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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Whilst Ur testing- can U briefly outline the "Tweak" U have eluded to?

Then others can review Compa work too, and when they catch up, they can see if figures and testing results tally with Ur findings?

Big EZ

The tweak is in the form of the progression, not the method itself.
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


If you have to progress at all, the form of the progression both in and out is critical. Expand it slowly but close it as quickly as possible using parlay or runs of 3 or 4 to close out with mathematical precision. Refer Blakey book.


While now playing  at B+M, I am enjoying H+R *

My little game is to compound the risk bank by at least +10% per session.

Trying for a record run. Power of compounding is formidable - you dont have to make play complicated!

Good technique to apply if clocked  live is to follow the matrix triggers for just one hit. Sometimes there may be two triggers on different beats on different sections of the matrix. Easy way to quickly scoop a modest unit win, but unit value can gradually be increased.

* to add to the schedule : hit and run : guerilla warfare in the casino



Got to ten in the series with several sessions only 1 or 2 spins.
For example this... an example of looking at a cluater of street patterns and an aa matrix....

1  .......  number 1 was a great target. all play was virtual until one spin and hit on 1 - note the penultimate cycle beat.

A nice example. Somedays there may be several, others, few.



For those readers who have followed this post from the beginning and have read some of the ideas suggested by CS you may now like to cross refer to the thread commenced by Chris on betting for the future. With recent posts on that thread there is some information that may be of considerable help in developing a further succesful bet. Much work will be required.

However I use the acronym ROBE and BORE to focus this area of attention.



Note that all EC's are involved ( a response to those who think one is more significant than the others) and that dozen play may also be interlinked or overlapped for a bet method that has outside bet application.

Yet it is column dozens that can be used well with the matrix bet for inside bet application.



Here is an insane sequence from the B+M today.

Would you encounter this on RNG as frequently as these opportunities are found live??

       I bet 12 or 35 here and possibly 3  - a street pattern trigger and outcome


0     nice way to end it all

Matrix, wheel sections, street patterns, penultimate betting,  all assiting



Here is another 'common sense' observation from the candyshop casino.

To take full advantage of the goodies on offer we have to be very wide eyed and bushy tailed when commencing.

what's on offer today? could be a prime question.

For example a friend of mine was yesterday describing his experiences playing live one evening and experienced the familar syndrome we call 'tunnel vision'  with total focus one one method which was breaking even.

However he failed to notice, and did not realise till reviewing his data in a 'post mortem' analysis that the dealers at his table had been consistently spinning repeats throughout the evening. In 80 spins a remarkable 12 repeats. The expectation of course is 1 in 37. So to be gifted 1 in 6.5 is an aexample of short term cycle patterns randomness offers us.

I once clocked one of my favourirte casinos for a month. Over that time the astonishing average was 1 in 29 spins and I had been alerted to this by just noticing quite a few repeats casually. I monitored 5000 live spins.

A year later of course it was around 1 in 42 spins average.

Cycles within cycles. But the message is to be alert!!!

What can be simpler than just flat staking and playing the previous spin win.



Just got back after 2 weeks of live play and as usual gone into review mode and self appraisal - what could have been done better. Some fantastic achievements and some silly errors. Adding to the black book of lists of what to do and what not to do.

Have the luxury now of 2 weeks of testing and development of better methods with lashings of Christmas qualities.

The testing of the four approaches earlier mentioned continues and the big realisation is the need to find an attack bet that can handle all circumstances. From hostile/ clinical dealers/ adverse chops and runs ( a universal bet) to adverse casino conditions / three soundtracks running simultaneously plus a live band ( earplug solution) to mistakes made by the player ( keep it simple).

To the reader this may sound trite but I realise now more than ever it is necessary to have a simple proven bet and not to even bother to attend unless you first have this. I guess that is just common sense.

My approach now is to focus on the selection of this bet from several bets currently being tuned/ tested and use this as the primary income earner.

Then the exotics ( matrix betting/ threads/ clustering) which can produce outstanding results sometimes, but still notoriously fuzzy and volatile, can be fueled/ subsidised from a small proportion of net winnings, and they can be parlayed aggressively when the opportunities arise which I find to be about 40-50% of the time. The remaining sessions can be allowed to fizz at no net loss. ( Some may choose to edit any other form of betting - this is surely engineering refinement.)

By approaching prioritisation this way you need never have another losing session/ day. However don't start till you are fully prepared. This is my advice to myself! Will update on best suggested 'universal' methods (outline only) over the next couple of weeks. It will be up to the individual to fine tune/ develop their personal bet.


flukey luke

XXVV, thank you for your latest post. You certainly add a lot of depth to the discussion.
I like your approach to the game. It certainly sounds like you plan things meticulously before an attack on the casino.
Having a 'bread and butter' earner is sound logic while looking out for the big catch. I have recently adopted this strategy myself. It is unrealistic to expect big wins every other day. On the other hand, I don't think it is unrealistic to at the very least break even. This mindset has really improved my bottom line and also takes a lot of pressure away if you are playing the game as more than just a hobby.



Thanks F/L

The truth is I now see more and more clearly the need to plan ahead more fully. Can understand why the professionals  encourage this. It is a reality check. Thanks for your added positive comments. XXVV


Quote from: XXVV on Dec 22, 08:38 PM 2010
Thanks F/L

The truth is I now see more and more clearly the need to plan ahead more fully. Can understand why the professionals  encourage this. It is a reality check. Thanks for your added positive comments. XXVV
It is the only way to come on top....1 unit or 20 units
as long as you are constantly there with casinos money.Any other way
is self suicide.
You can always get me on  


So true.

By the way Good Fortune with Macao.

I still read the classic "Roulette for the Millions" by O'Neil-Dunne based on a month of 24 hour a day play at Macao with the team. ( He was also a fan of the lateral thinking Edward deBono).

Choosability or Probability.

However, I think we have a third way ( with various options) opening up now, but what a great yarn it was.



After a short enforced break it has been a great time to reflect and really fundamentally question primary approaches to the Great Game and to start to shape the key goals for 2011.

Reviewing some of the excellent thoughts being promoted through the Forum at this time and then reflecting on my own current approach, wouldn't it be fascinating to conduct a 2011 Macao Challenge and by assembling a small skilled team what results would be achieved today comparing various best selected methods as being discussed openly today.

( Off to the Publishers and P/R teams right now!!)

What compulsive reading a new Book of Macao would engender amongst the uncertainties of the current volatilities in worldwide finance.

I am confident results would all be strongly positive over a 30 day period, and a far cry from the results of the original study which compared basic strategies with outside bets, to choosability ( discretionary play on a variety of attack methods based on player experience).

At that time the outside bets basically broke even. The choosability showed a profit of +190K on HKD. A tidy sum. The Author, a wealthy man in his own right, always impeccably fair, conceded in a postscript however, that on his return to Europe, by continuing the choosability approach he lost that equivalent amount the following month. Not consistent!

The access now to computer power, accelerating technology, information sharing, research and development, advanced mathematics, gaming psychology, and massive demonstrations of organised casino wins ( MIT et al), may encourage optimism for roulette but it is still a frontier hotly disputed, with a consistent winning approach applied by professionals who obviously closely guard their methods.

Through this Forum however it would be fair to say there are several worthy and very exciting pathways available and some key genuine information has been made available to enable real progress this year.

Nevertheless, despite the roller coaster ride ( and some disappointments) we have had to endure, we can look forward to a fantastic best year ahead, with new focus and re-energised efforts.

Will keep you posted.

