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Six locations w/parlay

Started by GLC, Feb 04, 12:10 AM 2013

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We're going to play all 6 even chance locations, i.e. r/b, h/l, o/e.

We're going to have a progression for each of the 6 locations.

We're going to use a boffins type progression.  The boffins bet is just a single parlay. 

1-1-1-1-2-2-3-4-5-7 is our steps in the progression.

We bet the units indicated and if we win, we leave our bet and our winnings for the next spin.

If we lose either of the bets, we move to the right 1 step. 

If we win our original bet and the let-it-ride (parlay) bet, we will have recovered all lost units in that progression and be at either a positive balance or even, so we can reset to the 1st 1 unit bet.

Our bet selection process is very easy.  We bet for a change after 2 in a row, 4 in a row, 6 in a row, 8 in a row etc...  In other words if we have RR that's 2 in a row so we bet for B 1 time.  If we win, we wait for the next RR and we bet the parlay half of that bet.  If that wins, we will be at a new high or at least even for that progression and we start over at the 1st 1 unit bet in that progression.

If we have RR and we get another R, we have lost at that level and we wait to see what the R's will do.  If the next spin is a B so that we have RRRB, then we wait until we get RR again and we bet the number of units that are appropriate.

If we have RRR and we get another R, that makes 4 R's so we have another bet trigger and we bet the next appropriate bet.  As long as the streak continues, we bet for a change of color after even numbers only, i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, etc...

Any time our overall bank total reaches a new high balance, we reset all 6 progressions to the 1st 1 unit bet.

At most and rarely we will be betting on 3 locations.  Less often on 2 locations and most often on 1 location.  Rarely will we have no bet trigger but it does happen.

All we have to do is keep track of each progression and check our spins to see if we have 2 of the same in any of the 6 locations.  Or any even number of the same even chance. 

So, if we have RR or OO or HH or BB or EE or LL then we bet the next bet in our progression/parlay for a change.

We only bet 1 time for each trigger.

We never bet after an odd number of an even chance.  So if we have RRR this is a no bet situation and we wait to see if we get another R or a B.  If we get another R then we have an even number of R's and we can bet for a B for the next spin.  But if we have gotten a B making RRRB, then we wait to see if we get another B which would be a trigger for a bet from the B progression or an R which is a no bet situation.

It's actually very simple, but it will require pen and paper to keep track of where you are in the bet lines.

You don't need to write down the spins, just look to see if you have an even number streak of one of the 6 locations and if you do, it's a trigger for the next bet in that locations progression.

Each progression represents 27 units if you lose all 10 levels.  Multiply this times 6 and the absolute most you can lose is 162 units.  Of course this is impossible.

A very safe buy-in is 100 units.

I would play to win at least 25 units, although all I think we need is our stop loss of 100 units.  You can stop at any point for a win.

If you get a zero, it represents a loss just as if you had gotten a repeat.  And we only bet for a change, never a repeat.

Some options:  You don't have to reset when you reach a new global high bank, you can, instead, set a win target of say 10 units and when you reach +10, you reset all 6 bet lines.

And, of course, you can play with only 4 even chance locations or 3 or 2 or only 1.  Meaning, you can play only the R location.  Or you can play only the R and B locations.  Or you can play R, E, H for 3 locations etc...

Give it a try.  You'll find that it's very stable and rare to lose 100 units.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


If we win, we wait for the next RR and we bet the parlay half of that bet.

That is not what the copy of the "Boffin's Bet" that I have says to do.  It says to let the bet ride, not bet half of it.  If you win a unit, your next bet is two units.

Or am I wrong?

Thanks, George.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 04, 10:06 AM 2013
If we win, we wait for the next RR and we bet the parlay half of that bet.

That is not what the copy of the "Boffin's Bet" that I have says to do.  It says to let the bet ride, not bet half of it.  If you win a unit, your next bet is two units.

Or am I wrong?

Thanks, George.


Sam,  I must have miscommunicated.  Your RR question is correct.  Your understanding of the boffins bet is correct.  We bet 1 unit and if we win, we let our original 1 unit plus the 1 unit we won ride for the next bet.

Our progression line could be written like this:  1/2; 1/2; 1/2; 1/2; 2/4; 2/4; 3/6; 4/8; 5/10; 7/14.   The number in front of the slash is our first bet and the number after the slash is our 2nd bet if we won the 1st.  If we lose either the 1st or the 2nd bet, we will move to the right 1 step.

The original boffins bet was 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 which you can play with this system if you want.  It's a little more aggressive than my progression, but will work also.

You could also play a fibonacci progression of 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55.  That's 10 bets, same as above.  This might be a little safer because a total loss is only 143 units.  Each time we win 2 times in a row, we are at +1 and can reset to the first 1.

A drawback for me is that I can only bet $20 on my airball machine and with the parlay progression, the most I ever have to be is $14.

That reminds me about a tweak that I have to use on my limited spread machine.  I limit my bet to only 1 location.  That location will be the location with the lowest next bet of all triggered for that spin.

So, if I have a trigger for betting R and my next bet amount for R is 3 units and I also have a trigger to bet High and my next bet amount for High is 2 units, I only be the 2 unit bet.

Most of the time I only have a trigger for 1 bet which I make no matter what the unit amount is.  So, if my next trigger is RR and my next bet for RR is 3, then I bet the 3 since I don't have a trigger for a smaller bet to choose from.

What this does is slow things down a little by making me bet the lower units bets when I have a chance.  Sometimes if I'm at a large unit level, say the 5 unit level, I will reach a new high off wins on smaller bets and not even have to risk the 5 unit bet.

Also, if I am having 2 or 3 locations with a bad run at the same time, you can see that having to bet say 5 on each of 3 locations, if they all win, I might be hit with having to bet 30 units at once.   Which I can't do on my machine.

Still trying to tweak it to perfection.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Correction .  In the last post I said that 143 units was fewer than the bod fins.  That is totally wrong since it's 143 vs 27.

Sorry about that.

I'm going to play the over 60 card as an excuse for the error.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


"Each progression represents 27 units if you lose all 10 levels.  Multiply this times 6 and the absolute most you can lose is 162 units.  Of course this is impossible."

Sorry, but that's gonna happen if u keep playing long enough. And if u still gonna play after that-- it will happen many times.

Sorry again to disappoint you. But if u keep testing on different wheels, u will see that i am right. So better test it before u go real.


Quote from: iggiv on Feb 04, 08:58 PM 2013
"Each progression represents 27 units if you lose all 10 levels.  Multiply this times 6 and the absolute most you can lose is 162 units.  Of course this is impossible."

Sorry, but that's gonna happen if u keep playing long enough. And if u still gonna play after that-- it will happen many times.

Sorry again to disappoint you. But if u keep testing on different wheels, u will see that i am right. So better test it before u go real.

I approve of your admonition to test before playing for real money.

As far as losing 10 times in a row on each of the 6 even chance bets all at the same time it is impossible!  I stand by that statement.  I know that it is theoretically possible, but practically, it's impossible.  Akin to saying that spinning all 37 numbers on the wheel without any repeats and in numerical order is theoretically possible, but practically impossible.

I'm not saying you can't get down 162 units.  Of course you can.  And a lot more than that.  That's why a 100 unit stop loss is suggested.  More would be even better.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Here's a tweak that you might want to consider.  We can sometimes have very long streaks of the same even chance such as 12 or more Reds in a row.  We can put a limit to the number of times we bet for a streak to end to say 4 losses.  That would mean that a streak has gone on for 9 spins.  Or we could limit it to 3 losses or 5 losses.  What ever fits the way we like to play.

Or, we could just gut through the streak.  We have 10 losses available to us, so we could just bet until the streak ends.  It would have to go on for 21 in a row in order for us to lose all 10 steps in our progression.

What are the odds of that happening at just the time you sit down to play?  Even if it did happen, it's only a 27 unit loss.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


as long as u are aware u can be down that's OK. U know progressions don't help.


Quote from: iggiv on Feb 04, 11:44 PM 2013
as long as You are aware You can be down that's OK. You know progressions don't help.

Nothing helps except luck Iggiv my friend, nothing helps except luck. :'(

But, progressions are more fun than flat betting. :wink:

Heck, I've been working on a progression based on a base bet with 2 parlays.  That's 3 wins in a row.  Every triple win multiplies your original bet by 7 times.  Any loss costs you your original bet.

Bet line: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-6-7-8-9-10.  A triple win leaves you at a new high bank balance.

I'm also thinking we can play this system with my flat bet parlay using a 3 or 4 parlay cap.  If you remember, with my flat bet parlay you always start betting 1 unit and you let-it-ride until you lose or reach a profit.  This could take a winning streak of 3, 4, 5 or even 6 to reach a profit.  If we put a 3 or 4 win cap on the number of parlays, it means we will either need to increase our starting unit size after getting down so much that a 3 or 4 step parlay won't clear our losses.  Or, we can always start with a 1 unit bet and stop our parlays at 3 or 4 and rather than increasing our starting bet size, we stay at 1 unit starting bet and just take multiple wins to recover.  This would be much safer.

The problem with this flat bet parlay is that we can grind away for quite a while to only win 2 or 3 units.  In the long run it may not be worth the effort.  But if we're trying to get to the "learn how not to lose" plateau, this might be worth looking at.

Have fun,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


great stuff george----thanks
"No Whining, just Winning"


Tom, good to hear from you.

I've been playing this one when I get a chance on Betvoyager demo, double zero with pretty good results.  No drawdowns over 100 units yet.  I play to +25 units.  It takes a lot of effort to test it, so I won't be posting any test results due to time restraints.

I know there's a wall approaching.  But if  the win to loss ratio doesn't head South,  100 units won't be devastating.  Now a couple of them close together would be a different story.

How are you doing with your new system?  Had a loss yet or are you still beatin' 'em like a base drum?


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Sorry that I haven't updated this with my favorite bet progression.

It's the flat bet parlay.  Instead of either a double-let-it-ride win or a triple-let-it-ride win I'm playing my flat bet parlay method.

See my latest topic under "General Discussion" titled "Parlay" for a description for how to play the method.

I play a separate flat bet parlay progression on each of the 6 even chance bets.

This isn't for everyone.

You have to have patience.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Mar 10, 04:20 AM 2013
Patience or a bot!

Sam, is that a statement or a question? :o

I'm not sophisticated enough to use a bot and since I don't play online that ends that possibility for me.

I consider this idea still in the infant stage.  It definitely has legs, but I think it has to be tweaked a little more to make it stable enough for me to risk anything but quarters on it.  Although I have played 5 sessions to 20 units at the casino with an 80 unit buy-in and never really challenged my buy-in.  All we need is 3 or 4 wins in a row on one of the locations early, to off-set losses and pull us up overall.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



That was a statement.  I know we Americans are not supposed to be able to play.  But New Jersey is going America-wide with on-line gambling very soon.  You will be able to play on line and Stef can write a bot for any casino.

Oh, geez!  Am I selling again??

I am sold on bots.  I know people laugh, but that's their issue.  A bot is a tool, just like any other tool.  It is a calculator that places bets.  What is that old saying:  Garbage in; garbage out.  Same with a bot.

George, after I paid the $100 for the bot, I can buy Excel sheets for it for $50 or less.  For me--in my situation--I'd rather pay $50 just to test a good idea than to sit there for a hundred hours. 

To anyone who says:  "WOW, you paid $150 for that thing?!" I say, "WOW, Fred.  How much did you pay for that bass boat/golf club/hooker?"
Honestly, I know people in our Church who spend a hundred times what I do on roulette traveling and belonging to Country Clubs.

It all boils down to how you want to spend your fun money.

(My opinion only;  I have not been up the mountain!)

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
