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Jack Kennedy Square Roulette Method...anyone have it?

Started by MrJ, Sep 02, 09:04 PM 2010

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Red Nickels

Thank you Drogan, I will certainly mull that over.  Jack Kennedy... re-visited...


In the end, this subject will die out, they ALL do.  Ken
Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


MrJ is right, even when you put here  Hog Gail method system it would die after while. Chasing systems is mental exercise to get out of the boring world. Very few people will profit from a good systems, sometimes even the creator don't use it.  The same situation is in Forex world. People chase systems and robots just to forget them soon and chase a new one on the sky. Never satisfied with results. I try to get rid of those habits by alternating the games like craps, roulette, baccarat and SicBo that it is not boring. Another help is to have a same sinned partner to let the fire burn.
I stopped to play BJ after el. shuffling machines took the place.

Red Nickels

Quote from: Drogan on Sep 07, 08:10 PM 2010
So the first is 26. You find 26 on the Ro-let Square. Next spin is 21 RED. So you count the red spaces in between 26 and 21 and you find that there are four.

................. huh?  I see three red spaces in between the 26 and the 21-- the 0, the 32, and the 19.

Red Nickels

I guess you mean number of red spaces 21 is "from" 26, not "in between"... ok I'll keep studying...

Red Nickels

low positions, high positions, clockwise, counter clockwise, oh I am getting a headache again....  I know this is asking a lot but is there any chance Drogan when you have the time that you could create a chart for a double zeroe wheel?  I have a lot of real 00 spins and then I could see if I am doing it right or how you would have done it and also we could see if it wins on my spins....

Red Nickels

Quote from: albalaha on Sep 07, 11:44 PM 2010
I think the purpose of thread completed. People should not use meaningful thread for out of topic chat sort of things.

no way we are still working this baby out and I don't see much out of topic here in this thread....

hmmm, I'm not sure about all this loopin around the wheel card left and right etc and if there is a good rationale behind all that but I can see some rationale and positive results as per my recent testing of real spin data for using the very simple system of tracking the last 38 spins (on an 00 wheel) and if last spin was black bet all the black nos (including the repeats) that hit within the last 38 and if last spin was red bet all the red nos (including the repeats) that hit within the last 38 and continue to do this every spin (till you can't deal with it anymore because it's not easy to do), keeping a rolling window of the last 38.  The rationale:  because you will win half your bets as far as the black or red goes, which would normally be a wash and the house edge will prevail, but you will always be betting less than 18 red or black nos (also I include 0 as a red number and 00 as a black number) so you win more than you lose, and the red or black nos which have hit in the last 38 spin cycle seem to have a high likelihood of hitting again.  seems to be showing good results as per my testing, but difficult to actually implement, but can be done.


Hi Grogan,
Nice chart...Butttttt...It's for a European wheel, right? I like the basic concept of this method but I must be dumber than rocks because I just don't grasp some parts of it like the High and Low.

I like your idea of someone making a program that will give us the betting info without having to do all of the calculations....ANYONE WILLING TO DO IT for both 0 and 00 wheels? There would be a lot of people that would be deeply indebited to you if you will do it...AND I'd be willing to bet there would be a lot more testing results shown here on this thread.

Scooby Doo


Thanks Drogan for the detailed explanation and chart. Like I said, I investigated this a few years ago when there was a big buzz around it, but no-one seemed  clear on the 'correct' way of playing it.

I don't often write code to test systems, UNLESS it's something which grabs my attention and/or seems to be doing well. The problem is that you almost never get a consistent positive response, because those who are doing well  tend to keep quiet (which can often be a good indicator), or they might even trash it even if they ARE doing well with it.  :D

But this is going on my 'to-do' list - definitely. If I get some good results from a manual test (by that I mean 'statistically' significant) then I'll code it.

Maybe some of the other coders around will beat me to it.  :)
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Ok. Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise. High and Low.

That is what is throwing everyone off? Let me see if I can simplify this for you.

Suppose you spun a 23R. The next number spun is 5R. On the Square Ro-let Wheel you can see that 5 is one RED space over from 23 in a clockwise motion.

Now let's look at the number 5 for a moment.

There are eight numbers clockwise from 5. These are 16,1,14,9,18,7,12 and 3.

Since 5 is only 1 number away from 23 you would choose a LOW position. The first four numbers are LOW(16,1,14,9) And the last four numbers are HIGH(18,7,12,3)

You would place your 1 unit bet on the four numbers in the LOW position for the next spin.

Conversely, if the first number was 16R and the next number spun was 5R you can see that 5R is one RED space from 16R in a counter-clockwise motion.

There are eight numbers counter-clockwisse from 5. These are 23,30,36,27,34,25 and 21.

Since 5R is only one space from 16R you would choose a LOW position. The first four numbers are LOW(23,30,36,27) And the last four numbers are a HIGH position(34,26,21,19)

You would place your 1 unit bet on the four numbers in the LOW position for the next spin.

Does that explain it any better?



I read the book and fro what I read Drogan has posted the same as I understand. Except I thought it told us to use the last 38 spins to identify the sleeping #'s. This making it so we do not place bets on them. Are there 2 differant systems here or am I just confused?



Quote from: Drogan on Sep 08, 06:18 AM 2010
Ok. Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise. High and Low.

That is what is throwing everyone off? Let me see if I can simplify this for you.

Suppose you spun a 23R. The next number spun is 5R. On the Square Ro-let Wheel you can see that 5 is one RED space over from 23 in a clockwise motion.

Now let's look at the number 5 for a moment.

There are eight numbers clockwise from 5. These are 16,1,14,9,18,7,12 and 3.

Since 5 is only 1 number away from 23 you would choose a LOW position. The first four numbers are LOW(16,1,14,9) And the last four numbers are HIGH(18,7,12,3)

You would place your 1 unit bet on the four numbers in the LOW position for the next spin.

Conversely, if the first number was 16R and the next number spun was 5R you can see that 5R is one RED space from 16R in a counter-clockwise motion.

There are eight numbers counter-clockwisse from 5. These are 23,30,36,27,34,25 and 21.

Since 5R is only one space from 16R you would choose a LOW position. The first four numbers are LOW(23,30,36,27) And the last four numbers are a HIGH position(34,26,21,19)

You would place your 1 unit bet on the four numbers in the LOW position for the next spin.

Does that explain it any better?


You can always get me on  

Red Nickels

does anyone want to check out/test my holy grail?  -- see reply 52 this thread.

Drogan--  I really appreciate your efforts to explain this system and I am going to study it (again) and test it on my spins, but I am wondering before/while spending a lot of time with this, can you explain what you perceive to be the rationale behind this system and the various moves we are going to make around the wheel and numbers we are picking to bet on?  I like to have some sense of what the rationale is behind a strategy, so I can have a little faith in the system and why it may work, if I am going to play it.  ofcouse if it works and I don't understand why that's ok too... if it works...  Thank you!


Thanks for the explanation, it's was clear and easy to understand.
I read it in 5 minutes, tested your spins, and my results were exactly like yours :)

@Red Nickels
I don't understand your doubt, I think Drogan explanation was great.
Can you be more precise in your doubts?

Quote from: Phishalot on Sep 08, 07:08 AM 2010
I read the book and fro what I read Drogan has posted the same as I understand. Except I thought it told us to use the last 38 spins to identify the sleeping #'s. This making it so we do not place bets on them. Are there 2 differant systems here or am I just confused?


I had the same question before.
It looks like the system you're talking is Square Ro-Let System (From chapter 1 to chapter 9)
The one Drogan explained is Jack's Positional Roulette System (From chapter 9 to chapter 15)

Best regards,



I tested it with this spins link:://web.archive.org/web/20021220150551/:.sq-ro-let.com/ChapterFourteen.html
And good very different results.

I charted C/CC and High/Low well, exactly like the link I posted above.
But my bets are all differents.
Are you sure your bet chart is correct?
