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DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM: Your opinions, please

Started by esoito, Sep 11, 07:52 PM 2010

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Quote from: trebor on Jun 11, 06:45 AM 2011
Reading between the lines I think he's saying "I can't make it work so I'm giving up".

I do not know for sure but I think we can safely say this thread is now closed!

The software is there for anyone who wants to use it and the to new reset buttons do make it easer because it automaticly puts back in the last 5 or 6 spins for you.


Quote from: malcop on Jun 11, 07:14 AM 2011
I do not know for sure but I think we can safely say this thread is now closed!

I won't close/lock it just yet.

We need to leave it open a while for those that wish to post results.

The software is there for anyone who wants to use it and the to new reset buttons do make it easer because it automaticly puts back in the last 5 or 6 spins for you.


Hi All,


Dear Philip,

As per the comments posted by the colleagues in the forum, I wish to clarify one point. I am concluding the Research with utmost optimism, that it works now. I can provide an assurance signed in blood with that. If the players follow the off-line controls suggested in page 16 and cautiously commence wagering, I am sure that everybody can win now. Most importantly, prior to commencement of wagering, key in the immediate past 10-20 spins available on the electronic panel into the MICRO / MACRO Link and do not commence wagering if the NCG value is on a declining trend. Further, the very last control should drastically reduce the failure rate and now the system is highly effective. It was the main cause of session failure. Test a few large data samples containing in excess of 100 spins and see what the final outcome is. Also, I strongly suggest not to play more than two consecutive sessions in every three hours interval. However, if someone wants to get indulged in continuous wagering, a discretionary strategy may be used that to commence wagering with the HYBRID entry conditions and thereafter play as directed by the MICRO / MACRO Link, subject to the relevant exit rules to be adhered to with visual observations. The system is so flexible now.

Also, do not close the thread as the next phase of posting comments would be rather interesting as the number of users will rise exponentially in the time to come.

Best Regards




One thing I have to ask if anyone is test this are they following Don's instructions to the letter, if they are not then they can not say this is a failure because they will not be playing the same way as Don has been playing, I mean right down to qualifying the table before play.

I know I have not done that so far, and until I have done exactly as Don recommends, right down to qualifying the table before play I will hold my judgement, on this system.  One more thing on the new hybrid the two rest buttons are there to make it easer for you, so if the software says reset5 press the reset5 button and it will enter the last 5 numbers spun.




Hi All,


Dear Philip,

It is 2.00 am on Sunday at this end and I was monitoring the Smart Live Casino for a few hours, in order to figure out the way of doing away with the element of subjectivity involved in the process of determining the overall trend of the table, in order to streamline the table qualifying criteria. I managed to find it and asked Dulan to introduce a RSET15 button onto the MACRO / MICRO Link for the players to keep loading the last 15 spins and harmonize the STGY columns on both links quickly and methodically and then only to commence wagering. Upon commencement of wagring the player shall continue to monitor both links if he or she intends to go for a new session. This new feature would further eliminate the risk of failure.

This will be done within the next 12 hours and please upload this comment to the forum as well.

Best Regards






Well, U can't say that Don has not got his finger on the Pulse of this thing can U?

Cheers Don, and Dulan  :thumbsup:


I really appreciate the efforts of Mr. Colonne. Hope to see reports of some winning sessions. Anybody?


Hi All,

Latest update from Don


Dear Philip,

Please upload the following user interface instructions to the fourm. Then, the users need not wreck their brain to understand how to use the system.

Best Regards


·         Starting with a non-zero, key the last 12 spin outcomes into the MMD Link.

·        The 12th record on the MMD Link will always indicate either RST11 or HYBRID.

·         Whenever RST11 is indicated, click the RST11 Button and keep refreshing until HYBRID appears on the 12th record.

·         Whenever HYBRID is indicated on the 12th record, key the last 6 spin outcomes into the HYBRID Link.

·         The 6th record on the HYBRID Link will always indicate either RST5 or WGR.

·         Whenever RST5 is indicated, click the RST5 Button on the HYBRID Link and click the RST11 Button on the MMD Link simultaneously.

·        Keep aligning the 6th record of the HYBRID Link and the 12th record of the MMD Link, as elaborated in the steps above.

·         If WGR is indicated, commence wagering as directed by the HYBRID Link until a RST6 is reached, while simultaneously updating the MMD Link also with all subsequent spin outcomes.

·         Upon getting a RST6 on the HYBRID Link, refresh the HYBRID Link using the RST6 Button and the MMD Link using the RST12 button and repeat the steps above.

       Whenever RST5 is indicated on the HYBRID Link, the next spin may be wagered for, if one of the OPTIONAL ONE-SPIN WAGERING CONDITIONS elaborate above is fulfilled (Demo 19 & 20).






I'm sorry, I was trying to follow this instructions, but I got lost in setp 3.

Also, please, confirm me that the MMD link is this link:
hxxp: :. neworiginalthinking. com/arc/rclv/arc. html

This part is fine:


·         Starting with a non-zero, key the last 12 spin outcomes into the MMD Link.

·        The 12th record on the MMD Link will always indicate either RST11 or HYBRID.

·         Whenever RST11 is indicated, click the RST11 Button and keep refreshing until HYBRID appears on the 12th record.  "

I have inserted the 12 spin results, and yes, the 12th record indicates HYBRID in the 20th column for this record.

Then, the next steps , I'm lost.  It says:

·         Whenever HYBRID is indicated on the 12th record, key the last 6 spin outcomes into the HYBRID Link.

·         The 6th record on the HYBRID Link will always indicate either RST5 or WGR.

What is the HYBRID Link? Where is that link?
I tried to input a series of 6 spin outcomes (after the initial 12), but no sign of any "RST5 or WGR". 

Thank you.
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming



On this link link:://:.neworiginalthinking.com/dna-of-roulette.html you will see at the bottom of the screen these two options, you will have to open up two browser tabs, on for the Macro/Micro and one for the Hybrid strategy, and switch between the two as Don's instructions.

   Software: System RCLV for MACRO / MICRO / DISCRETOINARY Strategies (must read the E-book)
     Software: System RCLV for HYBRID Statergy (must read the E-book)

Hope this helps



Can we use the bots alone or we do need to study and understand the theory part too?


Quote from: albalaha on Jun 16, 02:40 PM 2011
Can we use the bots alone or we do need to study and understand the theory part too?
I would read from pages 12 onward as Don recommends, not much to understand or study.


Hi All,



Dear Philip,

I think I shoud clarify this as follows:


The wagering commencement conditions for the Macro / Micro Strategies was based on visual observations. After having developed the HYBRID Link for which the wagering commencement triggering condition was a combination of the wagering commencement conditions of Macro and Micro strategies, now the HYBRID Link can be used to get the wagering triggered for the Macro Strategy. I discarded the Micro Startegy as it was quite complicated and difficult to use.

Keep keying in and refreshing the HYBRID Link with the last six numbers until wagering gets triggered and then open the MACRO Link and key in the same six numbers and continue with the MACRO Link. Also, the player may close the HYBRID Link after keying in the same six numbers onto the MACRO Link. However, the exit conditions on the MACRO Link are not regulated by the system and the exit has to be made as per the guidelines in the respective page in the e-book.


Please upload this quote, instead of the e-mail.

Best Regards






Hi there all.

The step-by-step guideline instructions by Don in his previous update were clearer and more straight-forward than his last one update. I think that now the instructions are more confusing. Should we first use the HYBRID or the MICRO-MACRO link? Which is the correct sequence? FINALLY, which is the correct way of using this method and software links? I've been so FED UP by all these modifications and changes. PLEASE, ..give us FINAL and straight-forward instructions of applying this "blood-signed" guarranteed system, so that we'll all be able to test it TOGETHER and IN EXCLUSIVELY ONE way and come to a FINAL conclusion... whether it is long-term winner or not!

Otherwise, there will always be shadow and doubt about its effectiveness.

For God's shake, Don, I'm begging you! Please, decide for good which one of all 100 described ways is the one that applies perfectly (or at least which is the most approaching) the DNA idea, the law of third and the mathematical equation that was used to perform this science-fiction project. Please. Once and for all.


Malcop,  Thanks for your patience with this.  I hope in the end, it proves to be worth it.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Jun 19, 09:51 PM 2011
Malcop,  Thanks for your patience with this.  I hope in the end, it proves to be worth it.

I hope in the end it proves worth it, but I have to say I am also still confused to what Don says to do in his latest emails.

I'm sure it is clear to Don, but for me I have to say it is as clear as mud. Maybe if I read it through twenty times or so it will make sense who know?


