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Follow the 12 repeater idea

Started by Turner, Feb 25, 05:34 PM 2013

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Do not bet real money...please feel free to test and give suggestions.

This makes some sense if you like the Law of the Third ideas.

Note the last 12 in notepad (I am using number statistics in RX set to last 12)

if any of the last 12 are repeats, bet on them. Then continue, only adding any numbers which hit that you can see in the notepad.
Currently, I stop on a win and note what the last 12 are. Start again.

16,16,22,31,33,14,1,0, 29, 11,3,33. This is the last 12.

Bet on 16 and 33 because they repeated....continue

17,17,1 (add 1 to 33,16) 17, 33 WIN....note the last 12

bet on 33,17,1 and continue

0 (add 0 to 33,17,1) 21, 6,6,3 (add 3) 17 WIN

Good hit rate on this. Un tested yet more than 1000 spins.
only let 5 losses that dont even add a number to the bet  then stop and reset.




0 (add 0 to 33,17,1) 21, 6,6,3 (add 3) 17 WIN

Wouldn't you also bet the 6?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi Turner,

if you get a hit, then you would retrack the last 12 numbers. Would you put in the last one played ?!? Since it has hit 3 times by now.
What about the numbers hit three times within the last 12 spins ? Use them ?



Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 25, 05:58 PM 2013
0 (add 0 to 33,17,1) 21, 6,6,3 (add 3) 17 WIN

Wouldn't you also bet the 6?


Sam...the 6 isnt in the original 12. You jot down the last 12. You bet any repeats and continue. If any of your jotted down 12 hit, you bet them

i think its like catch the 8 train express...lol


Quote from: rayhd63 on Feb 25, 06:03 PM 2013
Hi Turner,

if you get a hit, then you would retrack the last 12 numbers. Would you put in the last one played ?!? Since it has hit 3 times by now.
What about the numbers hit three times within tohe last 12 spins ? Use them ?

Ray, if it was the 1st time you jotted down 12 you would include it...so yes.

Jot down the last 12.  forgot what just happened or you are guessing random...kinda saying...well 31 has hit 4 time now., I'm not betting that. As you know...humans suck at writing down  random numbers because they are biased to patterns

REMEMBER....no hard and fast rules...I just made it up.

But it looks like it incorporates numbers in the last 12 hitting and numbers repeating plus fresh starts (not betting the same for ages) which loses to the house edge

what I would love is for some one to say...Turner, good idea, but it made me think of this idea, what do you think....


It will tank...I'm not s.tupid...but this tank turned around and shot at me

The best part of thinking of a new idea is these early victorys. Enjoy while it lasts




It's a good idea.

Let me put in my words and you tell me if I'm right.

1.  Start tracking numbers.
2.  Bet any numbers that have hit twice while tracking.  (Or do you wait for a full 12 before betting at all?)
3.  Stop when you have 12 unique numbers. (Or is is just any 12?  Could you have four of #3 and eight more?)
4.  Bet until you have five numbers come that do not either cause a win or a new bet.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 25, 06:46 PM 2013

It's a good idea.

Let me put in my words and you tell me if I'm right.

1.  Start tracking numbers.
2.  Bet any numbers that have hit twice while tracking.  (Or do you wait for a full 12 before betting at all?)
3.  Stop when you have 12 unique numbers. (Or is is just any 12?  Could you have four of #3 and eight more?)
4.  Bet until you have five numbers come that do not either cause a win or a new bet.


Not quite dear sam....

we look at the last 12 hits....not numbers, hits. We write them down.

We rarely will have 12 numbers, but mostly 10 or 8 and rarely less than 8

here are last 12 HITS....but I put them in order so they are easier on the eye.

1 12 13 14 17 17 22 29 30 30 33, 0. This is our 12.
here, 17 and 30 are repeats.
We can start by placing a bet on those 2.
as the numbers now spin we check if they are in our 12.

if they its not, we bet 17,30 again. if the next number is in our 12, say 0, we add it and bet 17,30,0.
next number is 22. its not in the 12 so we bet 17, 30,0 again. next number is 1. Its in our 12, so we bet 17,30,0,1.

Next number is 17. We win.

Now jot down the last 12 HITS..... and start again

If its going nowhere, i.e 5 spins and nothing from our 12. Stop...start again



I got it; let's bot it!!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Repeating numbers...the way to go


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 25, 08:46 PM 2013

I got it; let's bot it!!

Your a poet, and didnt know it



I agree. don't be looking what the dealer is doing, look what random numbers do.

Its just a basic idea based on first principles. Repeats in the first 12....the 1st 12 will hit again in 37 somewhere.. perhaps people may think its got too much pepper, or needs more salt. Please think about what to do when it doesn't hit. it definatly has a hitrate. But as ever, it doesn't sometimes.

What to do when it doesn't?



My only question is why you do not seek 12 unique.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
