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Two and a half cycle

Started by ignatus, Jan 02, 09:35 AM 2014

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This is the only strategy that i know works, (prove me wrong!);

2 and ½ cycle:

a cycle for dozens is 3 spins. 2 and ½ cycle is ~ 7 spins.

Then wait for one dozen not to be hit for 7 spins before start betting it with a negative dozen progression 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 21 31 47 70

a cycle for doublestreets is 6 spins. 2 and ½ cycle is ~ 15 spins.

Then wait for one doublestreet not to be hit for 15 spins before start betting it with a negative doublestreet progression
1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 14 18 22 27 31 37 45 55 67 82 97 115 136 164 200 240

a cycle for the streets is 12 spins. 2 and ½ cycle is ~ 30 spins.

a cycle for a split is 18 spins. 2 and ½ cycle is ~ 45 spins

a cycle for a single number is 36 spins. 2 and ½ cycle is ~ 90 spins....

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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


For dozen and columns, waiting for 7 not hits and then betting for 11 steps will not work. You only cover 18 sleep steps... i have seen it go way above that.. more then once... when i started that was once of the first strategies i played...
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ofcourse it will work. have you ever tried it? I'm not talking about extreme events, these things cannot happen so often, seven spins without one doz hit, then a eleven step progression, that would not work? i cannot agree with you... and waiting 15 spins for a doublestreet not being hit is also a very good trigger that works
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


This is the first ever idea I fell for years ago. And yes I tried it.
Dont bother looking up how long a street sleeps for....just keep playing this and you will find out

I dont know about 2 1/2 cycles Ignatus.....more like one step forward and two steps back.


Quote from: Turner on Jan 02, 11:59 AM 2014
This is the first ever idea I fell for years ago. And yes I tried it.
don't bother looking up how long a street sleeps for....just keep playing this and you will find out

I don't know about 2 1/2 cycles Ignatus.....more like one step forward and two steps back.

just trying, when nothing else works. now i played with doublestreets, wait for 15 spins without hit, then negative progression, (longest 14th, 15th step) ...haven't busted yet. but roulette and randomness is a bitch, yes. im trying to find a trigger that works, and this works pretty good, but perhaps not good enough?...we'll see
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


I recall playing 7 sleep for column/dozen for real money in 1 session - same dealer, she managed to get first a 24 sleep of a column and right after that a 20 ... after that i stopped playing.. also it drained my complete BR.. because how thinks this would even happen...

I dear to play it sometimes but only start to bet on 12 sleeps, the average sleep i have seen is around 17-18, where 24 is the highest i have experienced my self.
Your chance to make more profit with Roulette!


ALL negative progressions are going straight to hell...  >:D   >:D   >:D


Quote from: Spin4Fun on Jan 02, 12:47 PM 2014
I recall playing 7 sleep for column/dozen for real money in 1 session - same dealer, she managed to get first a 24 sleep of a column and right after that a 20 ... after that i stopped playing.. also it drained my complete BR.. because how thinks this would even happen...

I dear to play it sometimes but only start to bet on 12 sleeps, the average sleep i have seen is around 17-18, where 24 is the highest i have experienced my self.

alright, thanks. good to know. i am trying to work out a strong trigger, now i just failed with the waiting for doublestreet for 15 spins, and the whole progression busted. you're right, these random extreme events can happen....buildning a trigger based on sleepers is hard it seems, atleast a single sleeper. im thinking now a system based on sleepers for an example splits: -wait 2½ cycle for splits, 45 spins and bet all sleeping splits? that's a hell a lot of tracking, and i don't even know if it's worthwile trying, only thing betting more than one sleeper then would be a better chance?...negative progression goes to hell, yes, if you don't figure out a trigger good enough... working on that
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


2 sleepers that can be caught without any tracking device; keep an eye on one dozen/splits in that doz. calculate 30 spins. bet the remaining 2 splits (if unhit)... 2 sleepers then, greater chance? a real cycle should be 45 spins, but i compromise to 30 spins and 2 splits...?
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Ignatus....the clever money is on the opposite of what you propose.

Wait until a street sleeps 7 (I played 5 actually) then bet it will continue to sleep by betting the other DDs

This theory was the main theme of JLs ***FIVE*** if I remember right.

I tried wait until a Doz sleeps 5, then bet the other 2 Doz once.

On a loss, retrack to play the 6th sleep 1-1, 3-3, 9-9

You can play 4 double streets to get around the Dozen table min.

So, at 50p inside min, £1-1, £3-3, £9-9 = £25 stoploss.


Ignatus! My Dear Friend!

You are here with us over 1,5 year... come on! move on!

F..k all this shity negative progressions and try to find flat bets with highest accurancy. Your Juggler was something amazing. Some of your tactics/systems was good. It's time to take a step forward not backward. Look at Mr J strategies, look at Ralph's philosophy, XXVV and his WF3, Turner, Bally flat strategies...

You have repeaters, hot numbers, neighbours, touching numbers (on wheel and on carpet). Study hard all "coincidences". Try with cycles (37/74/111/148 spins). Look at graphs, try to feel wheel movements...

Mechanical systems are illusion... Wheel love fun and it always will generate numbers that will kill any of your monsters that you put on carpet mechanically. You have to love wheel to understand it...



Sounds harsh from Smoczoor....but he's right.

I think you lack patience and get bored. have a look at stuff you already did

I've gone over old stuff of mine recently and said "WOW" to my self. "This is really good! i can't believe I made that up....and I can't believe that i actually believed all that sh%t  :ooh:......but it gives me an idea....hmmmm"

Youve got to evolve.

Iggiv did my head in with personal permanance months ago. Its being discussed in Betselection. I've not stopped thinking about it.


Turner what is the story with personal permanence were i can read about it...sounds curious
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


i have played roulette now for 3-4 years. still i can't call myself a "professional" since most, or all my systems have failed. i did all mistakes possible to make alright, now the only thing im thinking of is a single event, or a single trigger that can give some advantage. and to be honest i have not yet found such a trigger or such an event...or perhaps i did, with the real wheel the only thing i can think of is hotnumbers, yes. Juggler was based on hotnumbers.. and yes, i get bored easily and want to try something new when i encounter an obstacle or a failure... ONLY thing i can think of is hotnumbers, that can give a real advantage. so perhaps i should focus on that. alright, these sleepers may also work but i believe several sleepers must be played, not only one...
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


ignatus never ever give up..no matter what
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>
