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1 Dozen + 1 Double street

Started by eddy35, Jun 08, 07:54 PM 2013

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I'm thinking of a GreatGrampa style framework bet with this, and have a rule for 3 losses in a row.

Say, we play Low/3rdDoz/3rdCol for three bites at the cherry, using your suggested progression, and then, on 3 straight losses.........change to:-
..................High/1stDoz/1stCol for three bites?

What says U/Anyone?
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Quote from: Chrisbis on Jun 12, 12:08 PM 2013
I'm thinking of a GreatGrampa style framework bet with this, and have a rule for 3 losses in a row.

Say, we play Low/3rdDoz/3rdCol for three bites at the cherry, using your suggested progression, and then, on 3 straight losses.........change to:-
..................High/1stDoz/1stCol for three bites?

What says U?

Hi Chrisbis,

That sounds interesting...

Meantime here's what I thought regarding the bet TWOCATSAM is following. I am using cycles of 5 framework.
First on RFMAXX's bad numbers posted earlier....


RO  BE......Bet high and line 3
BO..RE......Bet low and line 4

Cycles of 5

start with 1 on EC and 0.5 on Line

First number observed:
1                     bet 1H and 0.5Line3      +0


0    L-1.5         bet 1H and 0.5Line3     -1.5

3    L-1.5         wait for next spin         -3     (2xRO)

11                   bet 1L and 0.5Line4     

36  L-1.5          bet 1L and 0.5Line4      -4.5             

24  w+1.5         bet 1H and 0.5Line3      -3

2    L-1.5         wait for next spin         -4.5     (2xBE)      ***next cycle: up to 2EC - 1Line

Cycle 2
11                    bet 2L and 1Line4

25  L-3             bet 2H and 1Line3      -7.5           

24  w+3            bet 2H and 1Line3      -4.5   ***restart cycle2 (equal to end of cycle1)

Cycle 2

27  w+1            bet 2H and 1Line3      -3.5   ***restart cycle2 (less than end of cycle1)


1   L-3             wait for next spin         -6.5   (2xRO)

35                   bet 2L and 1Line4

27 L-3             bet 2H and 1Line3        -9.5                       

1   L-3               wait for next spin       -12.5  (2xRO)

15                    bet 2L and 1Line4

32  L-3             bet 2L and 1Line4        -15.5

7   w1               bet 3H and 1.5Line3      -14.5       ***next cycle 3EC and 1.5Line

17  w+4.5         bet 3L and 1.5Line4       -10   ***restart cycle3 (less than end of cycle2) 


End of RFMAXX's bad spins = -10  (corrected)
Obviously every chance of future recovery continuing with cycle3 and regressing if necessary.....
Need to do a test on bigger spin sample.


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: Chrisbis on Jun 12, 12:08 PM 2013
I'm thinking of a GreatGrampa style framework bet with this, and have a rule for 3 losses in a row.

Say, we play Low/3rdDoz/3rdCol for three bites at the cherry, using your suggested progression, and then, on 3 straight losses.........change to:-
..................High/1stDoz/1stCol for three bites?

What says U/Anyone?

Or maybe 2 players; 1 playing LOW D3 and C3 the other playing HIGH D1 and C1. Can both make profit?
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


As an alternative to riding straght losses how about testing a stop loss (SL) strategy?

Stay on your same chosen bet position (eg 1 -18, 3rd doz, 3rd col) & virtual bet (VB) nil money after any loss on your position which covers 86%+ of a 37 number wheel.

A VB doesn't stop a chop back loss to any of the uncovered 5 but it does stop a run of losses.

Obviously running SL requires 2 consecutive wins 1. A VB win & 2. A money bet win.

Surely worth testing when odds are well on your side ?


Hi Atlantis

I have one question please: In relation to your post 1127 does that affect the reply no. 5 concerning
the method of the first system.  See copy below:

At post 1127 above for the second method you mentioned …..”Changed the progression to be SAFER... +1
on a WIN - stay at 2u until loss;  Back to 1u on a loss; No bet higher than 2units! * = Reset when level
or ahead etc…….”

At reply no 5 above for the first method you mentioned:  …..” just started playing daily sessions of 5 games where
I bet EC and doublestreet (Line) combo. Total 24 numbers bet.

A result of +3 or more ends a game. And bear in mind this can occur in just 1 single spin.
On each loss I increase the EC bet by +1. Only after a set of 2 consecutive losses is the LINE bet
also increased by +1 etc….”

Does the progression for the first method stay the same i.e after 2 concecutive losses we
continue our progression and increase bet by one etc...…..?.Thanks




Hi Chris555p,

Does the progression for the first method stay the same i.e after 2 concecutive losses we
continue our progression and increase bet by one etc...…..?.Thanks

Yes. Sorry for confusion. There are 2 different ideas posted by me. The first to which you refer is also the one TwoCatSam is persisting with at the moment.

However, today, I have tried to improve the progression for that to make better (safer?) using the cycles of 5 progression and with a lower starting unit combo of 1unit on EC and 0.5 on Line.  The selection method is still the same. Please see my reply msg113377 which shows how to play the "tweaked" version (RFMAXX example). I will be happy to answer any questions about this suggested "new" revised way of staking.

The other method is my idea for an EC + DOZ + COL combo and bets no higher than 2u on a location...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: ausguy on Jun 12, 01:25 PM 2013
As an alternative to riding straght losses how about testing a stop-loss (SL) strategy?

Stay on your same chosen bet position (e.g. 1 -18, 3rd doz, 3rd col) & virtual bet (VB) nil money after any loss on your position which covers 86%+ of a 37 number wheel.

A VB doesn't stop a chop back loss to any of the uncovered 5 but it does stop a run of losses.

Obviously running SL requires 2 consecutive wins 1. A VB win & 2. A money bet win.

Surely worth testing when odds are well on your side ?

I'm not quite clear, ausguy. When do you suggest doing the "virtual bet"? After a win or a complete loss? Thanks, A.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hi Atlantis

Oki thanks for the clarification.

For the first method in addtion to playing H/L and one dozen as you indicated,
I aslo bet R/B when it is the right time to do so.

For example, if I see during the past 10 spins there has not been 3R or 3B in
a row, I know from experience that RRR or BBB is coming. So when there if
there is 2RR or 2 BB I simply bet the relevant color  and 9/10 times it works....;
Therefore even if I were to loose with method no. 1 it is highly unlikely that loose
with B or R on 3 occassions as well.....

I apply same concept for O/E and it works quite well as well.....

What do u think of this little add on......??




This is the original way Atlantis posted it.  I do not include the ECs or the streets on my worksheet, only the goal and the amount to bet.
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi chris555

You wrote:

For example, if I see during the past 10 spins there has not been 3R or 3B in
a row, I know from experience that RRR or BBB is coming. So when there if
there is 2RR or 2 BB I simply bet the relevant color  and 9/10 times it works....;
Therefore even if I were to lose with method no. 1 it is highly unlikely that lose
with B or R on 3 occassions as well.....

I apply same concept for O/E and it works quite well as well.....

What do u think of this little add on......??

Sounds a good plan to me (and a perfectly good system in its own right no doubt!)
I can see no harm in integrating it as an add-on 'side bet' on the occasions where it seems warranted, particularly if using a separate bank for this extra wager.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Atlantis - I'm saying after any bet loss make a virtual bet, VB, on your chosen positions and then after any virtual win this is the trigger to make your normal money bet.

It usually slows down the win rate but reduces the risk of bank busting losses. LLLLLLL = VB effective.  Only a series of chops of WLWLWLWLWL makes VB ineffective.

Surely unlikely if 32/37 numbers are covered, as discussed in earlier posts ?




Hi Atlantis

I’m glad u like this little add on, as an insurance bet…..; I think the insurance blends in quite
well with method number one  as the probability of loosing all 3 bets at once is extremely low…..

Assuming the worse case scenario happens and the B/R bet is loss on the first try, we simply have
to wait the next opportunity when RR or BB comes again and then rebet the relevant color again…...
BB or RR cannot last a  very long time without a third R or B showing up…..



Think it is time for this Topic to be split up into 3 different and identified threads.

  • The Original......1 Dozen +1 Double Street
  • New Thread......EC + 1 Line
  • New Thread......EC + I Dozen + 1 Column
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Where is the "SplitMeister"?
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: ausguy on Jun 12, 04:11 PM 2013
Atlantis - I'm saying after any bet loss make a virtual bet, VB, on your chosen positions and then after any virtual win this is the trigger to make your normal money bet.

It usually slows down the win rate but reduces the risk of bank busting losses. LLLLLLL = VB effective.  Only a series of chops of WLWLWLWLWL makes VB ineffective.

Surely unlikely if 32/37 numbers are covered, as discussed in earlier posts ?

I see what you're getting at, ausguy. But what if virtual bet loses? Do you mean that you keep betting virtually until a winning virtual bet of any kind occurs and then jump in and bet for real?
And what if that real bet loses?..... then its back to betting virtually??
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
