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Does Switching Severs @ BV Make a Difference?

Started by TwoCatSam, Feb 23, 12:02 PM 2013

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Remember, this is in the notepad.  This is just me thinking and sharing and asking for thoughts.

I am currently running a real-money test on the L v F System powered by the ExcelBot.  I will soon be running a second one with another "Account Buddy".  Whether or not I reveal the results is undetermined on the first test; I certainly will on the second.

I will also conduct a real money test of my TwoCat SuperTracker at BV as another AB has agreed to fund that account for me.  (The last sentence is for information only and does not pertain to the meat of this post.)  You will be told the results of that test, also.

But to the topic at hand:

While running the bot in both play and real money modes I have noticed a strange phenomenon.  You either get a really good trot, an average trot (which usually wins) or the RFH which goes straight down.  Why?

If Ralph is right and every number produced by BV is exactly the same as every other number, why do you get a run of bad numbers and a run of good numbers?

I have noticed, thanks to Stef and Ralph, that BV uses different servers each time you log on.  Oh, I suppose you could get the same one.  I'm recording those numbers now.  At the right end of the "link:s//..............) line at the top of the screen you will see a number.  My current one is 254244524.  This number changes every time I log off and back on.

So here is the question:  Does the server matter?  Why is it when you're on one server, you get the RFH and on another server things go your way?  Is it just coincidence?  I have taken to "server searching".  That is, if I am going steadily downhill, I make the bot log off and back on in hopes things will get better.  They usually do!  Right now I am winning slowly and evenly.  I will not switch.  If it goes South, I will.

Does any of this make sense?  Comments are appreciated.

ASIDE:  I have been muzzled over at the "other" VLS forum for standing up for myself while under attack by a person I'll not name.  So for a while, this will be my home.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



Thanks, Sam

UPDATE:  I clocked along on that server for a time and went up 35 Eruo.  This it seemed to go South so I switched.  I seem to be back on track again.

Dang, I wish I could video this and show you guys, but the bot and the recording software just won't play nicely together.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Sam, just a suggestion and I honestly have no idea if it'll work, but it may so I'll post it.  If you have a hand held video camera, could you not just video record the screen while your playing (or the bot is playing)?  It might be too much of a pain, but if you really wanted to show the forum, it might work... but it probably won't.  Plus editing and stuff would be a super pain.



Thanks, Matt

I had thought of that or of finding a software that did not fight withe the bot (if one exists).  While playing with real money, I cannot chance a mistake.

Let's see how the idea pans out and I may do it.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



I dont know....but what i do know is this.

i maintain a website for a big japanese company, and we host it in Switzerland.

They have 4 servers. All 4 servers are same. They continuously copy the same info to each other.
This is so that if it was on 1 server, and it went down, the website would be down. with 4 servers, if it goes down, there are 3 still working.
There is situations where you make changes, but you cant see them because the server changed over and the info on that server isnt updated yet. A few minutes later, it has done. its called caching. You can have cached information which doesnt seem up to date. you flush the cache and see the real world again.

i realy dont know if this is why an online casino would have many servers, but it may be. Banks and similar do the same so info cant be lost.


Sam, those digits are not different servers, they are the session ID, forums used to run session ID's too, as Turner points out, you will never know which server you are on, and whos to say BV have multiple servers, load sharing is seemless, load sharing is the only reason web sites have multiple servers, you need load sharing when a site is popular and has many many visitors, the games session will be stored on all of them simultaneously.

This is just for information so you don't think wrongly.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Turner  (and now Superman)

This may all be in my head!  I may be seeing just what I want to see.  I had an idea it worked the way you described, but I didn't know.

Anyway, if there is absolutely no difference then my switching can't possibly hurt.  It does seem to help.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


for some time i have played on BV with short sessions.

some silly system to hit within 5 spins. it did incredibly well.... for some time.

either way i was reloging each hit thinking that maybe randomness would somehow reset etc.
....after a week i have joined all the short session spins together and put them in analyzer to see if there would be any bias indicating that in fact reloging worked.

....there was no difference between them and any other continuous spins i have recorded.
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If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
