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Can we use the marquee history!

Started by Ralph, Apr 21, 07:46 AM 2013

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Some use the marquee history when selecting the bets, some says that is of no use and a common Gf, which either will help or getting the play at losing, which is will do at the end due to the hardwired odds of the game.

Yes after a long run of spins, the unfair odds will catch up. We can on line and om some BM casinos find tables which pays fair odds on the pay out, but take a rake for the net win.

If the play the NOZ the talk of -EV is not there, the win tax is someting quite different.

Back to the marquee, the numbers there are they possible to make any advantages of them?
There are methods which says the hot numbers are the numbers to bet, and other says opposite, so this seems to be no concensus of the way to use the history, all kinds of patterns and ideas are used, and that is an argument for it is not any information at all to get from the history.

We know the common "ball has no memory", "independent events" from they those can use the math and have some knowledge of random events, but most of the time it is Wikepedia Parrots knowing less of random events than the posting re-inventor of the martingale.

One misstake which is common, it is the  missunderstanding of the "order" in randomness. It is in fact some "order" in the random outcomes. If we let a human write down 20 number as "random" as possible and then take 20 numbers from a real wheel or a random generator which is fair. We show the both result to other and ask them to point out which is random. In most of the trials the human permutation is chosen as the random permutation, often in the range of 80%.

We can google about human thoughts of random, and tests done, not only numbers, but all sorts of pattern, the random patterns are often regarded in "order" compare to even out patterns. The probability for an even out pattern are (and in shorter series more) much less than all the different "orders" the human perception see.

All random streams from roulette contains clusters. We can not know the next spin, or the ten next, but we can know it is a high probability it will be cluster, which we sometimes think is "order", but it is one of the properties of random streams.

The methods of "sleepers" and "repeaters" exist due to such observations.

Our problem is we do not know beforehand which "order" the random stream will produce!

At BV it is 21 numbers in the marquee, and I have  seen them for years and how they changes all the time, probablly millions of time.
It is not possible to know beforehand which numbers will show, but I can be very sure, it will very seldom be a stream of 21 different numbers.

That observations would be possible to use, to find a method which has low probabillity (on NOZ) to bust before the risking amount of money has been won.

I  will try out this, use the history observation, not the CURRENT marquee as such, but that we can see, it is so rare 21 different numbers will come out any time we check the marquee.

The first test I used 100 Euro as bankroll, and 0.1 as units, and I needed this time not many spins to reach a plus  near 2x the risking bankroll.  100 Euro may be too low bankroll, but that is to see in real play, as the knowlegde it can not passing many 1000 spins is not an important and useful knowlegde. what's important is if I can win some real money.

The probabillity we se 2 identical rows of 21 spins in real conditions twice in our total life is very remote.  And the risk then all numbers are different is small, but there.

If we daily make a trip to a casino we do not simulate that trip zillions of time, as the answer will be we are dead in the traffic, why
should we care a couple of hundred Euro more than our life?

The main here is to risk 100-300 units and try to get more before the eventually bust, not more, not less.

The pic of the marquee contains a common random events!!! Not the exactly numbers in the exactly order, but the presence of cluster.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


"Can we use the marquee history!"

Well if your not playing VB or using a roulette computer what else can you use to decide where and what to bet ?



Quote from: ddarko on Apr 21, 08:13 AM 2013
"Can we use the marquee history!"

Well if your not playing VB or using a roulette computer what else can you use to decide where and what to bet ?


We can just pick a number that's what, but do not take your birthday  number, better  your  moms'.  ::)
Where I recommend the table!
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Took about 100 spins this time.  We can pass a few sessions or lose at the first. I got no two winning, and could do it using 1000 units bank, the same as win target.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Quote from: Ralph on Apr 21, 08:47 AM 2013
We can just pick a number that's what, but do not take your birthday  number, better  your  moms'.  ::)
Where I recommend the table!

That going to make me like all the other chumps at the table, I will pass thanks.......



A very basic question about the marquee history.

If you look at the marquee and see in the last 5 spins that red has hit 4 times and black only 1 time, using every possible scenario (excluding zero) what is the total probability that red will reach 5 hits before black? :question:

Any mathematicians out there?
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


At last.....a philosophy! and no interest from anyone. :-[

I've tried, Ralph, to plant a seed and see what people think.

They generally don't think

People want a ready made system they can follow and win with, done for them, by someone else. Not theory and hard work.

As for your post:

I know I am not respected here much as a Roulette player...or as a Maths guy.

What I should be respected for, is the fact that I have tested and tested everything that comes here ...to death.

They all have the same result.....guess what it is?

When people laugh at the truth, its because the truth hurts.

I think this is the truth.

Roulette is about luck. (you say so yourself)

The marquee gives the clues how to play...NOT what to play.
The marquee shows repeats, hot numbers showing again, cold numbers appearing after a break.
it doesn't say which ones. Unfortunatley there is random within random.
25 repeating is a reason to play 25 again. It doesn't mean that 25 will repeat. it may sleep for 400 spins.

Good systems show how to play....not what to play. There is no what to play, only how to.

We mock the chinese for throwing chips all around the table. But if some are hot, some are cold, some are repeaters, (they don't know they picked those names) then they are playing correctly


I can say...It will rain today at 1:32am.

I am 100% correct. It will start raining at 1:32am.

But where, Uganda? London?, Sydney?, Orlando?

I can say numbers will repeat, cold numbers will show, red will streak
I am 100% correct. A number will repeat, a number will show after a rest, red will hit 12 times.
But where? 36 hits again? 22 comes back after 127 sleeps?, red streaks next?

Most good systems try to find out...and get it wrong.

I think playing with good ideas based on what the numbers actually do time and time again, reduces the amount of numbers you will/will not have luck with

Above?.....I would be picking Uganda...its rainy season....but it can be sunny. :thumbsup:



In Redneck, there is the word "gander".  I just took a gander at your post.  Two rednecks:

"Luke, what you doin', boy?"
"Takin' a ganda at yo' wife's legs!"
"Uganda at my wife again and I'll hurt yo' nose!"

Come on, Turner.  I read everything you write and I certainly respect your views.  OK....


I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I'd love to know how you run up those figures using dimes.  Won't you share?

To your question:  I certainly use the marquee.  While the logical me knows the next spin is a completely new event in the Universe, the roulette player in me knows that numbers will most likely fall a certain way.  Runs follow chops and vice-versa.  I do fairly well at predicting these events.  No Spike or Gizmotron, but I do OK.

If I had no history, I would pass and go home.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I can guess rather well the weather in Santa Fe, if I say it will be sunny, would I most of the time be right.
If I guess it will be at least repeating numbers in 21 spins, I will  be right most of the time.
If I guess it will be a run of seven EC in 200 spins I will most of the time be right.
If I guess it will not be more than 1/3 to 2/3 imbalance I will most of the time be right.

On a NOZ wheel we do not have the negative EV, we have to focus at the variance.

The fact I picked 200 odds bet twice yesterday in less than 10 spins, that's extreme luck, and I do not know why I chose to do it that moment.
Winning at roulette is mainly luck, but we can help some trying understand some common movements.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Just guessing, just luck! Almost!
The best way to fail, is not to try!



@sam we use ganda...but its hard to say in what context. Its one of the words u use for a certain time without thinking. I think its....ill take a cursary look at it for you out of respect..i.e. Is that the letter you have written?..give it here...I'll take a gander.I'm no African affairs correspondant but I recon in Uganda....they spend 90% of the day checking out their friends wifes legs or proofreading letters as a favour.
@ ralph....but after you have selected those best juicy apples.....it could still have a maggot inside. The random in random.


QuotePeople want a ready made system they can follow and win with, done for them, by someone else. Not theory and hard work

True words if ever there were any.

QuoteThe marquee gives the clues how to play...NOT what to play.

I only use the marquee now, can't bot it sadly, as most of you know already I play red black only, my game is now focused on FTL.

EDIT: forgot to post this mornings attack, I aim for 10 units, a few people have asked what progression I use, well, I don't have one that's set in stone so I have decided to note the steps I use, depending on what the RNG is chucking at me, here is todays chip usage

1,1,2,1,3 +1
1,2 +1
1,1,1,3,1 +1
1,2,3,2 +2
1,2 +1
1,2,4 +1
1,1,3 +1
1,2 +1
1,1,2,1,1,2,2 +1

I am not going to write in the WL etc so don't bother asking, the units are decided on how the streaks chops look at that time.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


When it boils down towards even money bets, then the answer is simple.
If you know how to play, then you can use the marquee history.

I know there does not exist bet selections GF and i also know that 99% of all times at least one event will sleep.
That means period that you will always be better of use what is present and current.
This is why and how you use the marquee history board.

How do i know.
Well i can cut loses short and win and stay ahead based upon that methodology - without using progression.
I find a loop hole, it works on blackjack, roulette, sicbo, baccarat ...

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


I have many times made trials to catch the repeating numbers, and focus on the last most repeated numbers.
I use to raise the stake every time the number hits.

I has been working well, most of the time.

I am aware this is an example of "Texas sharpshooters fallacy", but I do not stop using it because of that.

Texas sharpshooters fallacy
The shooter from Texas (or Oklahoma)  aim at a barn and fire some rounds, afterwards he decide the target area was there the the bullets cluster.
The best way to fail, is not to try!
