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Test the accuracy of your method to predict the winning number. If it works, then your system works. But tests over a few hundred spins tell you nothing.

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How many spins?

Started by nkmagic, Sep 17, 06:18 PM 2013

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How many spins do I need to test a system?


Quote from: nkmagic on Sep 17, 06:18 PM 2013

How many spins do I need to test a system?

Apparently 10,000 PLACED bets is the benchmark..... :thumbsup:

good luck  8)



Quote from: ddarko on Sep 17, 09:04 PM 2013
Apparently 10,000 PLACED bets is the benchmark..... :thumbsup:

good luck  8)


and what if 10.000 spins will be very good for my system and other 10.000 will be killer?


Quote from: biagle on Sep 18, 03:36 AM 2013
and what if 10.000 spins will be very good for my system and other 10.000 will be killer?


after 10k placed bets...quite unlikely...even thou, how frequent will it happen?



Quote from: biagle on Sep 18, 03:36 AM 2013
and what if 10.000 spins will be very good for my system and other 10.000 will be killer?
Just curse your luck. Seriously. You can go on and on testing billions of spins, but the first time you play with real money a killer sequence comes through. You cant really help it. I always do 2 types of testing for my ways of playing.
Testing based on real life scenarios- how many spins would you ideally play/I play normally 100-250 spins, worth around 4-5 hrs in a casino/test 7-10 such sessions on your system with 100-250 spins each. Testing for extreme conditions â€" 1000-2000 spins will give a good idea of extreme conditions that you should not ideally cross. you can play 10000, 1mn, 1bn spins to see more extremes, but if you try to play within the extremes that you have faced within this 1000-2000 spins, good enuf. Ball doesn’t stop there. Every day you play in real is a test bed on its own/you need to be able to learn from those everyday play and reverse feedback into your system of play. above all these, the system should have multiple facets. It cant just chase either hot or cold, or it cant just use a static progression, it cant bank in on one betting position. it should be able to adapt based on whats happening in the table. 10-15% of the times, whats happening in the table might completely reverse when you play but you will come a winner the rest of the sessions. 4 out of 5 sessions winning? Good ratio.


Many test i did with  my both... 10k spins, great result, select 2k extra spin, failed result... so 10k can give indication... but next 1k can kill it all...
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Quote from: nkmagic on Sep 17, 06:18 PM 2013

How many spins do I need to test a system?

all systems fail so whats the point of massive tests. A system shouldn't be mechanical...or formula based. You will die if it is.

So you need to bet when conditions are favourable. Say...a repeating number, or a returning sleeper, or something else based on what random does....like waxing and waning SD's (I think thats a new phrase :smile:)

You shouldnt be saying "I am going to do this...then that...then the other" without seeing whats happening.

So the right amount of spins to test an idea is "some spins after a favourable event" and not " hope to catch a favourable event (fingers crossed) with a mechanical repeating system"

I think that just about sums it up really.


Quote from: biagle on Sep 18, 03:36 AM 2013
and what if 10.000 spins will be very good for my system and other 10.000 will be killer?

I got the figure from "Herb" over @ VLS. He is/was a pro player with Advantage-play & ALWAYS poo pooed ANY mechanical system & in fact anyway of playing apart from Advantage-play.

So, if he says 10,000 placed bets that's good enough for me.



Realistically 10,000 is nowhere near enough. He was probably referring to bias analysis for which 10,000 spins is enough to realistically determine if a "realistically" legitimate bias exists, assuming you aren't using any kind of secondary verification.

But for system testing, you actually realistically need hundreds of thousands of spins. Many players contact me claiming they can beat 1m RNG spins for the challenge at link:://:.genuinewinner.com/100k-challenge/ and then I send them 100k more spins to test the exact same system, and the system fails. This is because they probably built their system around their 1m spins and if you build a system around specific spins, of course your system will win.

Will the average player ever play more than 50k spins in their life? Unlikely. that's why some people say you don't need a system to beat 50k spins. Well, true. but what if 100 players all with the same system say this? Then you will have 55 winners that all think their system works, and 45 losers that believe the system loses. And in the middle is the casino who understands there will be both winners and losers, but the majority are losers.

Basic fundamental facts that most players don't understand.

Anyway the original point is to be sure about a system, you really need two completely independent groups of about 1m spins. If you build the system around one of the 1m groups, then that same system should work against the other 1m spins.

Another thing to understand is even if you test over 10k, 1m or even 2m spins, does it mean the system definitely works? No. It just means the more spins you beat, the higher the probability that the system is effective.
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Quote from: Steve on Sep 18, 06:19 PM 2013
Realistically 10,000 is nowhere near enough. He was probably referring to bias analysis for which 10,000 spins is enough to realistically determine if a "realistically" legitimate bias exists, assuming you aren't using any kind of secondary verification.

No, I can assure you he wasn't referring to bias analysis

Another thing to understand is even if you test over 10k, 1m or even 2m spins, does it mean the system definitely works? No. It just means the more spins you beat, the higher the probability that the system is effective.

Couldn't agree more  :thumbsup:



If he really said 10k spins then he's wrong. Even just betting red over 10,000 spins can give you a profit.
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Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Sep 18, 07:18 PM 2013
If he really said 10k spins then he's wrong. Even just betting red over 10,000 spins can give you a profit.

There is no IF about it Steve..... :thumbsup:

& I'd doubt somebody would test a "system" of just betting red do you ?



A system being "just bet red" would be pretty bad yes, but I was just making a point.
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Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Could some one send me the amount of spins you want me to test it on and I will get right on it and tell you how I did... ?


A system may give u a profit after 1 m spin on one wheel and still be a loser on another wheel.

Basically no mechanical system can give u a profit after consistent betting for many spins on many different wheels. You will always lose in a long run. Your only hope is not to be such naive as to look for a system which will work consistently.

Talk to any person who really played roulette a lot in a real casino, and he will tell u that playing to many spins consequently is mostly a suicide. Well, for your bankroll of course.

All said about mechanical systems, not AP of course.
For example if u found a bias in a wheel u may play lots of spins and still be well ahead. And even if u found a bias, it is still not a guarantee.
And some of you still hope to defeat on a long run many unbiased wheels  with mechanical system consistently and consequently. That's so naive.
