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1 Dozen + 1 Double street

Started by eddy35, Jun 08, 07:54 PM 2013

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Hi Atlantis
That's great mate and thanks for the other tweak.
The maximum loosing streak I've had is LLLL's, it's very rare
and it was on airball. The hit rate of this system is just amazing,
one of the very best system I've seen.
It would be interesting to see the longest LLLL's that other
members have seen playing this system........ ;)
It's may be the Dnhg.




Quote from: Chris555p on Jun 10, 06:28 AM 2013
Hi Atlantis
That's great mate and thanks for the other tweak.
The maximum losing streak I've had is LLLL's, it's very rare
and it was on airball. The hit rate of this system is just amazing,
one of the very best system I've seen.
It would be interesting to see the longest LLLL's that other
members have seen playing this system........ ;)
It's may be the Dnhg.



Even en long LLLLLL streak doesn't matter, as long as you hit the DS.


Hi EDDY, you said: "The bet selection was totaly random."
How do you do it?


hey atlantis.

tried to replay your system, but i failed  :o

how would you play this?

Tisch: Tisch 7 (am. Roulette)
Datum: 09.04.2013
thank you.


Quote from: rbayehb on Jun 10, 12:32 PM 2013
Hi EDDY, you said: "The bet selection was totaly random."
How do you do it?

I just checked the spins and chose a dozen and a DS that didn't hit a few times. Nothing special.
I think the money management is the key for this kind of playing, not the bet selection.

I did a few more tests and I changed the bets a little bit. I started 2 units on the dozen and 1 on a double street. If you win one of the 2 bets without reaching a new high, bet the same number of units. If you lose both bets, raise both with one unit, if you win both or one and you reach a new high............ start at the original 2-1 again.


Just won another $40.00 playing this easy peasy system.

I don't believe in going virtual; I just play each spin.

I had three 0s in one progression which cause me to pucker, but it all came out in the end.

Thanks, A.  I may have to bot this idea..

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



Agreed these are losing numbers and below is best I could do + using brake after EC combo repeat....

I had similar session today also causing a loss of about -22

So need to think more how to deal with it :( :(

Any ideas? Or is this going nowhere?

1                   bet 2H and 1Line3    +0

0    L-3          bet 3H and 1Line3     -3

3     L-4         wait for next spin      -7     (2xRO)

11                 bet 4L and 2Line4     

36  L-6          bet 5L and 2Line4     -13             

24  w+5         bet 4L and 2Line3     -8

2    L-6         wait for next spin       -14     (2xBE)

11                 bet 5L and 2Line4

25  L-7          bet 6H and 2Line3     -21           

24  w+4        bet 5H and 2Line3      -17

27  w+3        bet 4H and 2Line3      -14

1   L-6           wait for next spin      -20   (2xRO)

35                 bet 5H and 2Line3

27 w+3         bet 4H and 2Line3       -17

1   L-6           wait for next spin       -23  (2xRO)

15                 bet 5L and 2Line4

32  L-7          bet 6L and 3Line4      -30

7   w+3          bet 5H and 2Line3     -27

17  w+5         bet 4H and 2Line4     -22


A possible improvement:
The line bet is always HALF the amount of the EC bet.

Start with 1u on EC + 0.5u on LINE.

If LOSE A SPIN then continue play at SAME LEVEL until a HIT - then if behind increase EC by 1u and LINE by 0.5
If WIN A SPIN and level or ahead then decrease to starting level (1u on EC + 0.5u on LINE)
If WIN A SPIN and not level or ahead continue at SAME LEVEL.

Played Wiesbaden session:
382 spins. +123.5
Highest bet 9uEC + 4.5uLINE

Using same selection method.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


I have twist for U guys...........I just know Atlantis will take a look at it.

It originates from a bot I had made a couple of years ago, to replace the Three Dozen bet (if U remember that!)

In principal, its the same type of bet, as the 1 Dozen + 1 Double Street.

What this twist does, is, given that the best outcome of the bet is a spin that lands on the Lines component of the 'bet' design, is to intensify the outcome when the Lines bet is hit.

What we do, is multiple.
Yes, its higher risk..............in fact much higher.
And although we are covering more of the table (now covering 66%- ie. 2 Dozens), the loss of chips when we do not win, is much higher...(x 3 factor increased loses)

Here is the twist.........

Total bet goes up to 6 units(chips), made up from 3 units on the chosen Dozen, (say Dozen 1 in our example), and 1 unit x 3 on the lines contained within a another dozen.

Say, we bet 3 units on Dozen 1
1 unit on Line 3 (covers 13-18)
1 unit on Line 3/4 (covers 16-21)
1 unit on Line 4 (covers 19-24)

Total units = 6

see table example below. (also shown is the same bet using the coverage on 3rd Dozen)

The beauty in this twist, is the bonus payout if the winning spin lands in the Dual Lines bet (covered with the 1 unit on say Line 3 and the 1 unit on Line 3/4...(16,17,18))*
(* equally, same outcome if the spin lands in:- 1 unit on Line 3/4 and 1 unit on Line 4.....(19,20,21))
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Of course..there are variations.
Here is a couple of them, still using the same Dozen 1 .
I'm just moving the special "Lines" bet along the road so2speak.  :P
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Only 1 change:  When the EC reaches 5, raise line to 2 whether or not there has been two Ls in a row.

Up about 70E

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


well done, which sort of casino...? Live or the usual betvoyager if u don't mind me asking....


2CatSam what system are you Playing? K

Quote from: TwoCatSam on Jun 11, 09:52 AM 2013
Only 1 change:  When the EC reaches 5, raise line to 2 whether or not there has been two Ls in a row.

Up about 70E



Hi TwoCatSam, Chrisbis, eddy, RFMAXX, Chris and anyone else I forget who watches this thread,

Another similar but very interesting idea.... Play 1 EC(either H or L), 1 other DOZ not included in EC bet, and any 1 COL.

I prefer this bet: LOW + D3 + C3 combination.  Same selections betted EVERY spin. It doesn't get much more easy-peasier!

+1 on loss
-1 on win

* = Reset all bets to 1u when level or ahead.

These are genuine live autowheel results:

#Spun         LOW      D3     C3         +0        NextBet
1                                                                  1-1-1
27                L1         w2     w2         +3*        1-1-1
28                L1         w2     L1          +3*        1-1-1
29                L1         w2     L1          +3*        1-1-1
5                  w1        L1      L1          +2         1-2-2
31                L1         w2     L2          +1         2-1-3
3                  w2        L1      w4         +6*        1-1-1
17                w1        L1      L1          +5         1-2-2
35                L1        w4      L2          +6*        1-1-1
12                w1        L1      w2          +8*       1-1-1
22                L1         L1      L1          +5         2-2-2
29                L2         w4     L2           +5         3-1-3
27                L3         w2     w6          +10*      1-1-1
28                L1         w2     L1           +10*      1-1-1
6                 w1         L2      w2           +11*     1-1-1
7                 w1         L1      L1           +10       1-2-2
7                 w1         L1      w2          +11*      1-1-1
13               w1         L1      L1           +10       1-2-2
9                 w1         L1      w4          +14*      1-1-1
14               w1         L1       L1          +13       1-2-2
24               L1          L2      w4          +16*      1-1-1
30               L1          w2     w2          +19*      1-1-1
7                 w1          L1     w2          +19*      1-1-1
16               w1          L1     L1           +18       1-2-2
36               L1           w4    w4           +25*     1-1-1
10               w1          L1     L1           +24       1-2-2
1                 w1          L2     L2           +27*      1-1-1
28               L1           w1     L1          +26        2-1-2
2                 w2          L1      L2          +25        1-2-3
15               w1          L2      w6          +30*      1-1-1
35               L1           w2     L1           +30*      1-1-1
3                 w1          L1      w2          +32*      1-1-1
21               L1           L1      w2          +32*      1-1-1
19               L1           L1      L1          +29*       2-2-2
12               w2          L2      w4          +33*      1-1-1

+33u profit in 35 spins.
Table Corrected! Apologies for error.

Recommend you give this a try.

Have fun with it - - I most certainly did!!
:)   :)   

Regards, Atlantis.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



I am playing the system outlined by Atlantis.  It's four of five posts down, but here it is again:

RO  BE......Bet high and line 3
BO..RE......Bet low and line 4

For each true loss---all chips disappear---raise EC by one.  Two L's in a row, raise EC by one and line by one.

Exception?  When there would be a push...5 on EC and 1 on line, I bet 5 and 3.  No need for a push...

I am playing Dublin Table 1 and am up about 130 Euro.  My biggest DD has been less than $50.  I can scan my next worksheet if anyone wants.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi Atlantis / Sam
Atlantis  - Thanks for putting the latest strategy; I will alternate it with the
                  first strategy when playing on rng like this it would throw some
                  confusion on Mr Casino in case they try to identify betting pattern
                  to make players' loose etc......
Sam   - Thanks for the info, yes please scan your worksheet if it is oki with u.
