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Jack Kennedy Square Roulette Method...anyone have it?

Started by MrJ, Sep 02, 09:04 PM 2010

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Quote from: Carsch on Sep 08, 02:47 PM 2010
Now, i'm thinking - drug companies must love people like Jack. Well, i've had a few headaches trying to understand his book.  ;D

And did you smoke some joints after that?


Quote from: A3on on Sep 08, 02:27 PM 2010
I hope Drogan is right

I don't get how he got the bets on the 76 spins test :S

I hope this helps:

From chapter 13

QuotePICKING Choice number two (to be used when playing series "B" spins) is starting your count from the last number hit, you will play either clockwise or counter-clockwise positions 2, 3, 4, and 5, (low positions) and positions 6, 7, 8, and 9 (high positions). You ignore positions #1 both clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Meaning that with series B, on the Low Position you don't go 1,2,3,4............but you go 2,3,4,5. Same with the High Position.


As I said earlier. I did not get the 38 spins thing either. But I did get the actual method that he was trying to write about.

As far as the 76 spins in Chapter 14 go....I think Jack was playing HIS system HIS way. I am not sure we are supposed to understand it.

Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Sep 08, 02:35 PM 2010
Have played this method when was actual few years back,
and I see that all of you are bit confused how to exactly play this.
This doesn't have to be strictly play as suggested,as he also explains
that one don't have to play necessary requested low or high numbers...
can also mix it among these,but always 4 numbers,depending on
previous spins situation.that's how I play it until found a better method
Good luck.

I was trying to adhere to the rules as strict as possible in my explanations. But once you get the system down you can change it at your leisure. If it wins more power to you.

Quote from: Carsch on Sep 08, 12:58 PM 2010
Drogan, check your chart. You have C & CC mixed up on these lines

1RL  C- CC-
1RH  C- CC-

Thanks Carsch for pointing out the error. I have made the changes below.

Quote from: Carsch on Sep 08, 03:10 PM 2010
I hope this helps:

From chapter 13

Meaning that with series B, on the Low Position you don't go 1,2,3,4............but you go 2,3,4,5. Same with the High Position.

Well that explains alot! I did not even realize that.

Quote from: Carsch on Sep 08, 02:47 PM 2010
Jack made me think that it is possible to keep your winning system for yourself by making it into a puzzle that anyone who would attempt to decipher it would just give up with massive headaches and dizziness. Not a bad idea.  ;D

And therein lies the genius of Jack Kennedy.  8)



Hello Drogan
So after what Carsch said:
"I hope this helps:

From chapter 13

Meaning that with series B, on the Low Position you don't go 1,2,3,4............but you go 2,3,4,5. Same with the High Position.

You will play in a different way, or still stick to the way you explained us?



Hi Afonso,

I would say try both ways and do what works best for YOU!



Sorry I was so slow with this. While I was doing it, these other posts appeared.

Sent by Carsch on Today at 10:58:55 am
Drogan, check your chart. You have C & CC mixed up on these lines

1RL  C- CC-
1RH  C- CC-

Thanks Carsch for pointing out the error. I have made the changes below.


As well as the above:

5RH  C and CC values are reversed

12RL  CC should be 7,18,9,14

24BL  22 should be moved from CC to C

24BH C and CC values are reversed.

I thinks that's all.

By the way, thanks for the file. It makes things so much easier.



Quote from: StackBundles on Sep 08, 11:00 AM 2010
Ok lets see if I got this right

numbers are


8 is 7 black spaces from 29 so we would bet high clockwise 4-2-17-6 is this correct?

10 comes so I guess that's a loser so we count 6 spaces from 29 to reach black which went anti clockwise so we would bet high anti clockwise 17-2-4-15

28 came so that's a loss and is 7 spaces away from black so we would bet high clockwise

26 came so that's a loss and is 2 spaces clockwise
so now we would bet low clockwise 15-4-2-17

24 came so that's a loss and is 8 spaces anti clockwise so we would bet high anti clockwise

is this correct or have I done something wrong?

also what happens when 0 comes out or a repeat of the same number



You've got the right idea, except for the zero. Zero is both black and red.

Dowmload Drogan's file. It will be clearer. Plus he has all the number combinations  listed.

In your example, these are the corrections:

8 then 29, bet 15,4,2,17

10 then 28, bet 4,2,17,6

28 then 26, bet 0,15,4,2

These are the moves where the zero comes into play. You have the rest correct.

When a zero comes up, you bet by the same rules. See Drogan's file.

If zero repeats, I would tend to repeat the bet.

This is according to Drogan's interpretation. But now there is the suggestion that numbers 2,3,4,5 be played rather than 1,2,3,4 , so we'll see how it plays out.




I already talked to Stack and said him the same thing

He did everything correct except the bet selection.
With Drogans sheet I think he have everything to play it correctly  :thumbsup:

Red Nickels

Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Sep 08, 12:18 PM 2010
that's kind of Albalaha contributing.....competition threat.
He is getting without customers in his EXCLUSIVE section....so please
end this thread.

............ I don't even know what that means and I have never seen or read Albalaha's section (but maybe I should check it out) (above was written below my quoted post describing related system I suggested that seems to be working on my test spins).........

Quote from: Carsch on Sep 08, 11:06 AM 2010
Red, it's easier if you keep track of the no-shows. It's less numbers to deal with, mostly if you're at a land-based casino, and with that you'll still know what the last 38 numbers are without having to keep track of them.

......... thank you for the suggestion Carsch.

Quote from: A3on on Sep 08, 10:25 AM 2010
@Red NickelsI don't understand your doubt, I think Drogan explanation was great.
Can you be more precise in your doubts?

I have no doubts that I can follow the system correctly since it has been explained so well in this thread.  I am just asking what is the rationale, the LOGIC behind this system?  If that can be explained, that would be good... if it can't, well, if the system seems to work for whatever reasons, that's cool too.


Quote from: Mikeo on Sep 08, 04:10 PM 2010
As well as the above:

5RH  C and CC values are reversed

12RL  CC should be 7,18,9,14

24BL  22 should be moved from CC to C

24BH C and CC values are reversed.

I thinks that's all.

By the way, thanks for the file. It makes things so much easier.


Thanks Mike. I have made the necessary changes. Please let me know if you find anymore.


It wasn't meant regarding your post--about Albalaha-but post before you.
You can always get me on  


has nobody got any results they can post up of what they have found out so far?



I am not sure of the rationale of this system. I am sure that in his own way Jack tries to explain it somewhere in the book, but without re-reading it I am not sure where.

Anyone else want to have a go at this question?



First Test:

Spins: 38
Spins Played: 33 (First and last spins aren't played, as first don't have bet selection yet and last don't have no number next to play, and 3 spins were no bet [repeat or 10 count])
Wins: 4

Profit: +12
