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Random Bet

Started by ignatus, May 25, 02:36 PM 2013

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looking at last is not random


Quote from: iggiv on May 25, 11:12 PM 2013
looking at last is not random

The last is random, our mind can not produce any random.
Say you toss a coin, or look at an other table?  Is it different to look at an other table  cards or roulette or look at the same you play by?

As  said the brain do not handle random very well.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


the last bet is random, but u betting it create PATTERNS, which will be killed by roulette. As for creating random, u can find something looking more or less random if u try properly. All u gotta do is just not  bet the same numbers -- this is a problem for many people which may not even realize that they bet on patterns. but it's possible.


only random way (i can think of currently) is to get numbers from ie random org and then play them
I tested playing streets, just one after another for 6-12 spins, ie street 1 for 6 spins, street 2 for 6 spins, street 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
stop on a win and go to next street, or wait for the end of 6 spins and then go to next street
sometimes I got excellent results, sometimes not
in the long run it should all be the same, right?
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part
