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Colby's Dozen Grind

Started by Colbster, Jan 21, 07:54 PM 2014

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Hi Sam

Yeah sure ....

Well, my version compared to Colbsters is that for the betting ( progression ), I don't want to start calculating my drawdown and add then divide etc. If you want to fine.

What I do is I bet 1,1,2 like Colbster. I bet that till I have 2 complete losses of the 1,1,2 cycle. Anywhere in this stage or any other stage for that matter gets reset on a new high.

Then my next step is 3,3,6. Here I play at 3,3,6 until I have 4 complete losses of the  3,3,6 cycle.

Next step is 4,4,8 ( for 5 loses) ... 5,5,10 ( for 6 loses )... 6,6,12 ( for 7 loses)... etc.

Also, just to make things clear ... Say I'm at 1,1 in my 1,1,2 cycle ... and I won ... If I'm not at a new high, I restart at 1,1,2 until I have lost 2 complete cycles. Then if not at new high, I progress to 3,3,6 for 4 complete lost cycles or new high.

As for my bet selection.... it's kinda hard to explain, but I guess Colbster's best of three method is fine. Any dominance betting is fine. I wouldn't go with sleepers though. And if your playing dominance, don't get stuck on one dozen for too long....it might just be sleeping ... so move on.

Shouldn't be hard to BOT.

Enjoy and say thanks to Colbster for your winnings.

PS I played my version at Betvoyager NZ and my bet selection didn't fare to well. Go figure.

I play at my local casino's online version. ( Single zero ... but hey...the zero is just a TAX )



Quote from: shaquille3 on Feb 11, 03:39 PM 2014
Played 3 sesions today with 20 units gain each, so 60 units profit for today. I had a big DD of 170 units but recovered. My question is, what would have happend if I had got a losing streak when my bet was 20 20 40 ( aprox )? Isn't it like just starting with 20 20 40  and catching a losing streak? I am not yet convinced that I won't lose all my winnings if I continue to play this system.  I like it a lot when luck is on my side but when I start losing and losing and I have to bet 20 20 40 for 8 rounds its not fun :)

Well, I've played everyday for the past 7 days. Don't know if it's just luck on my side, but I haven't gone higher than my level 5 so far. I know it's not much of a sample yet, but I'll keep posting my results.



The attached addition to Colbster's spins from Reply #38 is using the following progression rules.
Our progression is 1-1-2-3-4-6-9.

As long as we don't lose more than 7 bets in a row, we win 1 or 2 units each win.

If we lose we will have lost 26 units.  To try to recover those units I divide by 4 and then divide that result by 2 and that number determines the level I have to start my progression at.
Here's an example.  I just lost 26 units.  26 divided by 4 = 6.5.  6.5 divided by 2 = 3.25.  To limit the size of our bets let's round down to 3.  Multiply each number by 3 and our next progression is 3-3-6-9-12-18-27.  This means that if I win 5 or so times before I lose another 7 times in a row.  If you study my attachment, you will see this very clearly.  I chose these spins because at row 30-36 we lose 7 times and again at row 40-49 we lose 10 times.
You'll see that after losing our 3-3-6-9-12-18-27 set, we are down 95 units.  95 divided by 4 = 23.75 divided by 2 = 11.875.  Round this up to 12 and our new progression is 12-12-24-36-48-72-108.  It only took 5 wins to fully recover because we were down 95 and each win is 12 or 24 units.  Obviously most of the wins were at 24 or it would have take 6 or 7 wins.

If we want to be less aggressive we can divide by more than 4 and recover at a slower pace.  We divide by 2 because each win pay 2:1.

Just presenting options.[/suspicious]
Don't think that because your system has never lost, it can't lose.  Always be prepared for the worst.


4 complete losses of the  3,3,6 cycle

Thanks, Buffster.

Looking at your writing above, I understand that to mean you play 3, 3, 6 and if you lose, 3, 3, 6 again and if you lose--again---and a final time.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 11, 06:28 PM 2014
4 complete losses of the  3,3,6 cycle

Thanks, Buffster.

Looking at your writing above, I understand that to mean you play 3, 3, 6 and if you lose, 3, 3, 6 again and if you lose--again---and a final time.



Doesn't mean 4 losses in a row ..... it means a total of 4 losses at level 2 .... total of 5 losses at level 3 and so on.



Another test with spins from Wiesbaden of 10 February 2014

Had a DD of 178. Even had to bet 22-22-44 for a few spins but it recovered quite nicely.

This is played the way Colbster plays this.


I'm curious to see how the spins went for the second dramatic drawdown after the 50-spin mark.  I understand the initial drawdown and the excellent recovery to almost full recovery.  However, I wouldn't expect to see such a steep decrease immediately after as you would likely refigure the smaller drawdown divided among the greater number of sets.  I would expect to see that secondary drawdown be a little flatter.  Either way, I'm pleased to see the recovery happened as appears to be the norm.  The 178 is still within the 200 range Nathanael recommended and it crawled back to the +50 goal eventually.  Slow session but ultimately successful!



I like your variation on the progression.  While I am one who doesn't mind figuring for the sake of getting the math just right, I know it might not be practical in a live-wheel situation at a casino.  Yours is much more formulaic and can be written down in advance.  It might be just right for playing in real time to not have to worry about time constraints and mathematical errors.  Nice! :thumbsup:


Here are the spins I used.
I'll recheck this session when I'm back home


Played today till now another 5 sesions of 20 units gain each, so 100 till now and it's early ( 11 AM ). I played this for 2 days, 30 minutes a day and untill now it doubled my BR. I will report my progress with this but it seams like a winning system. Thank you for that Colby.


Another sesion but it was from hell :) , The DD wasn't that bad but it kept going up and down, reached level 14 where i had to bet 15 times, but finally after 1 hour of spins :)) it recoved, I had some doubts and I wanted to retire but I didn't and I am glad.



I have bad news  >:(.  I played my version using your numbers and did not have pleasant results.  That's not entirely true, but it puts a dent in the armor.  Here are the results as I have figured them.

Total spins in your file: 556
Total bets: 552
Total units won: 72 (1 off the high of 73)
Profits per spin: 0.130

Here's where it gets dicey:
Largest drawdown: 493
Lowest B/R: -493
Highest bet made: 72 (4 times: won 2, lost 2)

The system recovered as advertised, but the drawdown was MUCH greater than I have witnessed prior to this.

I reran the numbers with us busting out at our previous drawdown limit of 200.  After our first loss, we were at -221.  I started the next session and continued on with the spins as presented.  By the end of your spins, I had recovered 139 of those lost, leaving us at a -83 balance.  Do you play with a higher bankroll or take the loss and climb back?  Totally personal pleasure.  This would have been the first bust I have seen at the 200 mark, so I think I will continue playing at that level, but there are other options.


I think your next session will put you in the plus Colbster.

If not I would increase my betting level for the next 2 sessions, if needed. : )


I agree, AMK.

This session actually does not phase me and we all know that we will have variance that will upset sessions here and there.  The recovery strength of this method appears to be where it excels.  This does appear to fall into the grind category, but it seems very solid.


GLC always recommends that we try to adopt the attitude, and I know it's hard, that only 5-10% of what we win will stay in our pockets.  The rest will be taken back in losses.  I think he calls it taxes we have to pay the casino to play.

Unfortunately, I have a predisposition toward slots.  This system reminds of my favorite slot machine.  It lets me win and win and win and then it takes a big bite out of my winnings.  If I don't limit that bite, it takes it all.  By using a stop loss, I've started to stay in the profit category much longer.  I'm my worst enemy when it comes to gambling.

Don't be too surprised if you don't have a win/loss record similar to this:  +51, +55, +23, +46, +68, +35, +59, +52, -200, +63, +57, +65, -200, +48, +61, +50, +54, +58, -200 etc...  Still a winning system, but how can it continue to win and win and win with no losses?  It would be the end of roulette as we know it.

There's nothing special about the bet selection process, so it must be the unique progression.  As it goes deeper and deeper in the hole, it takes some lucky hits to come out quickly.  If we don't always get them, we shouldn't get too discouraged.

Don't think that because your system has never lost, it can't lose.  Always be prepared for the worst.
