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Colby's Dozen Grind

Started by Colbster, Jan 21, 07:54 PM 2014

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Shaq. What kind of wheel are you playing ? Live dealer or RNG/autowheel ?

Buff. "what's wrong with BV - NZ" ?  3 simple letters RNG.


I played on BV no zero roulette, so RNG. But this string of bad luck can happen and will happen on a live wheel aswell, you just have to be lucky not to catch it at the beginning so you can afford the lose and try to recover from the winnings. Either way, I started with 200 BR, the max I had was 800 and I lost 400, so at the end I still doubled my initial BR. I first would like to see this put to test with RX on 1 million spins, if someone could code it and I think I will try again after some tests on FUN mode :) .
I still think this is a good system.
Good luck to all.


Fun mode RNG is also "go easy" mode. Real play is a different animal in that the "targeting" of your bets is more severe. This was been documented in 2010 from memory ?

If interested do a search on here By looking at DOCUMENTED PROOF OF CHEATING RNG SOFTWARE.

I always think you have a better chance on live dealer spun wheels. Look at buffs post about 5 back where he mentions only 25% on BV - NZ in FUN mode VS around 50% +/- on Random.org.


Yes, I know that Fun mode is easyer and that on live wheel you have more chanse but I like to always play on no zero roulette becouse that zero sometimes just f**ks your system and I hate that, It makes me more confident playing on no zero roulette. And I also like to keep my sesions short and I like the speed of RNG. But I will try this system on a live wheel also, what casino do you recommand?


Shaq. I don't know what country you are in ? but Party Casino may be worth a look. I have an account there & sometimes play Live dealer roulette & also Baccarat. They payout OK. The spins are around 1 per min. & the dealers change every 1/2 hour. The bet window is tight at only 15 seconds. The heard but not seen live players get longer ?
They run 24/7. You have to join to view, like most casinos. They aren't test friendly & always have a prompt for money if you are just viewing the play & will time you out after a few non bet spins.

The minimum bet is $2/Euro/GBP that's your choice. The max. bet is 250 on insides & 2k on any outside position. The max. total bet is 2,500. They also have a V.I.P. table with higher max. limits.

There's also Paddy Power (PP) but many countries are restricted, including OZ but the bet range is way better than most. Someone recently posted a screen shot of PP's limits which showed 1 - 100,000 for the outside bets. Others mentioned Dublin bet & I think a spin off from that is Live Party or something ?

Smart Live UK is ok for testing but rather slow with 2 minute spins & the bets can be restrictive depending on your play, like the EC's are min. $10.
For testing the free fun mode is linked to the same live dealer bet wheel. They give you 1,000 in fun chips to play with. Everything else is the same as the money play. They don't time you out so I think it is one of the best wheels to test live play on if you can put up with the slow spins & the yap yap of the dealers or turn the sound down. It's a good casino if you have a lot of bets to place, somthing like a 40 second bet window. They pay ok too.


Thank you for the sugestions. I will look into them next time I want to try this system :)


I am not disparaging anyone; I am just offering a point of view.....

To say you ran something one time and made a judgement is just not correct thinking.  I have been running a certain sheet for days using the ExcelBot's internal RNG.  It does nothing but profit, day after day.  So I decided to run it on BVSZ play money.  The first time I ran, it the thing went almost straight down.  Lost $500 before quick could get ready.

Now, should I draw a conclusion from the above?  NO!  There are always "rogue" runs where things are either way too good or way too bad.

I set the bot for BV last night and after over 5,000 spins it is in a nice profit.  I am bugging Stef to write into the bot a "virtual" mode so one can sit and watch the initial spins. I think we can determine early--at no cost--whether to play or get out.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


can you share the excel sheet for excelbot?


The sheet is not mine; I did not order it's creation.  Someone else did and I'm just testing it.

Listen, I've seen these things work for days and then crash.

In my opinion the only thing which will EVER work is to learn when a trot is going a certain direction early in the trot.  There are good, average, and bad trots.  If one could identify a good trot early, he could make money.  If he could identify a bad trot early, he could just not bet and come back later.

I've truly learned one thing---take it or leave it.  No matter what produces the "results", be in RNG, Random Org., BV or a real wheel, the results will come in peaks and valleys.  Be that numbers, dozens, streets or whatever.  Everything confirms to this peak-valley phenomenon.

Find the key and reap the rewards.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



Which betting scheme are you using ... Colbster's calculating scheme or my no calculation scheme ?

Just curious




I have not yet tried the Colby's Dozen Grind.  It is on my list to test, but It has not been botted.  I do bot testing where possible.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


OK.... So which progression are you using ?



Quote from: Buffster on Feb 15, 12:51 PM 2014
OK.... So which progression are you using ?


Couldn't modify my post ... too late... So just to elaborate a bit more...

Are you using my progression OR are you using some other SECRET progression  :twisted:





I don't have any secret progressions.

If you guys think this is a winning idea, I can pay to have the sheet written and we shall see.  I can run it on Dublin or BV, but not SmartLive as they will not let you play for fun any more.

I have done this many times and what I always find is that while you were seeing it work, you were seeing an anomaly.  When you test it over 5,000 spins or more, it breaks down.

There is no logical reason why numbers should run in your favor--no matter what you're doing--and then turn on you and go the other way, but they do.  And they do it will 100% certainty.

That is why I am going to devote the majority of my non-bot time to trying to look at a trot early on and determine where it will be in 100 spins.

I can spare the $25 to test this....IF......I am 100% clear on the rules.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming
