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Here we go again....

Started by ignatus, Apr 06, 07:30 PM 2013

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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve



Now am very disappointed with you...you know why????
Sent you attachment yesterday to do some study and work/if you wish/
and can see that you did nothing about....again how I know it ????
Simply because I PURPOSELY did some errors just to find out the truth.
Not only you but over 50 downloads of that attachment and nobody didn't
notice very easily spotted errors there.......Sad and tells me something that am
aware for long now of such happenings,that most of you are only virtual players.
Here is corrected attachment so you can compare it.
Therefore won't waste my time any longer.

If 2CS sees this am sure he will make advantage of it.


"If 2CS sees this am sure he will make advantage of it."

Is that me? 


I simply no longer hand-test cold numbers.  I might play the system *or real with dimes, but cold numbers leave me cold.

The reason I don't test a lot anymore is because when someone posts a system, everyone *eels the need to "tweak" it and within two pages, it's a totally di**erent system!!  In my opinion, *inished systems should be just that--*inished!  Anyone who "tweaks" should start his own thread. 

So, teo, i* I knew "your" rules, I'd test this. 

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



I've looked at your sheet.  The rules are simple except the "poss. *or triple parlay"

Does that mean you could have but didn't?

Also, how do you decide which street to bet on the *irst time? 

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


teo, why you put such great hopes in me? I said I've failed with every system i invented so far, and i've given up roulette?
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve



I have looked over the last sheet you posted.  I* you are betting *or a street to repeat, your sheet is *ull o* errors.


Do you understand what teo is doing?  I* so, explain, please.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: ignatus on Apr 08, 09:25 AM 2013
teo, why you put such great hopes in me? I said I've failed with every system i invented so far, and i've given up roulette?
What's interesting is that you won't give up roulette is like your maryjane  :LoL:  ps how are you VIPER.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Apr 08, 09:12 AM 2013
"If 2CS sees this am sure he will make advantage of it."

Is that me? 


I simply no longer hand-test cold numbers.  I might play the system *or real with dimes, but cold numbers leave me cold.

The reason I don't test a lot anymore is because when someone posts a system, everyone *eels the need to "tweak" it and within two pages, it's a totally di**erent system!!  In my opinion, *inished systems should be just that--*inished!  Anyone who "tweaks" should start his own thread. 

So, teo, i* I knew "your" rules, I'd test this. 


Sam old boy,
street repeaters in cycle of 12 spins.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Apr 08, 09:17 AM 2013

I've looked at your sheet.  The rules are simple except the "poss. *or triple parlay"

Does that mean you could have but didn't?

Also, how do you decide which street to bet on the *irst time? 


Just the idea that could also worh on triple repeat.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Apr 08, 09:17 AM 2013

I've looked at your sheet.  The rules are simple except the "poss. *or triple parlay"

Does that mean you could have but didn't?

Also, how do you decide which street to bet on the *irst time? 


triple parlay only signing down.........after first bet of all 12 streets,all winn of 11 +1=12 bet on previous
won street.so previous spin 0- and next after win is virtual search for next bet...therefore 0- w  0-

think this is much more secure and more and faster profit then recently done Lv F..

.......Tired of last night play until 6 this morning.Recorrected last cycle

BTW Sam,
there are only one triple possibility so far...spins158.59,60.....while 34,35,36------98,99,100---133,134,135.are all wrongly signed on purpose....Iknew you would spot it.....others more then 50
of them didn't......tells me everything.


why is 0- in row 20 and 24? no win before... :question:


Quote from: RFMAXX on Apr 08, 01:42 PM 2013
why is 0- in row 20 and 24? no win before... :question:

26 won,then 11+1=12 bet on 25,same street...therefore 0-on 26...and 0- after 25,as it is virtual searcher for
next bet.And if that virtual searcher happenned to be same next bet it would be a win of 132 un.or loss of 12.


That someone wouldn't be too confused here are real correct tests for those interested.
Me,am testing it with real money each night...just going now there.
My appology to some for this mess but had to verify something that bothers me for so long now.


thank you for that but i still dont get it.

26 comes after 36. so it is not a winner, because 26 is not in the 12th street.
same with number 1 after 6 in row 25.

do you play double streets?


Quote from: teo on Apr 08, 03:25 PM 2013
My appology to some for this mess but had to verify something that bothers me for so long now.

Still up to your old tricks eh, Teo.  :)
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.
