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DNA OF ROULETTE SYSTEM: Your opinions, please

Started by esoito, Sep 11, 07:52 PM 2010

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I'm sure I'm not the only one that can relate to this frustrated appeal from MyTHOS_R:

For God's shake, Don, I'm begging you! Please, decide for good which one of all 100 described ways is the one that applies perfectly (or at least which is the most approaching) the DNA idea, the law of third and the mathematical equation that was used to perform this science-fiction project. Please. Once and for all.

Hopefully his heartfelt plea will be answered.


Quote from: MyTHOS_R on Jun 19, 06:16 PM 2011
Hi there all.

The step-by-step guideline instructions by Don in his previous update were clearer and more straight-forward than his last one update. I think that now the instructions are more confusing. Should we first use the HYBRID or the MICRO-MACRO link? Which is the correct sequence? FINALLY, which is the correct way of using this method and software links? I've been so FED UP by all these modifications and changes. PLEASE, ..give us FINAL and straight-forward instructions of applying this "blood-signed" guarranteed system, so that we'll all be able to test it TOGETHER and IN EXCLUSIVELY ONE way and come to a FINAL conclusion... whether it is long-term winner or not!

Otherwise, there will always be shadow and doubt about its effectiveness.

For God's shake, Don, I'm begging you! Please, decide for good which one of all 100 described ways is the one that applies perfectly (or at least which is the most approaching) the DNA idea, the law of third and the mathematical equation that was used to perform this science-fiction project. Please. Once and for all.


My feeling exactly! If it works, the way Don says it, then all we need is the way it works, not this constant bait and switch....



Hello guys.

Thanks to everyone for adopting my feelings and thoughts concerning the DNA of roulette and regarding the latest comments by its creator. It seems that Don has finally abandoned us. Or maybe he'll come back with a new approach of applying the system or software! I was one of the first believers of this system and still have some faith that it could beat roulette in long term. I even had some e-mail correspondence with Mr Colonne (in the beggining of this project) concerning the law of thirds, his system and other methods applying the same law, in order to better approach the desirable target. May be more serious matters keep Don away from this project or perhaps he fianlly realized himself that the software fails long-term. We'll soon know for good.

I would just like to mention something from my personal observations and testing with the Hybrid version. It certainly has a noticable REALLY BIG success rate! It looks like predicting the wheel, even though we should better state that it just applies the law of thirds in certain intervals and in terms of dozens and coloumns. However, it seems that SOMETHING is missing. This project has started correctly, targets quite succesfully but there is something missing from the pazzle.

Here is a suggestion...Since, Don is not helping anymore, let's all share our thoughts and observations, so that-IF there is ANY chanse at all-we exhaust the method and come to a final verdict, whether it is a long-term winner, and in which final way.

My tests in all suggested ways of using the software have ALL failed.

However, I still stronly believe, there is ONE & only way that this thing works. And that is because it meets all the criteria for a long-term winner:

1. It applies the law of thirds in terms of dozens & columns, 2. When it wagers, it covers a big surface of the wheel, 3. It is based on mathematics and most importantly...4. It DOES NOT use any kind of progression, it only wagers when circumstances are favorable, FLAT BET.  :thumbsup:

If there would be any holy-grail EVER, then it should be THIS ONE.. But when applied in which way of all ??  ???

What about you people? Did anyone try anything promising?

Let's hear some thoughts.. And may be, we all together complete the pazzle picture.


Hi All,

Sorry I forgot to post these emails from Don


Dear Philip,   I see some players are confused with the wagering commencement.    WAGERING WITH HYBRID - SAFEST:   Open the MACRO Link and key in all the records available on the Electronic Display Panel, observe the general trends and click RST12 button   On the 12th record it will indicate either RST11 or HYBRID   Whenever RST11 appears, keep refreshing with RST11 until HYBRID appears   Then open the HYBRID link and key in the last 6 numbers. it will indicate either RST5 or WGR   If it is RST5, refresh HYBRID Link with RST5 and MACRO Link with RST11.    Commence wagering as directed by the HYBRID Link when MACRO Link indicates HYBRID and HYBRID Link indicates WGR.    The system will lead to an automatic exit.    WAGERING WITH HYBRID    Key in the last six spin outcomes and wager as directed and exit as indicated.    Keep refreshing with RST5 until the system starts directing by indicating WGR   WAGERING WITH MACRO - RISK MITIGATED STRATEGY    Open the HYBRID Link and key in the last six spin outcomes until WGR gets triggered.   Keep refreshing with RST5 until the system starts directing by indicating WGR   Then open the MACRO Link and key in the same six numbers and commence wagering as directed by the MACRO Link, until an exit point is reached.    Close the HYBRID Link   WAGERING WITH MACRO - DIRECT STRATEGY    Keep refresing using RST11 button until HYBRID appears on the 12th record   Whenever HYBRID is indicated, commence wagering as guided by the system until an exit point is reached.    Also ask the players to make note of the DIAGONAL OBSERVATIONS, which are not incorporated into the system logic.    Best Regards   Don


Hi Don

I can tell you before I post it that this will confuse users, also their is to much switching about, for example I play on slingshot roulette, and I only have 45 seconds between each spin, not enough time with all this switching between the links, is ther anyway you get get hybrid to do all of this tracking?




Dear Philip,    I understand your time constraint. I play the BBM on line given through webcams and I have all the time on earth to do anything. So, what I suggest is for the players who are imposed with a time constraint to open only one of the links and if they want to play for a short interval, to use the HYBRID Link and be driven by the system or if they want to do it for a longer period, to use the MACRO Link, subject to limits specified in the book under exit rules. But, the risk is higher with both methodologies.    Also, I want the players to make serious observations on the Diagonal Ends I have elaborated in the Page 17. Most often it comes right. I want them to post thier findings to the forum to see whether I can generalize it and incoroporate it into the system logic. I am using it offline but I will not put it as system logic until I am fully convinced.    Best Regards   Don





Hi All,

Update email


Dear Philip,    The players seem to have misinterpreted what I said earlier and they appear to be of the view that I have withdrawn. First and foremost, I wish to give them the assurance that I still continue to test every idea that would enhance the returns. I am so glad that the players are now convinced to a great extent that HYBRID is reliable. That is why I gave the assurance that I will sign in blood that it will work. If the players use the safest criteria of aligning the STGY column of the 12th record on the MACRO Link and the 6th record on the HYBRID link with the two instructions HYBRID and WGR being indicated on the respective records. the HYBRID will always provide a reasonable return with an acceptable low frequency of failure, if this criteria is adhered to. .    My problem is now I am trying to reactivate the process of writing my main book, which was kept aside for almost four years. However, I give the assurance that I am with the players all the time to make them benifit from this system. The only issue is they do not post their suggestions for me to work on.    Best Regards   Don





Quote from: malcop on Jun 26, 08:31 PM 2011
Hi All,

Sorry I forgot to post these emails from Don


Dear Philip,   I see some players are confused with the wagering commencement.    WAGERING WITH HYBRID - SAFEST:   Open the MACRO Link and key in all the records available on the Electronic Display Panel, observe the general trends and click RST12 button   On the 12th record it will indicate either RST11 or HYBRID   Whenever RST11 appears, keep refreshing with RST11 until HYBRID appears   Then open the HYBRID link and key in the last 6 numbers. it will indicate either RST5 or WGR   If it is RST5, refresh HYBRID Link with RST5 and MACRO Link with RST11.    Commence wagering as directed by the HYBRID Link when MACRO Link indicates HYBRID and HYBRID Link indicates WGR.    The system will lead to an automatic exit.    WAGERING WITH HYBRID    Key in the last six spin outcomes and wager as directed and exit as indicated.    Keep refreshing with RST5 until the system starts directing by indicating WGR   WAGERING WITH MACRO - RISK MITIGATED STRATEGY    Open the HYBRID Link and key in the last six spin outcomes until WGR gets triggered.   Keep refreshing with RST5 until the system starts directing by indicating WGR   Then open the MACRO Link and key in the same six numbers and commence wagering as directed by the MACRO Link, until an exit point is reached.    Close the HYBRID Link   WAGERING WITH MACRO - DIRECT STRATEGY    Keep refresing using RST11 button until HYBRID appears on the 12th record   Whenever HYBRID is indicated, commence wagering as guided by the system until an exit point is reached.    Also ask the players to make note of the DIAGONAL OBSERVATIONS, which are not incorporated into the system logic.    Best Regards   Don


Anyone understood how to do this properly?!
I key in 12 numbers in Macro link, got the Hybrid indication went to hybrid link, key in last 5 numbers and got RST5 indication. I reset Hybrid link with RST5 and Macro link with RST11. NOW, when i start to key in new numbers, do i keep doing that in both links or only on the Macro link...Macro link it keeps indicating me RST11 at the next number. As i key in new numbers, and when it finally indicates Hybrid i guess i have to restart the Hybrid link (to remove the old numbers i'd left behind) and key in the last 6 numbers i entered on Macro, no?!



Much more stable   :thumbsup:    but still a grind the be in any profit.
One has to use good judgment and exit when ahead as it goes back and forth with winning sections almost always followed by losing ones....maybe waiting for a loss before real wagering might be do trick here.



Quote from: vundarosa on Jun 27, 11:26 PM 2011
Much more stable   :thumbsup:    but still a grind the be in any profit.
One has to use good judgment and exit when ahead as it goes back and forth with winning sections almost always followed by losing ones....maybe waiting for a loss before real wagering might be do trick here.


Come on guys, let's be realistic here.

If it's going back and forth with winning streaks alternating with losing ones, then it certainly IS NOT a long-term winner, it's not profitable. Furthermore, what on earth does mean"one has to use judgement and exit when ahead"???? Come on.  Get serious. What is the appropriate grade of "good judgement"?? And "to exit when ahead" of ...how much??? And what if I win 12 chips and be a "good judge to exit" and then get back in and lose two times in a row, each time of 8 chips??? Won't I be -4 at this point????
...Come on.

THAT'S THE MEANING of a "long-term winner": to finally taking you ahead at all times. And the losing streaks to be much more less than the winning streaks, not almost equal. And of course the total sum to always be with positive symbol ("+").

I tested the "safest version" for 4 sessions of 100 live spins each. The results were -12, +23, -18, -4. More losing sessions than winning ones and certainly a total negative result ("-").

This system has the face-lift of a long-term winner but THERE IS SOMETHING MISSING. And the only one who can find the missing part is his creator.


This system which is based upon predicting which columns/dozens to bet upon has no proven advantage and is an average performer as other flat betting methods. You may win with it or lose with it. Nothing special. There are only big claims but it never fulfilled them and always proved a failure upon testing.


Look, everyone, the sooner we all treat this as A Work In Progress (and not as The Final Version) the better.

Then the testing and its inevitable, associated disappointments can be seen from the proper perspective.

It's. Not. Finished. Yet.


playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Quote from: esoito on Jun 28, 08:32 AM 2011
Look, everyone, the sooner we all treat this as A Work In Progress (and not as The Final Version) the better.

Then the testing and its inevitable, associated disappointments can be seen from the proper perspective.

It's. Not. Finished. Yet.
I fully Agee this is Work In Progress not a finanal solution. 


Quote from: malcop on Jun 28, 09:02 AM 2011
I fully Agee this is Work In Progress not a finanal solution.

Let us all pray it never becomes a finanal solution. ;)


playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


Quote from: esoito on Jun 28, 09:12 AM 2011
Let us all pray it never becomes a finanal solution. ;)
Haha, just got what I said, that will teach me to post from my phone!
