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EC Bet

Started by ignatus, Aug 11, 01:38 PM 2013

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I don't use to play Even Chances,.. but i tried this thing, and it seems to work: (RNG)

After a series of same EC (two or more), when the color change, I bet for the same color to appear again

For an example RRRRRB <- trigger, now I bet for Black to appear again.

OOOOOOE <- trigger, now I bet for Even to appear again
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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Quote from: ignatus on Aug 15, 01:30 PM 2013
This works
Do we need any progressions ignatus? Which one do you recommend? :love:
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


QuoteThis works

Be ready for the flip flop, it can last over 15 spins, but you are on the right track, LOL, it's the best you've done so far Ignatus, pick your entry points, don't be scared to drop to your base unit when its flip flopping, wait it out and when it runs again, increase to recoiver, but don't be greedy, do it gradually, good luck mate
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Hi Ignatus . . .

In the past I have tested several singles vs series on all 3 EC.

Enclosed is a RNG spreadsheet that tests exactly your selection on all 3 EC.

Simple press Function Key F9 to get another set of spins.

You can Flat Bet or insert whatever negative progression you choose.

Hope this helps.


Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Oh finally you are on the right track!!!  :thumbsup:

Keep in mind that correlations between series and singles are same as between R and B.

You will have twice less each serie of serie before. In other words you will have twice less doubles then singles, twice less series of 3 then series of 2 and so on. It is so called "law of the series" which is compound due to probability of those events...

But every other correlation works on the same principles too. I mean singles of two vs series of series of two or ANY other length serie..

Now the thing is that becomes very complicated to track and recognize (manually). But you have nice programing skills and you could make some tracker for that purpose.

Even all this as BS wont win by itself, but it should give less volatility and better chance for fighting with good MM.

Then comes also very important part of using progression and MM. Take some mild progression and don't rush. Lot of patience and sooner or later you should come of top in each session you play.




I don't understand what you're saying !  ;D But thanks anyway...Good responses from both superman and Drazen, then i must be into something   8) yes, this is a good bet I had luck with it...
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Quote from: ignatus on Aug 16, 05:07 AM 2013
I don't understand what you're saying !  ;D But thanks anyway...Good responses from both superman and Drazen, then i must be into something   8) yes, this is a good bet I had luck with it...
Nice work ignatus..but may i just hijack your post

So if we had a chop RBRB then RRB...if we saw B we could predict change because the RRBB series  was 2 timrs less than the chop
so......RBRBRRBB bet B.....if R.....B again because we don't expect RBRBRRBBRR
Or am i confused


Hi Ignatus

Great that u are finally focussing on EC's as they are in my opinion the best to win the game; I Totally agree with Drazen
with proper bet selection and good MM you will come on top of each session u play; Keep on digging and I'm sure u will
strike gold mate ;-)


Here is a progression strategy for you
Ignatus. (Congratulations by the way :d)

1,(retrack)2,(retrack)4,(retrack)8,(retrack) 16 (stop)


Quote from: Turner on Aug 16, 06:01 AM 2013
So if we had a chop RBRB then RRB...if we saw B we could predict change because the RRBB series  was 2 timrs less than the chop
so......RBRBRRBB bet B.....if R.....B again because we don't expect RBRBRRBBRR
Or am i confused
Turner, based on what I have seen related to the tests am doing with respect to "when", for such a small set of data you cannot expect anything. It could go either way.

Only when you have a sizeable set of data, anywhere between 100-200 spins, this correction is prominent. Until then, it is too few outcomes to see any meaningful correction occurring.

Ignoring that this is a small set,  "RBRB then RRB" then what?. There can be multiple trains of thoughts. One train of thought says that there are 4 singles and 1 double series. To get to a balance we should get a B. The second train of thought is looking for tipping the balance. 1 more double series will result in a balance and hence it should be R. The third one suggests that singles are prominent and the table is chopping and hence the next one should be R, as the series was a blip. So there can be a number of permutations and combinations and finally to me the whole thing is confusing and illogical.
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Aug 16, 07:37 AM 2013
1,(retrack)2,(retrack)4,(retrack)8,(retrack) 16 (stop)
Ignatus, I think this is the best progression strategy you can use for this method. Proof, how about 1,3,7,15. Very similar, even lesser drawdown, but you can capitalize on when you are getting those hits within the 4th attempt. I am sure Ignatus can vouch that most of the hits happen within 4 attempts of such tracking.  ;D
Disclaimer : Roulette systems are subject to laws of probability. If you are not sure about the effects of it, please refer to link:://:.genuinewinner.com/truth. Don't get robbed by scammers.


Quote from: Turner on Aug 16, 06:01 AM 2013
So if we had a chop RBRB then RRB...if we saw B we could predict change because the RRBB series  was 2 timrs less than the chop
so......RBRBRRBB bet B.....if R.....B again because we don't expect RBRBRRBBRR
Or am i confused

Well my friend but as I said, roulette sequence is made of more correlations than just series and singles, especially if you also take into account the series vs higher series (series of 2 vs series > 2, series of 3 vs series > 3 etc.. They are all linked to the same principles of probability.

Streaks/singles have the same relation to each other (probabilistically speaking) as reds do to blacks and it means you can also examine each side of the sequence independently of the other, so instead of R/B being one thing in the sequence, it's actually 3.

Simple example: something like RR B RRR BB RR B RRR BB RR B RR B RRR BB RRR B RR B, looking at the red side only, there are 9 series in a row. It is the 3.0 STD event and it has same value as serie of 9 reds in a row RRRRRRRRR  or RBRBRBRBRB which is 9 singles in a row for example.

Same thing with higher series, but they are quite complicated to recognize manually, so some sort of a software tracker would be needed in my opinion. But it works the same.

From my experience it is better to bet on more of those "compund" events and switching them more often then chasing one, even STD on it can be huge.

There is a concept behind such kind of betting called diversification, which mathematicaly proves that it reduces variance. You can read on wikipedia about this. In other words, dont put all your eggs in one basket.

That should keep variance lower and give you better chance to fight with progressions and MM.

I hope that is now a bit clearer :)




Thanks Drazen...but i am just trying to see if i had 1 example correct. I see there are many intertwined examples...but if i get just one right first....i can move on to the next place.
