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Jack Kennedy Square Roulette Method...anyone have it?

Started by MrJ, Sep 02, 09:04 PM 2010

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Red Nickels

Quote from: Drogan on Sep 08, 05:23 PM 2010

I am not sure of the rationale of this system. I am sure that in his own way Jack tries to explain it somewhere in the book, but without re-reading it I am not sure where.

Anyone else want to have a go at this question?


.......... that's cool, he does go on and on and on and you're right, there must be a method to the madness there that probably only he can follow anyway. 


Weisbaden July 1, 2010 table 3

Spin,Number,Type,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.,Bet Layout

1,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,0,
2,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,0,
3,10,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,-4,1 : 5,23,30,36
4,3,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,-8,1 : 22,28,29,35
5,4,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,-12,1 : 25,27,34,36
6,25,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,-16,1 : 2,6,13,17
7,7,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,-20,1 : 27,30,34,36
8,23,Bet,4,36,-4,32,12,1 : 5,16,23,30
9,32,Bet,4,36,-4,32,44,1 : 19,21,25,32
10,17,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,40,1 : 1,9,14,18
11,32,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,36,1 : 6,8,11,13
12,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,32,1 : 3,7,12,0
13,2,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,28,1 : 5,23,30,36
14,32,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,24,1 : 8,10,24,33
15,28,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,20,1 : 3,7,12,0
16,28,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,16,1 : 20,22,29,31
17,22,Bet,4,36,-4,32,48,1 : 20,22,29,31
18,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,44,1 : 20,24,31,33
19,32,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,40,1 : 3,7,12,0
20,15,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,36,1 : 23,27,30,36
21,13,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,32,1 : 2,4,6,17
22,4,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,28,1 : 20,22,31,33
23,15,Bet,4,36,-4,32,60,1 : 15,26,35,0
24,33,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,56,1 : 26,28,35,0
25,17,Bet,4,36,-4,32,88,1 : 2,6,13,17
26,12,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,84,1 : 26,28,29,35
27,1,Bet,4,36,-4,32,116,1 : 1,5,16,23
28,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,112,1 : 25,27,34,36
29,1,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,108,1 : 3,7,12,0
30,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,104,1 : 5,16,23,30
31,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,100,1 : 3,7,12,0
32,19,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,96,1 : 3,7,12,0
33,11,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,92,1 : 5,23,30,36
34,6,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,88,1 : 20,22,29,31
35,4,Bet,4,36,-4,32,120,1 : 2,4,15,17
36,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,116,1 : 15,26,35,0
37,17,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,112,1 : 5,23,30,36
38,13,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,108,1 : 10,20,24,33


6 Wins  +108


Good results over there Mikeo :)

Tomorrow I will make a test session with your spins
Just to see if I get the same bets and results, I want to be sure I'm doing everything right ^^

Best regards,




Weisbaden  July 1, 2010  table 4

Spin.Number.Type.Bet Unit.Win.Loss.Net.Unit Bal..Bet Layout

1.23.No Bet.
2.13.No Bet.
3.17.Bet.4.36.- :
4.12.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.28.1 :
5.32.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.24.1 :
6.11.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.20.1 :
7.33.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.16.1 :
8.26.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.12.1 :
9.36.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.8.1 :
10.14.Bet.4.36.- :
11.14.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.36.1 :
12.3.Bet.4.36.- :
13.23.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.64.1 :
14.9.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.60.1 :
15.29.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.56.1 :
16.8.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.52.1 :
17.3.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.48.1 :
18.9.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.44.1 :
19.15.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.40.1 :
20.29.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.36.1 :
21.23.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.32.1 :
22.15.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.28.1 :
23.23.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.24.1 :
24.32.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.20.1 :
25.19.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.16.1 :
26.16.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.12.1 :
27.31.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.8.1 :
28.14.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.4.1 :
29.17.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.0.1 :
30.33.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-4.1 :
31.13.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-8.1 :
32.21.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-12.1 :
33.2.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-16.1 :
34.10.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-20.1 :
35.21.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-24.1 :
36.10.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-28.1 :
37.34.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-32.1 :
38.32.Bet.4.0.-4.-4.-36.1 :


3 wins  -36

Oh well. You won't win them all.

Actually, I'm just running the 38 spins for testing purposes. With an average of 6 wins expected in 38 spins, I might consider quitting after 3 wins. Maybe a safer bet. Maybe not. More testing needed.


Hi all, this is the reason Jack explained why his system win, how do you think??

What are we doing when we are playing single-zero Positional Ro-let? Suppose your last hit was red 9.  On your single zero roulette card place a paperclip on red 9.  Now play counter-clockwise positions 1, 2, 3, and 4, which are red 14, 1, 16, and 5.  When you incorporate the black numbers between them and on each end, you have B31, R14, B20, R1, B33, R16, B24, R5, and B10, which is a string of nine numbers, which is about 1/4 of the roulette wheel.  You are always playing 1/4 of the wheel to repeat the same color in the four positions you picked.  Yes, there are only four red numbers compared to five black numbers in that position sector you picked, but it does not matter because if it hits any black number you have an outright loser, which is already incorporated into your 52% losing spins.  Now during play you do not know how many of those four red numbers are no-shows; it can be one, two, three, or even four, but if it hits the same color again in that section of the wheel that you are playing, all four numbers are covered because most no-shows will hit in the next 37 or 38 spins


I just played 82 spins from Spielbank. However, I did play RB & EO at the same time for max profit. Just flat bets. The cool thing about playing 2 EC at the same time is that sometimes you'll get double wins, if that makes any difference.  ::)

Net Profit: 282 units

At one point I went 25 spins with no hits.

How I was playing? Whatever came to mind, I just went along with it. Either CCH or CCL, or CL or CH. I figure that whichever way you go, you still have about the same chances as long as you vary your play. So, and maybe it doesn't really matter how you play it, which Jack pointed out somewhere in the book.


Quote from: Carsch on Sep 09, 08:40 AM 2010
I just played 82 spins from Spielbank. However, I did play RB & EO at the same time for max profit. Just flat bets. The cool thing about playing 2 EC at the same time is that sometimes you'll get double wins, if that makes any difference.  ::)

Net Profit: 282 units

At one point I went 25 spins with no hits.

How I was playing? Whatever came to mind, I just went along with it. Either CCH or CCL, or CL or CH. I figure that whichever way you go, you still have about the same chances as long as you vary your play. So, and maybe it doesn't really matter how you play it, which Jack pointed out somewhere in the book.

Over 7 thousand in profit if you had been playing Ã,£$25 level stakes ;D
Impressive going,jack mentions that this is a flat betting method,although I remember reading somewhere in his writing he did occasionaly use a slight progression but only for a short while.

I think the explanation of how he actually plays his method could have been explained a bit better,he even admits this himself.

Playing random seems to work just as well,varying between the low positional numbers which are either 1234,or 2345 or the high positional numbers which are 5678 or 6789,either clockwise or counter clockwise.

I'm still a bit unsure how you play the zero exactly so I have been ignoring it unless it has hit twice in 15 spins then I play it for one spin along with either 3 red or black numbers either side.

Jack recommends you do this with any number that has hit twice in the last 15 spins,the only time you play the last number that has hit.

I still think you could use this method with Jacks other method" square roulette" where you only play the  red or black numbers that have hit in the last 38 spins,so if for example 13 black numbers have hit in the last 37 spins you would play 4 numbers from the 13 that had hit.Its obviously an evolving situation which numbers have hit and not hit in the last 38 spins,and I think that's where Jack had problems with his square roulette method, as he was keen for someone to write a computer program to help out on which numbers were hot and cold over the short term.

Overall though" positional roulette " is by far one of the best methods I have come across .I just can't believe it has hardly been mentioned before in the various online roulette forums :)


i think im still abit confussed on this method i have gone the whole way of the progression that was mentioned up from Ã,£1 to Ã,£6 without getting a hit i know this is going to happen now and then just depends how often anyone else had a bad experiance?


Quote from: StackBundles on Sep 09, 10:19 AM 2010
I think I'm still abit confussed on this method I have gone the whole way of the progression that was mentioned up from Ã,£1 to Ã,£6 without getting a hit I know this is going to happen now and then just depends how often anyone else had a bad experiance?

Personaly I think it's better play flat betting than with progression
I've been playing like drogan explained and I got like 25 spins with no hit, but suddenly you can have like 4 hits in 6 spins.
So for me, a progression would just ruin the beauty of this system


Quote from: moles40 on Sep 09, 09:51 AM 2010
Over 7 thousand in profit if you had been playing Ã,£$25 level stakes ;D

Yeah, but it would have been a bit scary once i was at -200 units.

QuoteImpressive going,jack mentions that this is a flat betting method,although I remember reading somewhere in his writing he did occasionaly use a slight progression but only for a short while.

Well, try playing the way i did, with 2 EC at the same time. YOu might not need a progression at all.

QuoteI still think you could use this method with Jacks other method" square roulette" where you only play the  red or black numbers that have hit in the last 38 spins,so if for example 13 black numbers have hit in the last 37 spins you would play 4 numbers from the 13 that had hit.

I tried it...........well, only i was playing the 4 (RB) that hit last . But i'm sure one could come up with a better, different way to select those 4 numbers from the previous 38.

QuoteOverall though" positional roulette " is by far one of the best methods I have come across .I just can't believe it has hardly been mentioned before in the various online roulette forums :)

That's because people don't understand it. Can't blame them


I tried a variant of this method using the numbers as they show on the table layout. I did pretty good actually. A number hits, I go Up Low, then for the next spin, Up High, the next spin Down Low, then Down High. If last spin was 3, for example, and i'm going Down, I go backwards like this (looking at the table layout):

3 <-----last no hit.............Going RED Down Low............i start counting 1, 36, 34, 32........and I play those numbers.

Same thing if the last number was 34, for example, and I have to go up........then I go 36, 1, 3, 5. I hadn't been counting the zero(s).


can anyone design a database for this system so we know exactley what we are betting
so rules are correct id rather have it flat betting aswell i just havent got the time to create the database
