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Which online casino is the best + Invincible system to reveal

Started by steven1212, Jan 31, 01:39 PM 2014

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Hello all,

I need your experienced opinion to help me choose the best online casino. Right now, I am looking at PaddyPower.
There is one thing I like about it but I want to make sure that I am not missing something:

The limits on the live roulette tables for ECs seem to be minimum 1gpb and maximum 12,000 gpb. This seems incredible to me, because the minimum bet of 1 pound is so far away from the max of 12k pounds that it would let you use really aggressive progressions such as the martingale in order to beat the casino.
So basically what Im asking is, will this limit always remain the same, or will Paddypower will start capping my bets as soon as I am making too much profit and realize which technique i am using??

If anyone who has experienced with Paddy power can tell me how it goes, I would be very thankful. I need to know if those 1gpb/12,000gpb limits are the same for every one, or if they adjust it for every customer according to different styles of play in order to prevent you from winning???

The good news guys is that if this limit always remain the same, I have a system that require 116 units that is invincible, that can be played continuously, and that can generate about 50-80 units per day. Dont believe it until you hear about it, please. It is based from Johnlegend ideas, but much more improved. I will be happy to share it with you all.

Thank you for your help in advance.




I cannot answer your question, but I would love to see your idea in print.  I could use it at BV where they have a large spread, also.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



Thank you for your quick reply. I hope someone will know the answer to my interrogation, or if you have any other live casino to suggest with decent limits on tables, please share ? Any one using paddy power has the answer to my question?

Sam, regarding the system, I know that you are already familiar with the basic theory since it is inspired my the matrix concept. However, I have improved it and I am confident that I made it  invincible. I am traveling this weekend but as soon as I get back next week I will explain to you. I just want to take my time to expose the system and since you are a long time user of this forum I will be glad to hear your comments. I believe systems are never perfect and always have room for improvement.

Talk to you next week!
If anyone else is reading this thread, please give me any insight you have. I will be grateful to you and I'm return will share a fantastic system that has never lost for me so far. And I play it all day ....



Steven1212 - 1st thing you need to do with Paddypower is to sign up (if you've not already done so ?) & even put a little bit of money into your play account to try & check the limits on the table you are looking at playing on.

Most tables should have the basic limit card displayed on/over the table & when you click on it - it expands to give the limits of all the bet variants.

When you say "Live Tables" do you mean live dealer tables or live auto/airball wheels? Johnny Legend always subscribed to playing ONLY at live dealer wheels.

Casinos lump live wheels all in together whether they be dealer or auto/airball. Auto wheels manipulate the results by "adjusting" the wheel & ball speeds, so beware.

1GBP to 12,000GBP on EC's doesn't seem to fit for a live dealer table based on some other UK live dealer tables ?  The two I know of (I have accounts & play them) are Smart Live (SL), EC limits 10min. - 1,000 max (their high limit airball has the same limits). Party Casino (Latvian dealers, Gibralta reg'd, UK admin.) has 2 min & 2,000 max. on all outside bets = both EC's & 2 : 1 bets.

116 units would have adjusted calcs.(basic Marty) @ SL to around L6 63 units & L7 127 units needing 630GBP or 1,270GBP. Party has the same levels but due to the lower min. would need 126GBP or 254GBP.

1 - 12,000 would seem more likely to be 1GBP min. for the inside numbers & 12,000GBP being the maximum total table bet outlay ?
Still very generous when compared ?

No doubt you will find out in the near future. 

"INVINCIBLE" (aka "HOLY GRAIL") is a brave claim to make on a yet to be proven in play method ? Having something that will defeat random events (runs from hell) will be a first. Could this be the beginning of the end of roulette in casinos ? We should see it all unfold in the near future.


Just had a look at Paddy Power(PP) with the idea to join up & check out the limits. I wasn't able to join as Australia is a country that is blocked from having an account ?

On their front page display they mention their base limits of 50p to 20,000GBP. My guess is that PP EC's limits will be 5 - 5,000 ?

An on line table limit search will show that a few UK & nearby live dealer casinos exceed PP's base limits. As you are only using 116 units on EC bets you are well below the table limits for that bet at many casinos. 


I hope you will share your results. It's too early to worry about getting banned for winning too much, you have to start winning first with real money consistently. There are probably tens or hundreds of thousands players registered, I guess it would be unlikely a casino would easily notice or care about 50 gbp/euro win per day. There are much bigger players they have to worry about. I watch the live games sometimes on betventure, and there are players making 10k+ bets.  One player I saw was betting about 60k per hand.


Hi steven1212,

At smartlivecasino
Live autowheel low limit on EC's is 10p - £500
Live autowheel higher limit on EC's - £1 - £1000
Live Dealer EC's - £10 - £1000 (except weirdly the LOW/HIGH EC is lower at £1 units:  £1 - £1000)

Best wishes,

PS. I've tried a lot of JL's sytems in the past and found them very interesting - so would be happy to learn of your findings.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Atlantis - Just did a check on the EC limits at Smart Live.  Low limit airball as you say 10p to 500.

High limit Air Ball & Live Dealer Wheel both the same limits = 10 min. & 1,000 max. on ODD/EVEN & RED/BLACK & as you say L/H 1 - 1,000.

Perhaps the L/H limits could be exploited @ a bet ratio of 1 : 1,000 vs the other two at only 1 : 100 ?  Any spin always has 18 vs 18 EC outcomes (+ zero).

The lower limit on L/H may have something to do with low BR home telephone players ? Perhaps a large number of them bet on either Low or High & the casino makes reasonable money out of that part of the play ?


Hello Ausguy, Nice to meet you.
I wrote you a really long answer to your messages yesterday and it was waiting for approval but for some reason when I woke up this morning the message had disappeared with no news from a moderator. I dont know what happened, maybe a bug, but anyway, here is the very summarized version of yesterday's message:

I only care about live dealers because I dont trust anything else. And actually, I dont care about EC's because the system is really based on dozens and columns. The system is so safe that I play it continuously all day with  grand marti progression. That's how confident I am about it. I make about 50-80 units a day playing for 3-4 hours, but I am starting to get more greedy and I want to use bigger units of 10-20 gpb. But although I have never seen this system failed the 3rd step of the classic 2:1 progression, If I am going to use a big bankroll to play with 10gpb units, I want to add 2 steps (5 steps in total) to my progression (1-4-13-40-121). With 5 steps, I am sure that the system will survive 5 millions spin tests. And this is why I am looking for a casino where the live table spread will allow me to use such progression.

I am also from a country where PP is illegal but I registered with a fake UK address (Buckingham palace!) and it lets you log in to the live tables. You can do it to if you want to check it out. I have attached a screenshot where you will see that the limit on dozen is actually 1gpb-12,000gpb. But for some reason I cannot trust them! It's not possible that they allow such high spreads because anyone can use a martingale and with a decent bet selection transform PP in a real ATM machine! So I am asking all the people who have used the site if this limit is real, or if it's a bait to attract new clients and it will change as soon as I start earning money.

So this is why I started this thread. I have a near perfect system but it has two problems only that until they will be solved, it will be unusable.

1. The first problem is that I need to find tables that allow me to have an x120 spread (ex: first bet is 1 unit, last bet is 120 units). I dont think it will be easy in land based casino, maybe online but difficult...
2. The second problem is the biggest, and it was the question i was asking in the original message of this thread. If I find a casino that satisfies the first problem above, I will literally be able to suck them out thousand a day. So I am sure that after a few days only they will start either capping my limits when they realize I am using a  grand martingale, or even worse ban me from their casino and prevent me from playing.

So please guys, anyone know of a casino with big limit that won't ban me when I win consistently??? In return I will give you a fantastic way to beat them once and for all.
By the way, I am not trying to hold the system for myself. On the contrary I am happy to share it with you all to improve it and make it better if possible. It's just that I am on holiday with my wife this weekend and I can't find the time to expose it clearly. But hang on please and sorry for the suspense. Next week I will create a thread to expose it to you.

One last thing, ausguy, you ask if its the end of land base casino. Unfotunately not, because you can only play my system online. The reason is that you need an ipad or iphone next to you at all time otherwise you won't be able to use it. And I think all casinos won't let you use electronics at the table. So you need to hide behind your screen, where you see the dealer but the dealer can't see you...

Talk to you soon guys. All the best.


Hi Ausguy,

Maybe you're right.
Weirder: the cols are also £1 min on live dealer whereas the doz start at £5!!

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


atlantis - With the columns & L/H perhaps it's because not much money is bet on these so they lower the rate to try and pick up a bit more profit ?

I sometimes play at Party casino - Live dealer.   Both the EC's & Doz/Col have the same bet limits = 2 min. & 2,000 maximum. You can play in GBP or Dollars, either USD, Canadian or Aussie. What ever currency a person starts with always stays in that money type with any account.

Any inside number has a 1 - 250 range.


Hello Ausguy,

A place like party casino could work as far as the spread is concerned. 2-2,000 gpb would let you use my version of Jl system with a 5 step grand marti and use unit sizes as big a 15 or 20 gpb. You could play all day long without losing if it's a live dealer, and make 3,000+ a day.
So the only question that remains is, after a the first month, when you try to withdraw 100,000+ of earnings! will they let you come back and play again? Or will they ban you ? You who has experience with this casino has any idea how they might react ???

Atlantis, it's an honor to see you here. The system I will post next week will be dedicated to you, because one message you posted once in the code 4 thread is what made it click in my head, and that when I thought of it all. All thanks to you and JL and I will be happy to give it back to you as soon as I fly back home.



Quote from: ausguy on Feb 02, 07:20 AM 2014
atlantis - With the columns & L/H perhaps it's because not much money is bet on these so they lower the rate to try and pick up a bit more profit ?

I sometimes play at Party casino - Live dealer.   Both the EC's & Doz/Col have the same bet limits = 2 min. & 2,000 maximum. You can play in GBP or Dollars, either USD, Canadian or Aussie. What ever currency a person starts with always stays in that money type with any account.

Any inside number has a 1 - 250 range.


Ausguy, thank you for all your as are and sorry If it took time for me to reply. But I had a problem with approval that is not fixed. You can see my answers above in the conversation now. Best.



Is it just me & KCIN012 or does this sound like JL himself

QuoteIt's just that I am on holiday with my wife this weekend and I can't find the time to expose it clearly

QuoteI just want to take my time to expose the system

But you had the time to write all these posts with promises?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!
