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RNG vs Real Wheel (RW)

Started by Turner, Apr 04, 04:57 PM 2013

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i thought this would evoke some discussion.
Many say RW is different than RNG. "not for RNG...RW only", " this system is to be used on RW only" etc.

its a black box situation for me.
Black Box is a study idea to show that the way an input and output of a system is produced is not known.

RNG is a mysterious Black Box. It fires out random numbers. we don't know how. We don't trust it.

RW is most certainly not a black box.
its a completly visible system. we know how its selected (person throws a ball)
We know how a number is chosen (numbered pockets)
Nothing is a mystery

VB and computers are one method, but are there other tell tale signs we should be looking for?

Imagine this

RNG produces 0,2,14,33,21,27,3,0,18,0
the 3 zeros are away from the expected values. The Mean. Its just variance. Zero will hit no more than any other number after 100,000 spins.

RW produces 0,2,14,33,21,27,3,0,18,26

And yes, for the keen eyed, that's identical apart from 26. You saw it land in zero and rattled and jumped next door.

Did it try for 0?
did it miss?
is that the difference (the flaw) with a RW over RNG?....the wood, the ball, the pocket edges?

its a thought experiment.

what's your reason Why is RW different from RNG?


lets say I believe what Turner just said (I know that's hard to believe)

what if I see 8 has hit twice recently.
I bet 11,30,8,23,10

I think the random process will select 8, but I think the wheel is flawed and can try..... but miss.

I couldnt argue this with RNG. I don't know how 8 is selected.


RNG ??

It is not roulette and it is invented for suckers.
If internet wasn't invented nobody would never
hear or talk about RNG as part of the roulette game.
Today it is bait for naives,on line,bots and such.


Quote from: teo on Apr 04, 05:36 PM 2013
RNG ??

It is not roulette and it is invented for suckers.
If internet wasn't invented nobody would never
hear or talk about RNG as part of the roulette game.
Today it is bait for naives,on line,bots and such.
You perhaps missed the point of the discussion, but thanks for your input.
BTW...RNG could be random.org.


What i can think at this moment, RW comes with more pros issues than RNG in terms of visibility factor. However, we shouldn't take a peace in mind just by looking at a ball falling at our desired no#.

In the case of RNG, it's possible to play on the board only even casino management decides to take off the monitor or wheel's screen. Thus it indicates player's been deceived from figuring out the true nature of roulette  :ooh: I don't think so. The logic of RNG differs from RW in so many ways . The latent upcoming numbers not easily to predict unless player's decision hasn't been firmly supported by past experiences, in hand data scenarios and other personal belief correspondents. It reminds me a old proverb, our memory is the scribe of the sole. Our intuition plays the most significant role in making decision in terms of NO# picking and investing $$$ on a particular bet selection.

I can recall some basic pros & cons for RW and RNG games.

RW Pros: We can physically see the evidence that leads to the immediate gratification.

RNG Pros: The game is always automated, there is higher degree of autonomous, concentric task involve since there's no distraction from outside environment.

RW Cons: In a busy table too much hustling, heckling with the chips. Change of dealers hand. No Precise time distribution or allocation for player's convenience.

RNG Cons : Since the game is run by robot, some unbelievable pattern of no# ( 10,7,4,1,0) makes us believe that game is flawed and cheated upon. Self-talk, personal stress can't be relaxed due to lack of association to human interactions  ^-^.

Best of luck folks


Roulette is a mechanical device. Whatever is mechanical is not capable to give you real randomness of events. It will always have some kind of order. Well, not always, but most times. Or just many times.

Remember, that is what British and Polish intelligence used when cracked German Enigma. When operators used it, they did not use it really randomly, they had some patterns repeated over and over again. Because it is very hard for either human or mechanical device to be always random. And there you had both at work, just like at the roulette wheel in a casino. So they tracked those patterns thoroughly. And they were never able to crack the machine completely, they just cracked lots of info, but not all. Just like in roulette, even if u can win, it is impossible to do all the time, each time for thousands of spins. If you try u will always lose.

Computers are different story though. Computer can give u anything u want if programmed  properly for that goal. So here goes an answer to your question why RNG and a physical wheel are different.


Quote from: iggiv on Oct 19, 11:01 AM 2013
Roulette is a mechanical device. Whatever is mechanical is not capable to give you real randomness of events. It will always have some kind of order. Well, not always, but most times. Or just many times.

Remember, that is what British and Polish intelligence used when cracked German Enigma. When operators used it, they did not use it really randomly, they had some patterns repeated over and over again. Because it is very hard for either human or mechanical device to be always random. And there you had both at work, just like at the roulette wheel in a casino. So they tracked those patterns thoroughly. And they were never able to crack the machine completely, they just cracked lots of info, but not all. Just like in roulette, even if You can win, it is impossible to do all the time, each time for thousands of spins. If you try u will always lose.

Computers are different story though. Computer can give u anything u want if programmed  properly for that goal. So here goes an answer to your question why RNG and a physical wheel are different.

Thanks iggiv, that was very insightful thought. I will learn more about thoroughness in pattern findings. And you are definitely right about it's picking the correct number# infrequently;  which's similar to enigma's code breaking. Even god throws us in the puzzle of uncertainty leading us to have faith in him. Let's have our personal characteristics intact like

Curiosity: “I wonder what would happen if...”

Imagination: “Gee, wouldn’t it be cool if…”

Drive: “I will not accept ‘no’. There has got to be a better way.”

And most of all courage and persistancy to face the battle.

Best wishes' O0



Can someone observ real wheel with human croupier and write down last 20 numbers, please, no rng or air machine, thanks, and please without jokes.


here you go real spins, real person, last spin at top.


Thank you mate you done great job, it is just what I was looking for. :)


Lol no worries. Why did you want them. Theres a total of 50ish in that session


This my friend is just a half way of holy grail or better to say " holy trail " it is the real truth that past spins have influence on future spins and roulette is not random as it look like.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: MumboJumbo on May 14, 07:41 AM 2015
This my friend is just a half way of holy grail or better to say " holy trail " it is the real truth that past spins have influence on future spins and roulette is not random as it look like.  :thumbsup:

By all means--continue!
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 14, 08:09 AM 2015
By all means--continue!

Me and my friends have scientific approach to roulette , but why people like you always want to destroy our task?


If you want help testing let me know. As i said ive got the numbers that follow those
