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1 Dozen + 1 Double street

Started by eddy35, Jun 08, 07:54 PM 2013

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As I already have this coded for someone, I put on my "spatial intelligence" cap and noticed that when this system loses, it is because the Line Bet is losing for 15-20 consecutive spins.

And when it is in this losing cycle, it appears that the dominant Line is not the Line opposite but the Line that is the same as the Bet (H or L).

For example, when betting H you also bet Line 3.  During a losing streak I noticed that the winning Line was 4 or 5 or 6.

So a suggestion might be to stop betting the Lines altogether when you get 3-4 Lines losses in a row.  When they start winning again, then add them back.

Or try betting Line 4 with H or Line 3 with L when you have 3-4 consecutive Line Losses.

Just a thought . . .if I get some time, I might test out these scenarios . . .

Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Quote from: Chrisbis on Jun 27, 04:28 PM 2013
Shall we take this over to the New Topic with the Right Title,
and we can throw some spins from somewhere at it,
and see what the indicators lead us to bet?

count me in.
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right!


Quote from: Nickmsi on Jun 27, 05:25 PM 2013
As I already have this coded for someone, I put on my "spatial intelligence" cap and noticed that when this system loses, it is because the Line Bet is losing for 15-20 consecutive spins.
And when it is in this losing cycle, it appears that the dominant Line is not the Line opposite but the Line that is the same as the Bet (H or L).
For example, when betting H you also bet Line 3.  During a losing streak I noticed that the winning Line was 4 or 5 or 6.
So a suggestion might be to stop betting the Lines altogether when you get 3-4 Lines losses in a row.  When they start winning again, then add them back.
Or try betting Line 4 with H or Line 3 with L when you have 3-4 consecutive Line Losses.
Just a thought . . .if I get some time, I might test out these scenarios . . .


yes, would be great to give us some specific examples.
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right!


Quote from: eddy35 on Jun 08, 07:54 PM 2013
I posted this in "money management" but it should be posted here.

I just tried some bet combinations on Roulette X and the following seems to be very interesting.

I put 1 unit on a dozen and 1 unit on a double street ( from the other 2 dozens ), when I am on a new high, I start at 1 unit again. When lose I ad i unit to both. The bet selection was totaly random.

I played 2 sessions, 415 spins doubled my bankrol from 500 to 1005
Later I played a short session of 52 spins with a 51 unit profit. This sessions was very bad because in 52 spins I only hit the double street 5 times but still I was in profit.

What do you guys think about this kind of playing? I noticed that playing the dozen is like a little safety net, and when you hit the double street you always recover.
well I tried this thingy here ,and only a 1000 spin test on second dozen and sixth line and went to 1500 units at about 650 spins then it dropped to 1200 units at 1000 spins,I will keep testing this and see how far it goes.


Quote from: warrior on Jun 27, 07:34 PM 2013
well I tried this thingy here ,and only a 1000 spin test on second dozen and sixth line and went to 1500 units at about 650 spins then it dropped to 1200 units at 1000 spins,I will keep testing this and see how far it goes.

Hi Warrior,

what kind of progression did you use?
1200u... seems promising...
keep us posted.

Best Regards,

Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right!


Question for Atlantis:

I am unclear on the raising of the bet. 

Loss 1 = raise EC by one unit
Loss 2 = raise EC by one unit AND line by one unit
raise only the line bet and leave the EC where it was before the double loss.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I tried playing this method in several ways; A good way I find to play it
is to start betting as per the orginal version after 2 virtual losses.......
I then don't have to go very far in the progression......
Has anyone tried it this way.......??



Quote from: TwoCatSam on Jul 06, 01:55 PM 2013
Question for Atlantis:

I am unclear on the raising of the bet. 

Loss 1 = raise EC by one unit
Loss 2 = raise EC by one unit AND line by one unit
raise only the line bet and leave the EC where it was before the double loss.

I have been doing like Greatgrampa explained.
Raise only the line bet and leave the EC where it was before the double loss.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Thanks, Yanks!!   (Someone had to say it!)
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
