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Colby's Dozen Grind

Started by Colbster, Jan 21, 07:54 PM 2014

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Well, learnt a lesson yesterday ... you should not play ( online ) unless you know that you can play your entire session. Had a Doctor's appointment, which I had forgoten about, when the wife said we had to leave ...... sh*t.... was in a session up to level 5 ( was down 80 units ). Oh well...what can I say ... I'm sure the system would have pulled through. hmmm I guess I could have started today's session a level 5 and continued from there ... too late ...!

Just played a session and won back 20 units. ^-^

Thanks Colbster



Buffster, it happend to me also, I had to leave in the middle of the sesion an i was down like 60 units, but when i came back I started another sesion at the level I left it and it recoved eventualy :). The sesions I hate the most are the ones that after you go down, recover but not enough and you go back down again and recover and back down again but eventualy recover. I hate those sesions but the good part is I recoved every time, even if I had to play 1 hour to recover. In 3 days I tripled my BR and its still going. Thanks again for this system. I modified it alittle, when I am at a higher level and I have to bet for example 20 units for more than 10 rounds and if I win the first 3-4 bets I stop and recalculate to lower the bet. And sometimes when I recover but not enough and I have to recover lets say 20 units and I am at level 12, I lower my level to 3-4 to bet 5 times max and not 13-14.


Also, don't know if it's greed  >:D but last session I was at +6 and was in recovery at level4 when I got to +5, instead of reducing my level, I stayed at level4 ( Greed or impatients ) and wouldn't you know I caught a few bad spins and brought my drawdown even lower and had to go to level5 but I did recover and went to +14 and then went on to + 20.

Live and learn. ( 59 yrs old (soon ) and still learning )



Then my next step is 3,3,6. Here I play at 3,3,6 until I have 4 complete losses of the  3,3,6 cycle.


Pardon my density!!  I simply don't understand.  Could you spell it out for me?

OK,  I bet 3 units
Then I bet a second 3 units
and then I bet 6 units........

What is my fourth bet or fourth loss?

Thanks in advance.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



I'm pretty sure I can help here clear the confusion.  A complete loss of the 3,3,6 cycle would be a loss at 3, a loss at 3, and a loss at 6.  That is one complete loss of a cycle, not 3 separate losses.  To lose 4 cycles, you would lose 3-3-6, 3-3-6, 3-3-6, 3-3-6.  When he gets wins, he handles them differently, but he doesn't move up to the next level until he has lost 4 sets of 3 spins.



That was my original thought.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


If someone that knows RX could code this so whe can test it for 1 million spins it would be awsome. If this works on long term it would be as close to a holey grail as I have seen.


Another 20 units...77 spins  ::)

It helps a lot when you concentrate... :yawn:

Thanks C


PS...Sam ...Colbster explained it the right way ... :-[



Your numbers have been awesome!  I'm glad to see you doing so well with this.  I wish I had a casino near me (or even the ability to play online - Stupid BS American no-liberty havin' sons of ......... - Dang, I wish I could play online!!!!)  I would love to put a nickel or two on some felt and actually have a system work for me for once.



Really...no local Casinos .... F*****...

My local Casino is always full .... the tables are FULL ... But they have their own online service ... for Quebec only.

They finally changed their crappy software and installed a better version ... still not BV but decent.

It's Government run... so it would be a scandal if they had rigged software.  They already have the tightest slots I've ever seen.

I changed my bet selection and this new selection seems to be doing better ... Still new so not really tested all that much. It's based on Right, Left and Same as Last movement.

D1->D2 =R D1->D3 =L D1->D1= S as L ....etc.

I look at trends within the movement.

I'll keep you updated as to how it fares with my other selections.

Once again ... NICE SYSTEM


B 8)


Quote from: Colbster on Feb 13, 05:59 PM 2014

Your numbers have been awesome!  I'm glad to see you doing so well with this.  I wish I had a casino near me (or even the ability to play online - silly BS American no-liberty havin' sons of ......... - Dang, I wish I could play online!!!!)  I would love to put a nickel or two on some felt and actually have a system work for me for once.


I suspect there will soon be ways to log onto the New Jersey casinos through a rented address.  Can a U.S. citizen have dual state residency's?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 13, 07:26 PM 2014

I suspect there will soon be ways to log onto the New Jersey casinos through a rented address.  Can a U.S. citizen have dual state residency's?


That and a Virtual Visa Card .... ( no address ) Just country of origin.



What's with BV-NZ

Did some tests with Random.org and BV-NZ

Random.org 1-36.... BV-NZ same 1-36

My bet selection always hit between 42 % and 58 % at Random.org

Barely hit 25 % at BV-NZ ( fun mode of course )

Go figure



This system just backfired and I lost 400 units, all of my BR. Luckily I withdrawen my initial BR so nothing is lost. I had a real sesion from hell, I cached only 2 of 10 bets of 10 10 20 ( level 9 ) and lost all :(.
Good luck to all of you and I hope you won't catch such a session.

ugly bob

Sorry to hear about your loss Shaquille   :embarrassed:

These bad runs will no doubt happen. That's why I think a 200 unit bank seems like the best idea. It is not too much that you can't climb back steadily with a few winning games.

