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An Even Chance System. What else is there? #2

Started by GLC, Jul 27, 08:57 PM 2013

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Please follow this link to go to the original system for a firm foundation: 


We will use the same bet method of flat betting until we get 3 losses in a row, then we will bet 3 units hoping not to get a 4th loss in a row.  At least half the time we won't.  With a little luck, more than half the time we won't.  It doesn't really matter as long as we don't get 4 losses in a row multiple times in a row.  This can happen, but is not soooo common.

Let's change the bet selection method.  I love the "betting for 3 in a row" which works with this system, but here's another method that works great as well.

This is an idea culled straight from a baccarat system and adapted to roulette with major tweaks which I think improve the idea tremendously. 

We will be looking at the last 6 spins.  We are looking for the same as or the opposite of the last spin.  If we have RB, that's a change.  If we have RR, that's the same.  In the last 6 spins  there will be 5 results to consider.  Example: RBBBRB  here are the 5 results: R 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 R 5 B  or using and S for Same or a C for Change we would have CSSCC. 1=C, 2=S, 3=S, 4=C, 5=C.

We have a couple of ways to bet.  With the Most results or with the Least results.  In the above example the C is the Most because there are 3 C's and only 2 S's.  If we are betting with the Most results, we would bet for a change from the last spin on our next spin.  The last spin was B so we will be betting for a R to spin next.  Had we been betting with the Least results, we would have bet for the Same result on the next spin.  Since our last spin was B, we would have bet for another B.

We can always start betting with the Most or we can always start betting with the Least or we can use a tracking system to decide which to start with.  Since there can be a zillion tracking ideas, I'll leave that up to your own discretion.  Let's say we start with the Most in this introduction to the system.
So we determine which would have won the Most times had we been betting on it, either the Same or the Change.  We will use the above noted bet progression method with this bet selection method until we lose 4 bets in a row.

Once we lose 4 bets in a row, we will switch from the Most results to the Least results method.  Vice Vers if we're playing the Least and we lose 4 times in a row, we will switch to playing for the Most.  We will also increase our base bet by +1 unit.  We will continue to play the new way until we lose 4 times in a row or we hit our win target.

For TCS's sake, we are trying to catch short trends and take advantage of them.  This is just a way of tracking streaks vs chops.  With just a modicum of luck, we hope to catch a streak of  Sames or Changes that will pull us out of the hole into positive territory.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


hi there,

seems better than the original one.
Thanks a lot!

Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right!


I did the same but you can do at the same time it on 4 nbrs, so you have 2 signals, for 6 and 4 nbrs, if bot signals are the same, only then place the bet.
Your chance to make more profit with Roulette!
