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Started by Le_Chiffre, Jan 25, 03:29 PM 2013

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I don't play Blackjack anymore, but Tomla021 has a friend who has tweaked the progression and says he's had very good luck playing it.  Like many of these systems, it's a moderate progression with two recovery modes where you bet larger units to recover your base loss.  I'm sure it would take an effort to get up to speed and comparing it to double dozens in roulette doesn't work.

I'm getting a few comments from the Mrs, so I'm going to have to back off from posting for a while.  I've enjoyed the interchange with you.

Good luck on your quest. 

Remember that knot in the stomach you got when down 2,000.  If it were me, I'd take that as a sign that it would be hard to keep good control if things got much worse than that.

Discipline and patience are key.

Also, "Know thyself!"

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



I just can't help but share a new bet progression.  All my progressions start with even chance bets and then I adapt them to dozens or dbl dozens etc...

This bet method is based on taking advantage of hot streaks.  If you notice, most of the time when you're playing, you are having average luck.  But, there are times when you're having very bad luck and other times when you're having phenomenal luck.  This method exploits the latter.

A good thing about this method is that it's a flat bet, sort of.

I'll explain using e.c.s

Buy in for 12 units.  Flat bet 1 unit until you have 24 units in front of you or you have 0 units.  This can take a very long time or it can happen very quickly.

If you lose all 12 units, you decide if you want to call it a day or try again.

Let's assume we are on a hot streak and we win 12 more units.  Put your original 12 units in your pocket and play with the 12 you just won.

Double your bet size to 2 units and play until you either get behind 4 bets or get ahead 6 bets.  If you get behind 4 bets, end the session.  You will have won 4 units.

If you get ahead 3 bets, put these 12 units in your pocket.

Continue play with the original 12 units you won.

Your bet size goes from 2 units to 3 units.  That means we have 4 bets worth of 3 units each.  If you get behind 3 bets, end the session.  You will have won 3 more units.

If you get ahead 4 bets, put these 12 units in your pocket.

Continue to play with the original 12 units you won.

Your bet size goes from 3 units to 4 units.  That means we have 3 bets worth of 4 units each.  If you get behind 2 bets, end the session.  You will have won 4 more units.

If you get ahead 3 bets, put these 12 units in your pocket.

Your bet size goes from 4 units to 6 units.  That means we have 2 bets worth of 4 units each.  If you get behind 1 bet, end the session.  You will have won 6 more units.

If you get ahead 2 bets, put these 12 units in your pocket.  That means you won 60 units.  Go home.  How lucky do you think you can get?

Of course, you don't have to play all 5 levels.  You could only play 3 or 4 levels.  And, you don't have to play until you win 12 units at each level.  You could stop when you've only won 6 units or 9 units.

That means for example if you're at the 6 bet level of 2 units each, instead of playing until you're up 6 bets, you could end that level when you're up 4 bets.

You can tweak this any way you want.  All you're risking at one time is 12 units and once you win at the 1st level, you walk away a winner no matter how much further you get in the progressions.

To adapt this to double dozens, I think you just basically double all the numbers with an adjustment for the difference in win values vs loss values since you lose twice as much on a loss as you win on a win.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


GLC, thanks for the method.  It seems like an interesting little way to play.  I will test it tomorrow on demo and then give it a go for real if it seems ok from the tests.

I played your 1 win for 4 losses labby method today.  It does work nicely on double dozens, the only trouble is that as i guessed on live casino it takes a lot of time to make just 10 units.  I think if i didn't have such a big target to make and I just wanted to make about 20-30 units per day with a couple of thousand bankroll it would be one of the best ways to play (again with the courage to use the said bankroll).

I managed to make 500 units today so I am up 1k since friday.  I know i broke my rule of 250 per day but I made the first 250 very quickly and I was very bored today....of course the whole time i was making the second 250 i was thinking 'if it takes you now it's your own fault for breaking your own rules!!'  50 units of it came from the 1 win for 4 losses method.


I love to hear good news.  The problem I have is that once my brain gets going, I can't turn it off.

I've been testing this newer idea.  Maybe it's a new old idea, but I can't remember anyone suggesting this.

This is a meld between a single dozen and a double dozen bet.

Begin by betting 4 units on the last dozen or use your own bet selection method.

If you win, leave the 4 units on the same dozen.

When you finally lose, leave the 4 units on the same dozen and bet 1 unit on the dozen that just hit.

From this point, you must win 2 times in a row to end the attack at that level.  If you hit the dozen with no bets or the dozen with 1 unit bet on it, you add 1 unit to the dozen with 1 unit on it.  If you hit the dozen with 4 units on it, just spin again.  Another hit on the dozen with 4 units ends this attack.

Every time you spin and lose units on the result, you add another unit to the second dozen.  You do this until you reach 4 units on both dozens.  At this point a loss or 2 wins in a row ends the attack.

If you have 4 units on the main dozen and 2 units on the 2nd dozen, and you hit the 2nd dozen, this is a break even and it doesn't count as a loss or a win so no new unit placed on it.  If there are 4 units on the main dozen and 3 units on the 2nd dozen and you hit the 2nd dozen, this counts as one of the 2 wins in a row that ends that attack.

There's a progression to this method although if you want, you can play it flat betting.  I haven't tested it but to +200 units and I was using the D'Alembert progression of +1, -1.

If you end an attack and you're still in the hole, you add 1 unit for each street and play again.  That means you will start with 8 units on the main dozen (you decide how you're going to pick the main dozen)  and each time you lose money on a spin, you add 2 units to the minor dozen ( you decide how you're going to pick the minor dozen).  Two wins in a row where you actually win units, not just break even, end that attack or a loss once you have the same number of units on the minor dozen as on the main dozen ends the attack.

Once an attack has ended, if you're within a few units of even or you are at a new profit you re-set and if you're still in the hole, you add another unit to the bet on each street.

I say to the bet on each street, because even though we are betting on dozens, we're betting as if we're betting on streets.  Our main dozen will start with 4 units at level 1, 8 units at level 2, 12 units at level 3, etc... 

Our minor dozen will increase by 1 unit each loss at level 1, 2 units each loss at level 2, 3 units each loss at level 4, etc...

If you get to larger levels and you have a win, you can drop back to a smaller bet level that a good double win will reach a new profit.

I'm sorry that this is a little complicated, but a couple of readings and it should be quite clear.

I'm going to start a new topic with this idea because I think it might have some legs.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


To summarize,  We start by betting on our main dozen 4 units.  Every time we spin and have a loss of any amount, we add 1 unit to our minor dozen.  Any time we have 2 wins in a row, it ends that attack.  Often we will be at a new high.  Any time we lose a spin when we have 4 units on both dozens, that also ends the attack.

Any time we end the attack because we had a loss when both dozens had equal units on them, it means we are in the hole.  We move up 1 level.  That means we start with our main dozen having 8 units.  If we end the 2nd level with a loss, then we move to the 3rd level which starts our main dozen with 12 units.

This rule of adding units after each loss up to 4 units means that the most we can lose on each attack is 5 times.  It is very rare to lose 5 times because we are betting on more than half the table after the first 3 losses.

The reason I start with 4 units is because I originally started playing this way betting on 4 streets and then adding a new street after each lost spin until I had 8 streets bet.  Then 2 wins in a row ends the attack or a single loss once we have 8 streets bet ends the attack.

You can play it either way.  Using the dozens is a little easier to place bets, but using streets might be preferable if you have a good street bet selection method that you like.

Just in case you're wondering, I come up with these systems that start with 4 units because my airball machine is a quarter machine but it has a $1 minimum.  That limits me to 10 levels to play the system with.  I've never gotten passed level 5 so far.  Remember, I've just begun to test this.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Pros and Cons.


Because we have the possibility of hitting a 2:1 payoff on our 1st bet out of the box or at the start of each attack, we can recover losses very quickly. 

If we fail to win early, our chances of winning 2 in a row increase as we bet on more and more lines. 

An attack is limited to a maximum of 9 spins.


The house always has a small percent advantage.

Maximum number of units that can be lost in an attack is 30.

If you use my suggested progression, with a bad enough series of spins, you can lose an indefinite amount of money so a stop-loss is a requirement.

The last con I can think of off the top of my head is that this will win steadily most of the time and it will feel like with a large enough bankroll, it can't lose.  It can lose.  When it does, we must have the awareness to expect to reach our stop-loss every now and then.  It's what I call paying your taxes.  I always remind myself that at least 90% of what I'm winning is going to be lost at some point in the future.  Sometimes not so far in the future.  And sometimes more than 90%.

Here's how I would play based on follow-the-last.

3rd dozen spins so I bet 4 units on the 3rd dozen.
2nd dozen spins so I lose 4 units.  Next bet is still 4 units on the 3rd dozen and now 1 unit on the 2nd dozen also.
2nd dozen spins.  I win 2 units on the 2nd doz and lose 4 units on the 3rd doz so -2 units net.
I place 1 more units on the 2nd dozen.  Now I have 4 units on the 3rd doz and 2 units on the 2nd doz.
1st dozen spins.  I lose on both dozens.  -6 units.  I now bet 3 units on the 2nd doz and 4 on the 3rd.
3rd dozen spins.  I win 8 units less the 3 on the 2nd dozen for +5 units.  I rebet the 4 units on the 3rd doz and the 3 units on the 2nd doz.
2nd dozen spins.  I win 6 units on the 2nd doz and lose 4 units on the 3rd dozen.
That's 2 wins in a row, so I end this attack.
I'm -5 units for this attack so I should move to 2 units per bet or I could be more conservative and stay at 1 unit per bet because a good result on this next attack at the 1 level could pull me back to even.

Remember, this was originally designed to be played on streets which I think is a better way to play it.

This appears to be a pretty strong system but they all do until they fall apart.

Enough said. 

Questions are welcome.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


GLC, I have replied to your PM.

I am doing some more tests on demo with your suggestions.  Not having much luck at the minute though 4 zeros in 7 spins...what are the chances? The joys of RNG  ;D



What bank is need to play somewhat safe with 1 win for 4 loses method with even chance? Maybe around 50 000 :) ?


I'd say 3k minimum for cancellation systems.  And you must be prepared to stake it all if the time comes.  No good putting 3k in your account and then losing your nerve when the drawdown gets to -500 or something.  If you can only handle losing 500, only have a 500 bankroll. 


Yeah, I think that 3K is abosulute minimum....may be your bankroll of 25 000 is good enough to survive bad runs


tbh as I'm playing double columns i haven't yet had a really nasty run (that's not to say i wont though) the max drawndown is 2k.  I wouldn't play this on E.C like red/black.  I've found the hit rate to be terrible with labbys on e.c whether it be betting on the last colour spun or the penultimate one spun etc... I'm surprised myself as to how well the labby on double columns is doing (not that I want to sound too c***y just yet as I still respect the wheel and know it could turn against me any time) the good thing about doing labby on double columns is the hit rate is very good so the strings don't get too big very often, sometimes can clear a few lines in one go without a loss.  But the bad thing about it is having to write down double to loss so the stakes get high quickly even if the string isn't that big.

I'll see how it goes and i may just reduce my bankroll to 5k...linking to what i said before of having a bankroll of what you want to risk.


don't play columns. play lines, streets and/or corners. That's probably the optimal solution. Not too many chips, fast layout, not too complicated combinations (unlike single numbers and splits), but You can cover as much table as u want with DIFFERENT combinations. Columns, dozens are very dangerous. Very strict combinations of numbers
which make them easy chance to lose many times. Think about it. You play the same 12 numbers very frequently.
Clear road to disaster. Remember -- outside bets are a very good choice for outsiders.

"i may just reduce my bankroll to 5k" --that's the best idea u got so far

just my couple of cents


Quote from: Le_Chiffre on Jan 28, 12:42 PM 2013

I'll see how it goes and i may just reduce my bankroll to 5k...linking to what i said before of having a bankroll of what you want to risk.

I agree with Iggiv on this one.  Why not have 5 banks of 5K.  That gives you 5 shots at beating this crazy game.  Betting $5 units, that's 5 banks of 1000 units each.

If you lose a bank, you can do a gut check to see if you really want to continue.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Le_Chiffre on Jan 28, 12:42 PM 2013
to be honest as I'm playing double columns i haven't yet had a really nasty run (that's not to say i won't though) the max drawndown is 2k.  I wouldn't play this on E.C like red/black.  I've found the hit rate to be terrible with labbys on e.c whether it be betting on the last colour spun or the penultimate one spun etc... I'm surprised myself as to how well the labby on double columns is doing (not that I want to sound too c***y just yet as I still respect the wheel and know it could turn against me any time) the good thing about doing labby on double columns is the hit rate is very good so the strings don't get too big very often, sometimes can clear a few lines in one go without a loss.  But the bad thing about it is having to write down double to loss so the stakes get high quickly even if the string isn't that big.

I'll see how it goes and i may just reduce my bankroll to 5k...linking to what i said before of having a bankroll of what you want to risk.

---And while on column 1,2 with red/32 numbers active.......columns 1,3,with black,
also 32 numbers...if you interested can pm  me and shall explain bet selection.......and some other secrets about this miracle bet.


i don't believe in miracle bets...Especially the  same exact bets...They are DANGEROUS
