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DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM: Your opinions, please

Started by esoito, Sep 11, 07:52 PM 2010

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Hi all,

Latest update from Don.


Dear Philip,

In regard to the comment posted by Mr. Albalaha, I wish to respond on wagering for Dozens and Columns. It is absolutely correct that the wheel produces a single number. However, the interaction of a Dozens and Columns produce 9 subsectors, each comprising 4 such single numbers. So, everytime a number occurs, it implies one of the 9 sectors as well, which is equivalent to a number in regard to Dozens and Columns. However, the payoff is equitably less, which is 1/4 of the payoff pertaining to a single number. So, it cannot be argued that the Dozens and Columns are wague, compared with an individual number. How, the Law of the Third applies to Dozens and Columns is that 3 out of 9 such sectors have a lesser incidence of occurrence than the other 6. The other 6 have a higher incidence of  occurrence, in other words a tendency to repeat, in line with the fundamentals of the Theory of Chaos and the Law of the Third both.

I thank Mr. Albalaha for his competing intellectual contributions in evaluating the effectivenes of the System RCLV.

Thanks for posting all comments on behalf of me.

Best Regards






Dear Mr. Colonne,
             If we talk of an RNG, you must be very aware of the fact that there can't be anything like sectors in that. Even, if we talk of the real wheel, if you see the position of numbers of any dozen/column, you will find that they are  neither equidistant nor they form any slice/sector on wheel, so I do not find any rational relation amongst them which can make me think that they belong to any particular group or even inter-related in any manner whatsoever. Both European and American wheel have been designed to create maximum disadvantage for the players of column/dozen or any outside or inside group bets. Only exception is Red and Black, which are evenly distributed throughout the wheel and always equidistant to each other except gap/s created by 0 and 00


Hi All,

Latest Update from Don.


Dear Philip,

I observed a minor error on the program and I want to keep the players informed of it, until Dulan is able to correct it. He is preparing for an examination, so I do not think he can do it immediately.

While playing if the system stops directing (when it senses that it is heading towards chaos) the Net Cumulative Gain (which is used to determine the EXIT point) becomes zero if the chaos trend is continuing. Then the player has to take count of the last NCG vaule and then ensure that he does not allow the NCG to go beyond -15 manually until we correct the system. This will not seriously affect the top end.

Ask the players to key in the following number set.

29 33 02 05 21 22 32 05 18 (refraining condition and the NCG is -3) 36 (NCG becomes 0 because it is neither a refraining condition nor a playing condition) 25 20 (NCG starts with -4 and it really shoud be -7 then 15 26 15 13 7 18 (exit shall be made here despite the NCG being -9 but the real NCG is -12).

The error can easily be observed when 36 is entered.

By copy to Dulan, I make a humble request to make a correction at his earliest convenience for the benefit of everybody, as I see the number of users is dramatically increasing and they may incur unnecessary losses owing to this minor error.

Best Regards






Hi All,

Another update from Don.


Dear Philip,

There is a minor error associated with some sessions in regard to calculating the NCG that the value can become 0 on the idle mode, owing to a technical oversight in writing the program. I will simplify the corrective measure to the error, until it is rectified by Dulan in the future. Any player shall make note of the value of 12 CHIPS, deduct that from the opening balance before commencement of wagering and keep that value in mind. If the NCG falls upto that value or below, the player shall make an exit immediately. In other words, the maximum session loss shall be between 12 - 15 chips only. Otherwise, owing to the error, a player can lose beyond 15 Chips. There is only a marginal impact arising from this error on the exit point at the upper.

I promised Dulan not to disturb him until his exams are over. He spent a remarkable amount of his time to develop the sotware to be what it is today. So, I have to keep my promise to him. However, I am keeping him informed by copying this e-mail to him.

No sooner Dulan corrects this, I will inform the forum. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to the users as we did not have a data sample reflecting this error before.

Best Regards





Hi All,

Update form Don.


Dear Philip,

Whenever a Stratgy changes, what is visually directed on the template and and what is stated on the "Wager" column is wrong. It indicates the direction of the previous strategy and that could cause losses. So, please ask the users to manually assume the wagering direction for the respective new strategy and not to use what is being directed. For example, when the strategy changes from 3 to 2, what is being directed is what belongs to strategy 3 and not the new strategy. However, if 2 continues thereafter, the wagering direction is correct until it changes again. It happens only when the startegy changes.

Also, I discovered a superb wagering commencement and resetting methodology. If NCG gives three consecutive but different ascending numbers (-1 1 5), (-6 -4 -2) (10 12 14) etc. commence wagering from the next spin as directed and if either a gain or a loss of 5 or more is incurred, reset the session and repeat the process.

I want the users to be aware of it.

Also, shall I suspend the System RCLV until the two bugs are corrected because I do not want the users to lose credibility on the software.

Please advise.

Best Regards






Dear All,

Latest update from Don.


Dear Philip,

Dulan kindly obliged and facilitated both the corrections required to the program and it is uploaded with a new wagering technique also being incoroprated as well.

When the system indicates a *, the players can commence wagering and exit when they either incur a gain or a loss of 5 or more. Then the player shall refrain from wagering until another * emerges. Also, it is observed that using the three inside wagering methodologies elaborated in the book as advance strategies could yield remarkable gains. By copy to Mr. Sekuritati, I request to test the new method as well and post the results.

Please post this good news to the forum on behalf of me.

Best Regards






Mr. Colonne,
          Have you fixed all bugs or anything else still remains? I would like to test it again if you can say that your method can win 20 out of 30 sessions.


Hi All,

Latest update from Do.


Dear Philip,

The newest RCLV Strategy appears to be be the best so far and we have fully optimized it. However, the players need to make two human decisions. Quoted below is the relevant extracts from the book.


If x y z are three consecutive NCG values pertaining to three Active Spins and if x > y > z (e.g. 0 +2 +7, -3 +2 +4, -6 -4 -2, +3 +8 +13 etc.), commence wagering as directed by the system and exit upon incurring either a gain or a loss of 5 chips or more. The idle time is more with this system but the capital investment (around 35 â€ââ,¬Å" 40 chips) and the risk is less.

Most importantly, upon commencement of wagering, if the NCG moves up by either +1 or +2 or +3 or +4 to reach an Interim Peak Value (IPV) prior to reaching a gain of +5 and then starts coming down, exit at the point when the NCG value drops by 5 from the IPV. By doing this, the losses can be curtailed below 5. Also, by placing 4 smaller value chips inside as elaborated in the 2nd and 3rd Illustrations under the Advance Inside Wagering Criteria given below, the players can get additional exponential gains in the long run.

Further, RESET the System RCLV, if the NCG becomes less or equal to -15.   

Best Regards






Hi All,

Latest update from Don.


Dear Philip,

Dulan and I did a massive improvement in regard to commencement of wagering. Now, we avoid most of the dangerours games that would end up in a total loss of capital.

The player must commence wagering only when the buttons start appearing on the template. The EXIT points are left at the discretion of the player but the RESET is complusory when the system issues a remart RST.

Best Regards






I hope it is final now with no improvements left now. Can it fight and win randomness? Well, I seriously doubt. Any tester? Joro?


Hi All,

Latest update


Dear Philip,

Dulan and I just uploaded the ultimate System RCLV (the 5th Edition) that works even on Auto-spin and RNG. Hereby, I request Mr. Sekuritati to test this on his large data samples and see what he gets. All what the players have to do is to key in the last 7 spin outcomes starting with a non-zero and be driven by the system. Whenever the System throws the message RST, the player has to restart the process with seven new spins.

I wish everybody best of success with the System RCLV.  I have all the confidence now in the System as I see over 100 visitors on a daily basis in the discussion forum and there is not a single adverse remark.

Best Regards






Most of the views are probably from guests. I am very interested in the results and will test this system again. It is meant to be flatbetted, yes?


Yes, it is about betting 4 units all the time.


I think the lack of posts is because no one is winning with this.

Methods, systems, etc tend to have at least some posts from successful players when they are experiencing success.

It's the losers that don't post much.

I'm an exception.It's not working for me. Play money only.



I gave it a go as well. Played 10 sessions and won 1 :(
