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Repeat touching hot combo idea V2

Started by Turner, Mar 13, 06:08 PM 2013

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V1 took too many bets to win. it won regular, but fell behind. Trying flat bet only, so.......

After many tests, 8 seems better

Jot down the last 8 hits, even if repeats are part of that 8

play any repeats. retrack on a win

Continue and add numbers to the bet:
a) if the new number is in the recorded 8
b) if the new number touches a number in the recorded 8. Play the number in the recorded 8, not the new number.
c) if the new number touches a number in the recorded 8, but its already being bet, play the new number

so, recorded numbers, last 8 = 14,22,1,3,1,17,31,35

Straight off we are playing no.1

New     Bet
29         1
29         1
11         1
14         1,14
29         1,14
21         1,14,22
32         1,14,22,31
14         WIN

last 8 = 14,32,21,29,14,11,29,29

New      Bet
10         14,29,11
17         14,29,11
12          14,29,11,12
11         WIN

retrack 11,12,17,10,14,32,21,29

New      Bet
13         12,14

testing now   


what to do when I have a win and am stil in minus?
I had session now, when a number hit I was left with -11 - end session or continue ( with or without the hit number) ?

othervise very nice system :thumbsup:


what if in our first 8 we have numbers 27 and 28
and then 27 hits
do we start playing them both?
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Quote from: soggett on Mar 14, 07:47 AM 2013
what to do when I have a win and am stil in minus?
I had session now, when a number hit I was left with -11 - end session or continue ( with or without the hit number) ?

othervise very nice system :thumbsup:


what if in our first 8 we have numbers 27 and 28
and then 27 hits
do we start playing them both?
Thanks....It means a lot because you have a good eye for roulette...me thinks.

Well...It recovers, and I always flat bet.. but you can progress. see what you can come up with...I'd be interested. Im shi.t at progressions. Ive always said (and Im probably wrong) that a progression is an admission that the system isnt working, or...there is no principle to it...or rhyme or reason. Just stretching an idea further and further away from the idea and closer and closer to luck. But what the fkuc do I know :thumbsup:

Yes, you would play 27/28. anything touching. anything repeating.....and anything that came out touching but the number in the list was already being played.

Ive never tried to make a system without a reason.
here are the reasons.
- ive seen the last 7 or 8...up to 12 repeat so many times (see ralphs magnificent 7)
- Ive seen numbers clump together for short periods of imbalance
- Everyone has seen numbers repeat.

I dont think its finished, but it recovers. Perhaps i should look for why its down and why its up again.

I shouldnt be talking this up. its just a scribble in notepad.


I'm currently testing this too.

If we had touching numbers in the recorded 8 what would you play?

eg, 18, 8, 9, 15, 19, 32, 32, 33


Quote from: DuffMiver on Mar 15, 12:42 AM 2013
I'm currently testing this too.

If we had touching numbers in the recorded 8 what would you play?

e.g., 18, 8, 9, 15, 19, 32, 32, 33

you would play 32 and then it depends on what comes out

@turner thanks for the high praise
Me thinks this has potential
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


quick test
155 spins
ends +187 units
I can't seem to make it fail, most a session lost was 11 units, so far it's performing excellent

test 2
93 spins
+52 units
managed to get a session of -48 units, yay ;)

@anyone who's testing
are you having similar results?
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Quote from: DuffMiver on Mar 15, 12:42 AM 2013
I'm currently testing this too.

If we had touching numbers in the recorded 8 what would you play?

e.g., 18, 8, 9, 15, 19, 32, 32, 33

As sogget said....32.
Play a repeat off the bat....then as they come out, match them.....7...play 8, 33 play 10....play 9, 19 play 19....20 play 20 because 9 is being played.


Quote from: soggett on Mar 15, 05:37 AM 2013
quick test
155 spins
ends +187 units
I can't seem to make it fail, most a session lost was 11 units, so far it's performing excellent

test 2
93 spins
+52 units
managed to get a session of -48 units, yay ;)

@anyone who's testing
are you having similar results?

Yeah...similar. had 148u in 42 spins. Had -7 after 62. That high was 34u up.
Mianders at times.

I am a big advocate of sensible gambling. My father destroyed our family with a gambling addiction. His illness was the Horses.

I always play for a stop loss of one win. So as I always flatbet, I always stop around -36u because the next bet could take me to the point where I was still minus after a win.
Its stood me well.
-35u isnt a disaster. I spend that on petrol or a night out at a resteraunt.

Someone here did a leaving post once. Saying how he had ruined his life and spent the holiday money etc. He had to give up roulette. I would hate to put myself in a position where I had to give up this fascinating subject.
So I exercise total Uber-safe gambling.



Quote from: Turner on Mar 15, 06:42 AM 2013
Yeah...similar. had 148u in 42 spins. Had -7 after 62. That high was 34u up.
Mianders at times.

I am a big advocate of sensible gambling. My father destroyed our family with a gambling addiction. His illness was the Horses.

I always play for a stop-loss of one win. So as I always flatbet, I always stop around -36u because the next bet could take me to the point where I was still minus after a win.
Its stood me well.
-35u isnt a disaster. I spend that on petrol or a night out at a resteraunt.

Someone here did a leaving post once. Saying how he had ruined his life and spent the holiday money etc. He had to give up roulette. I would hate to put myself in a position where I had to give up this fascinating subject.
So I exercise total Uber-safe gambling.


sorry to hear that about your father, gambling is a terrible vice

I agree with you, I was even gonna suggest stopping at -36 units and then retrack in my next post - you beat me to it
a test I just did went to over 100 units minus, -47 and -89 one after the other
with a stop loss of -36 it is just -72 - easier to win back or get even than -136
I think we are on the same page and think alike - that's good :thumbsup:
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Quote from: soggett on Mar 15, 07:52 AM 2013

sorry to hear that about your father, gambling is a terrible vice

I agree with you, I was even gonna suggest stopping at -36 units and then retrack in my next post - you beat me to it
a test I just did went to over 100 units minus, -47 and -89 one after the other
with a stop-loss of -36 it is just -72 - easier to win back or get even than -136
I think we are on the same page and think alike - that's good :thumbsup:
Good man...keep us motivated and honest sogget...your input is important...i mean that :thumbsup:


I have tested this system now 20, 30 times and i have lost only twice, i haven't
Played it with real money yet.
I wonder hos the test are going for you guys?


it locks like nobody is playing this no more, but i have played it and its doing ok,but i have tested it with a tweak like this.
I have played exactly like the original rules but instead of just play singelnumber i have played it with splits instead.
I only add a split when a number of the 8 numbers we play against show etc etc
I have a stoploss at 18 units.
I tested this with real money, just 0.1 euros.
6 sessions
I won 5 and lost 1
Got ahead with 3 euros.
It feels safer with more chanses of getting a hit.
I don`t no, but i will test this further.


Thanks agesta...ill test ur idea tonight.


Quote from: Turner on Mar 27, 11:30 AM 2013
Thanks agesta...ill test your idea tonight.

I think its a nice idea if the split is a sleeper, I mean, the number joining the bet just because its a split of the qualifying number

So if 13 hits and 13 is on the list, splitting with 14 would be a good idea if 14 wasnt touching or in the list (or anywhere recently)

it adds to not being rigid.

This is why I havnt continued with this. Its not fitting in with ideas i currently have.
