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Agesta's Dozen System

Started by Proofreaders2000, Apr 17, 04:46 AM 2013

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Hi Proofreaders!
Just an idea, With this good hitrate with flatbet, wouldent this be a good way of playing the dozen with this kind of trigger with 4 attemps like this 1,1,1,2
You have 12 numbers to aim at instead of 8 ok you win less units but maybe safer.


Hi Proof.

(delete this after reading)

would it be a good idea to bring a copy of the 'Method' over to this thread/topic then, if U want feedback, and play example?
Just a thought.
Even a link would help, but the method clearly laid out here, (as u always do) would keep the action all in here, so2speak.
cheers :thumbsup:
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Good idea Chrisbis
*This is the original method Agesta is trying to tweak.   

Note the last two columns hit.  After the newest number (except zero) play all of the numbers that intersect the new dozen and those columns hit.  (should be eight numbers in play.)

Example: ..23,5,1 (wait for the newest number-#31)

So the bet would bet 25,26,28,29,31,32,34,35 one time.
Instead of eight numbers in the dozen Agesta would play all 12 numbers with a 1,1,2 progression.


Tested this !
I played 10sessions won 10
+10 units
I play like the rules of Rabbles' Eight-Numbers System, i just play a docen bet instead of 8 single numbers, with the progression above.
Less units to play and a hopefully  a good hitrate.


Gentlemen...can I just clear something up here, for the purpose of absolute clarity,
is the suggested progression :1,1,1,2
is it now: 1,1,2
seems to be two mentions of a progression. makes a huge difference.


Thank Proof

In Ur reply#2...U put 1,1,2 possible as a copy/paste.
just thought U might be able to alter.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!



Test: Dublinbet Palace Euro Wheel#1-Wednesday, April 17,2013 @ 3:08pm

...12,5,20 (newest spin-value)-trigger

Bet Second dozen:    1.) 27(x)-30

Bet Third dozen:        2.) 33(win)+60

*To get into Project Q you need a
profit of at least 200 with no losing sessions.


Test: Celtic Casino American Wheel-Wednesday, April 17,2013 @ 2:16pm


Bet Third Dozen:    1.) 33(win)+120

*50 units profit away from Project Q


Test: SmartLive Casino Euro Wheel-Wednesday, April 17,2013 @ 2:16pm

...24,25,14 (trigger)

Bet Second dozen:    1.) 11(x)-60

Bet First Dozen:        2.) 7(win)+120
+60   :thumbsup:


I take it, after ur reply post #6 that if U Lose on the first bet, U change the Dozen bet to the newly hit Dozen?
I thought (and have been testing), that we stayed with the same Dozen original after the trigger?
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


The trigger involves three numbers.

Example: 23,12,4

The third and second number must fall on two different
columns.  (If that is so, the newest number is the betting dozen.)

If you lose you use the three newest spin-values (except zero) to see if it qualifies.


Hi Proof

One question please....In the above example 23,12,4 the number which comes after 4 is the triger and this is the dozen on which to bet. Example if the number which comes after number 4 is number 36, we can bet the 3rd dozen if we wish to play with more safety as per Aggesta's suggestion above.  Is this correct....? Thanks




23,(third number middle column),12(second number third column)-these two numbers must fall on two separate columns first otherwise keep tracking.

after qualifier,the newest spin-value#4(first dozen)...Bet the first dozen once.



Thanks for the prompt reply. And if loosing on the first try, just have to retrack; wait for the qualifier and rebet  using mild progression as indicated above. Correct......?




Quote from: Chris555p on Apr 17, 06:54 PM 2013

Thanks for the prompt reply. And if losing on the first try, just have to retrack; wait for the qualifier and rebet  using mild progression as indicated above. Correct......?



