet 4/4
27  3  w  +42  (new profit) bet 1/1
31  3  w  +43  bet 1/1
7    1  l  +41  F3(331)
31  3  w  trigger  bet 2/2
8    1  w  +43  bet 1/1
20  2  l  +41  wait
17  2  F3(122)
2    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
10  1  w  +43  bet 2/2
8    1  w  +45 (new profit) bet 1/1
25  3  l  +43  F3(113)
34  3  w  trigger  bet 2/2
25  3  w  +45  bet 2/2
14  2  l  +41  F3(332)
16  2  w  trigger bet 4/4
33  3  w  +45  bet 4/4
23  2  w  +49 (new profit) bet 1/1
7    1  l  +47  wait
1    1  F3(211)
2    1  w  trigger bet 2/2
10  1  w  +49  bet 2/2
8    1  w  +51  bet 1/1  new profit
16  2  w  +52  bet 1/1
26  3  l  +50  wait
8    1
1    1  F3(311)
25  3  w  trigger  bet 2/2
36  3  w  +52  bet 2/2
10  1  w  +54  bet 1/1  new profit
31  3  w  +55  

End  session  +55

thanks  Hermes



Excellent execution Kattila, congratulation. It is also less troublesome than 4x4 drive. Now we have a new tweak 4x4 Figures Drive.


Quote from: Hermes on Sep 13, 01:10 PM 2010
Excellent execution Kattila, congratulation. It is also less troublesome than 4x4 drive. Now we have a new tweak 4x4 Figures Drive.

Yeh  , thanks Hermes.
I tested another 5 sessions( around 100 spins each one) and all end Up.
I will keep testing.



Keep testing (like Energizer) and give us a feedback. The figure3 has a future, You could bet F1 & F2 one D/C, but only with LW strategy. They come in clusters.
Thanks Hermes


Yes right, fig. 3  has a future.  I will keep test (when i have the time).   :)

About F1 and F2 ,so one D or C using Lw strategy( W trigger, stop at first L,
wait new trigger W),  the only  enemy is the LWLWLW(or LLLWLLWLWLLLWL..etc...).
The best progression for one D or C  is that one you advice,
the D*Alembert  +1 at win /  at 3 LLLs  -1 .



You are again right, why don't you buy lottery ticket, you would win first price for sure. Ha, ha, ha..
Thanks for the research, Hermes


Thanks for the tests. What is the recommended bankroll and stop loss if things are going against you?
