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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Hello there.  I am very new to this Forum but consider I was fortunate to tune in at this time.  Thank you CS for providing gems for us to consider.
I am interested in all the ideas that have been set out to find a flat bet which will provide a consistent opportunity to take profit.

Fascinated by the coding of Doz and Col.

I will make an attempt to move this forward by noting how when the codes are verticaly aligned as per a number sequence often there are long runs of clusters that seem to occur and which overlap when you consider Doz and Col.   

Perhaps there is an opportunity to take short term take advantage of this phenomenon - a sort of game within a game.  I believe a win will outweigh a loss comparing +20 to -16.

It might be possible to climb on and off quickly and take a quick profit, say two net wins, ie +40 units.

For example from Wiesbaden 1st October T3

26   c b
25   c a
1     a a
7     a a  first proven overlap.  bet for cluster to continue and win
14   b b  loss
19   b a  win
1     a a  win   and take profit after two net wins
28   c a  (loss)
2     a b
26   c b (win)

My definition of a cluster would be 3 or more elements, ie a, b, or c, in a sequence.  This is a vertical sequence.

I have run this idea with my own terminology coding and have had success.

Is this the sort of direction you were suggesting for us CS?

Thanks everyone for contributing to this very interesting discussion which will help us all.  Food for thought.  I have other ideas too but for smaller unit gain, ie say +5 units but probably at higher unit value or a value that can be grown/ compounded.




I need to add some clarification to my post because on reflection what I wrote previously was ambiguous and there is a further level I should add to this idea.

By cluster I mean two elements eg abbbbaabba or bccbbcccbbb

However to stabilise or form a cluster I define this by the short term pattern consisting of at least three elements, eg abb or aab or aba.

Sometimes play is very choppy and might consist of lots of change such as,
abcbacabbcac, but in due course a long string cluster will form and I have seen these in excess of 20 elements.  I have charted the length of clusters over statistically significant samples so know what to expect. 

It is quite reasonable to expect 2,3 or up to 6 consecutive wins with this method playing 16 targets before a loss.  However perhaps one game in ten might trigger a bank loss if the stop loss is set low.

Play is always flat staking.

What we can use amongst other opportunities (!) though is a situation where two string clusters of say 6 or 7 elements (common) overlap on Doz and Col thus providing a temporary target area of favoured 16 numbers for inside betting, as opposed to the more usual outside table staking with this method.

I usually start a selective flat bet on 16 numbers after the overlap is noted and 3 or more elements are confirmed to enable a formal overlap.  These are usually stable enough during a 30-50 spin sequence to enable quick selected net profit.

At this time I am happy to walk away after two consecutive wins to enable a gain of approximately +40 units in a quick game.

However by being patient and watching choppy phases pass then runs can be seen and advantage can be taken.

Again it would pay to have a stop loss bank for those situations which just are too choppy.

However another level of refinment can be overlaid as per the observation of CS that after 18 numbers are played and observed ( virtually) there is a better chance of repetition among these numbers rather than the remaining 18 that have not yet materialised.  Thus numbers that have not yet shown could well be edited from the 16 numbers we are targetting because there may be improved chance of repeats for this reason or also for other reasons that can be monitored by a variety of methods for ec betting or other cluster analysis ( such as wheel sections or groups of finales).

Thus 16 targets could be trimmed to say 9 or less, improving net returns.

Hope this is clearer.

There are lots of other techniques too which can offer short term advantage where say a smaller bank of 10 units can be used, and when 5 units or more are offered by a series of small wins, then the player can take a nice profit and eventually compound his winnings.

There are trigger events to indicate cluster changes, but thats another story.

Hope this is helpful in the spirit of moving ideas forward to be more successful for us all.   I hope this has not gone too far out on the limb!  Cant wait to hear more from CS.




Welcome to the forum X, and thanks for participating actively :thumbsup:

Appreciated!  :)
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You can tell I'm new to this game.  I wrote a fab set of ideas and got so carried away I timed myself out and when posting lost the whole lot!! That will teach me.  Common sense is essential!

Very quickly Ia pologise as I think I misinterpreted the matrix as suggested by CS.  But here is my take on it

aa  ab  ac

ba  bb  bc

ca  cb  cc

Every group( 9) has 4  ( FOUR) numbers !!

So I followed the idea and applied to Wiesbaden 1 Oct T3 first 20 spins the idea of playing B only from the last 2 doz and last 2 cols

numbers 15  17  20  24  26  29  33  35

used virtual play and trigger being appearance of one of these then played penultimate spin  after virtual win and continue till a loss then stop.
2 wins  2 losses  ie +40




Idiota!!  Sorry.

Every group( 9) has 4  ( FOUR) numbers !!



Good Morning.  It is a beautiful morning here and after a long walk down by the beach my thoughts are clearer and I have re-focused on the instructions from CS.  Trying to look laterally.  Simply.

Looked at this grid of nine.  Looked at it as an entity of 3x3.  And as suggested have set aside any numbers from the moment.

A series of ideas.  Apologies in advance if these are silly or obvious or already stated somewhere else.

#1 the idea of a sequence of movements - a chain of movements on this matrix square.  ( can it also go in 3D? - ie by some other variables).  Say from one corner to the centre then onward to the next position.  What would be the reason for this happening? A series of steps - just part of a short term pattern which may regularly be identified.   Say first two steps of a line trigger a strong possibility for the third step? Eg aa to bb then on to cc? Flat bet this outcome possibility (only four straight up numbers).  The X pattern is a subliminal hint no doubt from my choice of name.

#2 repeats in a grouping - like a short term attraction.  say to any position say aa then play all the adjacent possibilities.

Thus the matrix might be like this in potential outcomes/ links.

3  5  3
5  8  5
3  5  3     with  bb  quite a busy hub of adjacent possibilities.

Will monitor outcomes and see if there is any merit to these ideas. . . .
Hope this helps


Quote from: XXVV on Oct 04, 02:39 AM 2010

So I followed the idea and applied to Wiesbaden 1 Oct T3 first 20 spins the idea of playing B only from the last 2 doz and last 2 cols

numbers 15  17  20  24  26  29  33  35

used virtual play and trigger being appearance of one of these then played penultimate spin  after virtual win and continue till a loss then stop.
2 wins  2 losses  ie +40



Interesting. I'll check it out. ;)


Next step might be to characterise each of the nine coded groups in the magic square and schedule their EC characteristics to see which are balanced and which skewed or strong in certain character, weak in other.

Have also been looking at patterns of sequence of outcomes for the 81 (!) situations that can occur ( discounting zero which might be ignored) from repeat to relationship in different locations, eg aa to aa to ab   and ab to ba etc.

Steady progress.



Moving forward.   4 coded squares have particular interest. 

ab is  BL dominant and Low               ab  B  L         ac  R  L

ac is   R  dominant and Low

cb is  BL dominant and High               cb  B  H         cc  R  H

cc is   R  dominant and High

all others are balanced in EC characteristics. 

Running through 100 spin sets of Wiesbaden data and observing outcomes. 

Hope this is in the right direction



Next step out on a limb exploring!

Have set up a trigger (simple example) to activate targetting of one of these four panels of 4 numbers.

Idea is to say simply await an outcome that hits one of these panels and then play penultimate for a repeat of the panel.  Stop if lose and continue if win.  Sometimes you get a resonating/ repeating outcome.

Small sample of 50 Wiesbaden spins activated 2 misses and 2 consecutive wins when took profit.  Overall return +56 units - only played 4 real spins.

This may just be a happy coincidence but I will test several sets of 100 spin samples for this but also look at EC betting sequences (penultimate betting) where there is a strong likelihood of one or more of these characteristics - B or R, and H or L - then target the panel(s).

Reason for success should be that these particular panels are skewed in favour of key characteristics, and also say if the window of current 18 most recent numbers includes one of these target numbers then we are increasing our chances of a hit beyond standard random expectation.  Thats the theory anyway.

Will report on any sustained success tomorrow but may have to stop and await some direction!! Hope this helps.  Food for thought.



As I promised here is the result from 250 spins of Wiesbaden  - I know just a tiny sample but I think it indicates some progress but only a part of the way on the journey to a consistent winning method.   There were 11 hits with two of them being double.

Overall result was + 128 units with on two situations ideal times to stop and take profit ( after the double wins).  However sometimes long run between wins ( say 12+ losses) on these criteria.

I will reflect on this and overlay the other variables I mentioned step by patient step.  No rush.  Looking forward to any comments or suggestions from posters.




Well, dropping in here just to ask if you may need some form of graphical aid or the like for you to show the charts to the fellows.

Also thanks for your testing time.

🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT WEB software bot, with FREE modules for active community members! ✔️


Much appreciated.  You have been extremely helpful.

Not yet and really dont want to go too far without further input from CS!





I do have the [chart] tag code in my hardrive but at the time won't insert it into the forum's software codebase unless there's an actual need/demand for it.

...when you happen to need to insert a balance graph just PM me and I'll add it.  :)

🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT WEB software bot, with FREE modules for active community members! ✔️


It has been a lot of fun working through these ideas and thanks for support and encouragement gratefully received. I am trying to keep in focus what CS has  stated and what has been suggested, so the explorations may meander a little!

I will re-read all CS postings now before I go any further and refocus!!
In the meantime here are the results of 1200 spins being 12 x 100 spin sessions from Wiesbaden.

I know the 'bet' as I have set it up at present is quite simple and very crude but (to my pleasant surprise) it does actually work and it or a relative of it maybe (!) could be tuned and tweaked via the variables - or I may need to be reminded I am way off course!!!

1200 spins, 12 sessions ( 2 encountered net loss)

+448 units  from 442 bets placed ( ie one live bet for every three 'virtual' spins)

This is based on targetting 4 only targets on inside table numbers

A win is +36, and a loss -4 units.

An observation is that there could be some parallel plays which are outside bets on Doz and Col, using the penultimate betting pattern which would 'dampen' the volatility of a series of near misses into a series of small hits.  This can also be done with EC  R/B and H/L factors.  It would not be hard to co-ordinate these and I can look at that next until told to stop!


