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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Can you please give a small example of your play?



Wiesbaden T3 12.08.2010
column three

11    code ab and looking for a repeat of ab on p/e bet
1      L
8      code ab etc
23    L
30    code cc etc
8      L close but no cigar and sets up next target code ab
5      W as it falls within ab 4 target parameter also sets target code ab
6      L close but no cigar under these tight parameters sets ac target
25    L
9      code ac etc
33    code cc etc
3      W as it falls within ac
33    W as it falls within cc
29    L
33    W  and take profit

All this is based on playing the ab,ac,cb and cc groups of four numbers each.

Hope this is clear enough



Thanks.  It is very clear.


You're a machine, XXVV. I'm taking interest.

Nice going.  :)



In my next approach I tried to take also the dbl into consideration.     

i.     e.     : the first letter always shows the doz.   and the second the col.      and the result is

ac ab

so I would bet 'a' on the doz.      (dbl) and 'b' on the col.  (ld).   if I had a hit on one or both of them I would bet the chance were it  hit again in case a run might occour.      for the chance that didn't hit, I'd return to the basic bet selection, dbl for the doz.  and ld for the col.     

I also tried this for ld on the doz.  and dbl.  on the col.     

as with both methods I had nice wins but also some too high losses I tried the following:

used one of the above bet selection for a start an sticked to it until I lost the doz.  and the col.   bet as well.    I then switched to the other selection until a loss on both.     

well, it didn't work.     

what do you think, would it be a good idea if you sort the different approaches into different threads, i.  e.  into the ones that show potential and the ones that don't work? so we could easily track what has already been tried?



"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


Quote from: chrisbis on Oct 06, 03:41 AM 2010

Hi Victor.

Can I ask, why have we ended up with two threads the same on this Topic, (Common Sense Only)
Only difference is a space  bet ween a word??

It was because the original topic started in one section and then when CS got this section another one opened.

Now they have been merged into this single topic :thumbsup:
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Hello Everyone.

Thanks for rationalising the thread. I was getting a split personality - well worse than usual anyway!

I am really excited after reviewing the posts by CS, and particularly his extraordinary message with the 3 paras -Sept23 at 7.13am.

As he stated "This post is in itself is one of the biggest revelations you will see on this site." After a lot of careful review , thought, and testing, I think I can start to see why.

We are all here to learn, are we not, and to improve our roulette play for whatever benefits we choose. At the very least it is great to be a winner!

The general headings that CS listed were ( I have taken the liberty of paraphrasing these...) :

#1 the value of zero

#2a.  RO/BE runs

#2b.  BO and the following odd anomaly

#3 The 9 Movements that are the key to a CWB

My particular interest is in #2b and #3.

I have a good friend who has been studying the RO/BE and BO/RE realtionships and is working hard to try to harness the opportunities that CS mentioned. Slippery.

I have observed in testing all of these statements that they are all true, and stunningly so, but note that the imbalance or anomalies often appear in bursts - they are not always there it seems so that you have to play a game within a game in order to trap them. It is fascinating.

Take for example the question of Black Odds with a likely further odd to follow.

I did some initial testing and my results were nothing out of the ordinary until I realised the mistake I had made. You need to look at the Black Odd outcome as an independent outcome with the following outcome observed but do not go any further. Do not follow sequences. Measure each event as an independent, happening in isolation. Record the results.

I measured 300 of these outcomes which is  a statistically significant sample, made up of data from live spins recorded in London at the Ritz Casino some years ago. To my amazement the ratio was 60% consistently - from smaller samples to larger samples, and different sessions, the ratio balanced out at this percentage when one would expect 50%. 60% of the outcomes were Odd. Only 40% were Even!

I did a further survey based on Wiesbaden data over recent days.
The same percentage was confirmed spread over several sessions.

Then on the 9 Movement matrix which is what we have been exploring it is interesting how the results come out, and wins certainly seem to cluster, even with the crudest of my initial attempts at using the model.

Imagine how you might be able to combine these factors, this knowledge with tools and make a bet that could consistently win. What would you do?

Working on that!

Best Wishes


Hey Guys,

Look at my post under "General Discussion" "Progressions" reply #13.

It's a tweak of FLATINO's Random VS Random which I think has some real promise.  So far it's been blowing my mind (maybe not so difficult to do) at how well it's been winning.

Unless I've just been very, very lucky, this may be a real keeper.

Sorry to interupt this thread, but thought this was the easiest way to get the word out.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


well well nice to see that people are interested.iv,e been busy this week and just read the post.coming on in leaps and bounds.i think some of you are believing it is possible.good.
  anyway i will be here a bit more often if i can but you can lose so much time here its unbelievable.the black odd and the odd coming out after it is a very interesting fact.also i,ve not been idle this week i,ve come to believe that after 3 red odd comes out there at the moment in my test seems to be a large amounts of odds to evens after it?reading about the ceh bet and clues that were left ie bet the oppisite of what you find and if he loses 6 times in a row it makes no odds as he has enough winners makes it an inside bet.i believe he is not a crazy old fool his pppc wealth page is not blank its a swap picture ssl 252bit encoded page and you need the software key to open it.which you drag over the picture to log in harder security than a bank.
so this has lead me to look a bit further into my matrix as you have aptly named.his big clue was 20 bets per session if you lose 6 or twelve of these then you would commonsensley think it would be a handful of numbers to pick if you could still make a profit.
    so i have been testing like this if aa comes out bet cc
                                                      if cc comes out bet aa
                                                      if ca comes out bet ac
                                                      if ac comes out bet ca
  this is just a random mix with things being oppisite and not the conventional toughts and you are only betting on 4 numbers in the cosen section i think it still needs a bit more tweaking but seems ok to play with.you can still lose 12 but still win x amount your bet check this out and give me your thoughts



I did a test on the Black/ Odd approach.  each time BO showed up I placed a bet on O.

I used my usual 30 test sessions from wiesbaden spielbank, 100 spins each.  the first 15 sessions were spun by a dealer and the second 15 sessions were airball roulette.  starting bankroll for each session were 500 units.

well, the final  result is not good, I'm afraid.  the test ended with a result of minus 9 units.

you can find the details in the attachement.


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


Thanks CS for those hints which I will follow on the Matrix. Very exciting! Have always loved 3R anyway. Actually I like all the numbers because they all win eventually!


Thanks H.
Good testing. I note the live dealer result slightly more positive. That may mean little but I also now there is a big difference between live dealer play and any automated results. I know this is a touchy subject but I only ever play with a live croupier.

The range of results are interesting moving from a bank low of 493 (-7) to a bank high of 515 (+15). I also note the lowest session was the last - possibly an anomaly.

Even yesterday in a new test I encountered one session where BO went to Even +14 rather than the opposite, before it corrected. I had another session where it went the other way +15. Volatile sometimes!

This is one point. we know the variance with EC betting can be considerable - consider the 28 Blacks  in a sequence, before it corrected eventually.

The eventual can be a long time and in the short reality of a 50 to 100 spin session we need as much knowledge as possible to assist us. If we had been monitoring R/B and it was skewed to one side temporarily there is an opportunity, given other safety features in operation, that we could take advantage of the correction. This would be ABWAB.

It may also be that we dont see any "correction" then we go with the wheel dont we - until it reaches known extremes - maybe 15 is a common extreme and could be used as a safe limit before it swings the other way. Climb on when it starts to go the other way. We need to be familiar with the characteristics by previous tests and records.

Also what I am trying to say is that we sometimes see what we want/expect to see as well, and it can be subjective. However results speak for themselves dont they. By that I mean a consistent winning system!

There are cycles within cycles within cycles arent there and we need to have an ability to see the big picture as well the microscopic sometimes.

In fact it is not black and white. I have noticed that whenever I come and sit down at a table, zero is never far way. I love zero. It is a bit of an inner joke for me, like having that parking space always waiting when you need it. Lets call it positive anticipation, or a form of synchronicity.

Last, and this is not intended as any defence of the theory put forward, please note the difference between an independent event such as the BO going to Odd next and say two BO in a row and then measuring that next outcome. It may make a difference. Certainly there are many times when the BO consistently goes to Odd.

Thanks for your work. Food for thought.



I like ur postsvery interesting.

Quick Q.. from a newbie- what is 3R??


3 Red

Look at what CS says about it.

