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1 Dozen + 1 Double street

Started by eddy35, Jun 08, 07:54 PM 2013

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Yes correct Atlantis, you keep repeating the VB process until you get 2 back to back results = money win. The trade off is a slower win rate progress.

Surely it is better to make some profit rather than suffer $XYZ losses ?

The VB does not necessarily have to be activated after the 1st loss. It can be inserted anywhere along your progression line.

E.G. in an 8 line progression you could activate VB after your 3rd consecutive money loss.

It doesn't guarantee a win but certainly stops the "bleeding" of a large run of losses.
VB can also incorporate 2 or 3, or other, VB back to back wins if you feel you are in a "black hole" with your section results. Say the last 10 spins or similar ?

It's a flexible tool that gives you a win on any same/same 2 line spin results.  There's certainly lots of those in any roulette session.

Testing it is free apart from your time.


Hi ausguy,

OK. Understood perfectly. Thanks.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


I am not so sure that these ideas of mine are going to result in anything much at all.  That is why we have these NOTEPAD entries. To test things out and shoot new ideas to be considered etc.
Seems Sam's been having good results with the EC+Line variant; but I think he's just been lucky. Unless he's playing it slightly differently... The EC+COL+DOZ can be dangerous if encountering sleepers so even though I contracted the progression to a maximum high of 2units it seems a bit hit or miss with or without stops and virtual betting. You will not always finish with a positive result.
There are still some improvements that might be incorporated though.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Here is "one" of my problems when playing.  I get bored and sleepy and start making mistakes.  Many times I don't even know it's a mistake!!  How many more of you are this way?

I was having such good luck at Dublin, I switched to BV and played for nickels.  Playing for lower money made me careless and I went down 10 Euro.  I logged off and won it back in three sessions.

The idea is pretty strong.  One thing has caught my eye:  When you get RO or BE, you seem to get a run of them!  I've had about six in a row.  Same with BO or RE.

This makes me curious as to whether or not this could be a system of it's own.  I see using it with a D'Alembert progression or a FLATman progression.

Time will tell....


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Thanks for your report, Sam. Glad you're still winning.
If you don't like the RO BE selection thing you can instead select the last hitting line as the line bet and take the opposite EC.

The objective is still to win 3 units per game.

1) Wait for a real number to be spun - or look at last number spun on marquee history.

2) Place 2 bets on the layout EACH SPIN as follows:

The first bet is an EVEN CHANCE wager. This bet is always DOUBLE the amount of the second bet that is made.
If the last number is a high number (19-36) bet the opposite ie. LOW. If the last number is low then bet HIGH.

The second bet is a LINE bet (doublestreet). This bet is always HALF the amount of the even chance bet. The last number spun determines the line to be wagered according to the line bets 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24, 25-30, 31-36. e.g.: if the number is 17 you place the bet on numbers 13-18.

The starting bet for the ECs is 1 unit. The starting bet for the LINE is 0.5 unit.

So upon starting a session if the last number spun is 17 the FIRST bets made are therefore 1 unit on HIGH and 0.5 unit on LINE 13-18.

3) The Progression: Keep track at all times of the highest recorded bank total.

Each time a loss of 2 full units occurs the LINE bet is INCREASED by 0.5 or half a unit.

The EVEN bet is always adjusted to be DOUBLE the value of the LINE bet.

Whenever the bank is LESS than the current recorded highest total (ie. you have lost chips) the amounts of the next bet can be calculated simply by subtracting the current bank total from the highest recorded bank total. This figure is then used to decide the number of 0.5 unit bets to make on the LINE bet. For each 2 full lost units the LINE bet is increased by 0.5 unit.

You start with 200 unit bank.

Last number spun = 18

The bet is 1 unit on HIGH; 0.5 unit on LINE 13-18

#12 hits. You lose the first bet. Bank = 198.5 units.

Since the loss is not yet a full 2 units, the next betting units remains the same; 1 unit on HIGH and 0.5 unit on LINE 7-12.

#25 hits. A winner. Bank = 199 units.

Since the overall loss from our current highest total (currently standing at 200) is not yet a full 2 units, the next bet remains the same; 1 unit on LOW this time and 0.5 unit on the last hitting LINE 25-30.

#32 hits. A loss. Bank = 197.5 units.

Since the loss has now risen to 2.5 units the next bet is 2 x 0.5 units (or 1 unit) on the LINE bet 31-36 and since the even chance must be DOUBLE that amount, 2 units are therefore placed on the LOW numbers.

#15 hits. A win. Bank = 198.5 units.

Since the loss has reduced to under a full 2 units, the next bet reduces to 1 unit on HIGH and 0.5 unit on LINE 13-18. 

#2 hits. A loss. Bank = 197 units.

Since the loss has now risen to 3.0 units the next bet is 2 x 0.5 units (or 1 unit) on the LINE bet 1-6 and since the even chance must be DOUBLE that amount, 2 units are therefore placed on the HIGH numbers.

#18 hits. A loss. Bank = 194 units.

Since the loss has now risen to 6.0 units (3 x 2 units) the next bet is 3 x 0.5 units (or 1.5 units) on the LINE bet 13-18 and since the even chance must be DOUBLE that amount, 3 units are therefore placed on the HIGH numbers.

#14 hits. A welcome win on the LINE bet! Bank = 198.5 units.

Since the loss has reduced to under a full 2 units, the next bet reduces to 1 unit on HIGH and 0.5 unit on LINE 13-18.

#15 hits. A winner. Bank = 200 units.

Since we have equalled our highest bank total we restart and repeat the last bet; 0.5 unit on LINE 13-18 and 1 unit on HIGH.

#24 hits. A win. BANK = 200.5 units. (NEW HIGHEST TOTAL)

Next bet is 0.5 on LINE 19-24 and 1 unit on LOW.

#13 hits. A win. BANK = 201 units. (NEW HIGHEST TOTAL)

Bet 0.5 unit on LINE 13-18; 1 unit on HIGH

etc... etc..

Only increase the bets for each loss of 2 full units.

Quick Live Autowheel at SLC just now:

34                       bet 1L and 0.5Line6          +0
21     L1     L0.5    bet 1L and 0.5Line4           -1.5
18     w1    L0.5    bet 1H and 0.5Line3          -1
18     w2.5  L1      bet 1H and 0.5Line3          +0.5
25     w1     L0.5   bet 1L and 0.5Line5           +1
18     w1     L0.5   bet 1H and 0.5Line3          +1.5
14     L1     w2.5   bet 1H and 0.5Line3          +3****TARGET

Any repeating lines will aid this system tremendously  - and they DO happen!


Best wishes,
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Thank you for all that hard typing.  You are a gentleman and a scholar!


When I see promise in something, I do not change my course.  This may just be a fluke.  Who knows?  I'll stick with it a while and see what happens.

I may have Nick bot it for me.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


What low  budget casinos are  you talking about.   50 cent chips ?  I know    of no legit US   B & M  casino offering 50 cent designated chips at their live  tables.

We are lucky  finding a  $ 5 min table . The norm is  usually$ 10 - 15. This  applies to both outside and inside bets but NOT combined.



Quote from: TwoCatSam on Jun 13, 10:39 AM 2013

The idea is pretty strong.  One thing has caught my eye:  When you get RO or BE, you seem to get a run of them!  I've had about six in a row.  Same with BO or RE.


Sammy,  Are you saying that when you get BE, BO, RE or RO they seem to come in bunches?  So a bet on the 2 e.c.'s with a mild progression may be worth playing?  If so, my flatbet parlay should play a little better than usual.

Now we've got another system from this topic!

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Tamino on Jun 13, 03:02 PM 2013
What low  budget casinos are  you talking about.   50 cent chips ?  I know    of no legit US   B & M  casino offering 50 cent designated chips at their live  tables.

We are lucky  finding a  $ 5 min table . The norm is  usually$ 10 - 15. This  applies to both outside and inside bets but NOT combined.

Thats harsh....50p chips in uk up to a line. £5 doz and ec, so in theory you could play a dozen for £1.50 using 3 lines
Although i did notice racetrack went to £45 MIN....£9 and neighbours....was £25 MIN



They do seem to come in runs.  But it may be confirmation bias on my part.  I'll have to look at it further--and I will.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I still like the selection strategy determined by the EC combos (especially works well when used for double dozen betting) but I have switched to betting Last Line + opposite EC for the EC+Line bet as described in my last post. It's far easier to remember and you make less mistakes. I have won 5 games with it today. The repeat lines are sweet.

       EC      Line          +0
13   L1       L0.5          -1.5
21   w1      L0.5          -1
7     w1      L0.5          -0.5
6     L1       L0.5          -2     
28   w2       L1            -1     
20   L1        L0.5         -2.5
1     w2       L1            -1.5
34   w1       L0.5         -1
31   L1       w2.5         +0.5
32   L1       w2.5         +2
9     w1      L0.5          +2.5
17   L1       L0.5          +1
20   w1      L0.5          +1.5
19   L1       w2.5         +3 *** target

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



I am happy with the original version.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Jun 16, 09:18 PM 2013

I am happy with the original version.



Sam you were able with the original method to win 600 euros? How long has it taken?


No, I've won a little over a hundred..
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers

Norb Niven

what casino is that screen shot from?   did you win over a $100 playing with 10 cent minimum bets?  or 50c?
