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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Quote from: brak on Sep 25, 10:25 AM 2010
The dozen of the previous number, in many cases seems to become the column of the next number.

The column of the previous number also in many cases becomes the dozen of the next number.

Maybe this fact must be used to for a system?

ABRLAKADABRLAKA--doesn't exist in roulette movements,my friend.

You can always get me on  


I've to agree with F_LAT_INO when he says
ABRLAKADABRLAKA--doesn't exist in roulette movements,my friend.

a method never seen on any thread so far,which is
a flat bet,and which I play for 3 years now successfully.

Glad to see someone winning consistently ^^


Quote from: A3on on Sep 25, 11:38 AM 2010
I've to agree with F_LAT_INO when he says
ABRLAKADABRLAKA--doesn't exist in roulette movements,my friend.

a method never seen on any thread so far,which is
a flat bet,and which I play for 3 years now successfully.

Glad to see someone winning consistently ^^
--And that is a method/Com.S. mentioned/that I was talking to Compa about
in his thread.
And there always be somebody that wins constantly.
I always asking myself;How come always same faces in these poker tournaments
year after a year.Same in roulette.If you are there almost every night for years
it can only mean that you are winning more then losing.Correct?????
You can always get me on  


I hear you Flatino

But weââ,¬â,,¢re talking about a way to select bets.
Now check this method of selection when betting 2 dozens.

Iââ,¬â,,¢ve selected the last dozen to appear and the dozen before the last dozen.  (ie the last 2 dozens) in column J and K of my spreadsheet. 

Now check out column O of my spreadsheet.  Thatââ,¬â,,¢s where the column changes to the next dozen.  18 out of 19 winners.  I haveââ,¬â,,¢nt checked out the bets between these column to dozen changes yet.  Iââ,¬â,,¢m just trying to see how CS chooses his bets.



My explanation might be unclear.  Check the H column of my spreadsheet.
This will show when the column changes to the dozen.

Am I on the right track CS?



Quote from: brak on Sep 25, 10:25 AM 2010
The dozen of the previous number, in many cases seems to become the column of the next number.

The column of the previous number also in many cases becomes the dozen of the next number.

Maybe this fact must be used to for a system?

Why not? Look at the last 2 Doz & last 2 Col. Within that grid, select either all Red or all Black numbers. You'll have from 8 to 9 numbers to play with. Now we need to check how often those numbers within that grid hit.


Commonsense,you are not Johnnyg/Sherminator
You are Jordan,Wipper,Jan Claude,am I correct????
Well will be listening to your ideas.
You can always get me on  


sorry flat i,m none of the above WHY THIS FIXATION THAT I AM SOMEBODY ELSE  i am who i am CAN,T u accept that. ARE YOU trying disredit me? if so why
   I HAVE NO REPUTATION TO BE DISCREDITED. am i telling lies in what i,m saying
  give me some reasons ?
i,ve not gained anything here BUT i am giving......WHY DOES THIS UPSET YOU?
   ThIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS i want a secure room
           to this end i have my made a facebook  account for the serious to join this is were when ready  the flat bet will evolve my email is commonsense1968@live.co.uk 


No my friend,just that you come suddenly from nowhere
with this idea of FLAT BETTING group of students/that was
the idea of Jordan,not so long ago/and in very similar way as Jordan was doing
in the past.
But never mind,who ever you are,don't count on me as never
liked attending classes.
You can always get me on  


Quote from: Jordan on Sep 26, 08:52 AM 2010
Haha. Flatbet .
No he isn t me because I know that CWBs doesn't exist.
He is CEH for sure and he is promoting his new scam PPPC club...go and check he is asking for a fee

If he is indeed CEH I want to give him a try :)


Courtesy of Truth

"Good Morning people how are you doing today? Good? Well by the end of this story you will feel like s***.
I will take you to the bitter journey of reality that will be based on History and Facts.
I guess everyone who is using roulette forums have heard about the site called win3million. com and a man Charles Edwards Hampshire.
Today ill open your eyes to the sad reality of this site and his owner/owners.
May I tell you one important fact before you proceed, Charles Edwards Hampshire is a very clever man, I mean very!
Let the journey begin.
1 Year ago simple person like me found this website named win3million. com, when I first saw this site I was like, damn this man must have fallen from the tree to write such nonsense.  His words were too clever and my passion for money was the hook that hooked me.  Everything was very good, I started to learn roulette looking for that bet and facts that he told us, and it really did made be a better roulette player.
Till 2 days ago, when he opened his own forum on w3m site.
All posts there are only good, no bad posters and forum freaks allowed.  Ok fair enough.  I agree with him.
Then they guy named oldtimer from VLS showed up and posted one interesting fact that intrigued me, that post was deleted 3minutes after he posted it.
Here is his text (I saved it):
here I made it easier for all of youââ,¬Â¦Just go to this link and read the pages! Does the letters the colours and all the same expressions remind you of something???

hxxp: web. archive. org/web/*/hxxp: :. boffinsden. com

Jesus I thought again and again those forum freaks bothering us.  Well I knew that Charles is genuine and what he writes is in my heart so I went to check it.
After reading first 2 pages of it, I was confused.  Everything seemed to be exactly the same as in win3million. com page the idea, the text, the conception.  I thought nah, that canââ,¬â,,¢t be truth forum freaks made it up, so I goggled it and found some interesting results.  On old VLS forums I found people debating about this new w3m site and comparing it to boffinsden. com, they all seemed to be confused by the fact that Charles site is not selling anything.  So nothing happened and it finished that way.  Then I went back to Google to check some history when was the boffinsden site created, and when was the w3m site created.  I found some interesting results.
Boffinsden. com was created in 2005 and win3million. com was created in 2007.  If you donââ,¬â,,¢t believe me go and Google it for yourself itââ,¬â,,¢s called history.
Little Charles knew at that time that our future will be so advanced and that we could trace the history of internet in our days.
Now question for you guys, how do you think is it possible that 2 people have created same identical websites without knowing each other? Or someone copied anotherââ,¬â,,¢s website? Or it was the same Charles Edwards Hampshire who created both of them?
Anyway this fact made me think about all this situation, I compared the sites and in first boffinsden I just saw roulette systems for sale and in w3m I didnââ,¬â,,¢t saw anything that will make people pay.  Then I remembered 1 fact the PPPC club of Charles.     
Well it seems pretty normal that Charles got tired of losers and wanted to show people how to do it.  Anyway in January 2010 Charles returned from ACTEF office and told us all on page 29.  That for people who want to join the PPPC there will be some kind of contribution thing.  Then later he said on page 29, that 300$ wouldnââ,¬â,,¢t satisfy him because forum freaks and anyone can have such sum of money.
Ok I agree with Charles it should be 500$ or even more.  Ok so now the fun part starts.  Letââ,¬â,,¢s do some mathematics.
In the last couple of months Charles site attracted lots of users, and that forum of his own will attract even more.
So letââ,¬â,,¢s assume there is between 1000 and 1500 people like me desperate to join the PPPC.
When the PPPC will open everyone will send him application forms because everyone wants a piece of that luxury lifestyle heââ,¬â,,¢s living.
Ok letââ,¬â,,¢s do some mathematics.
If the fee to join the club will be 500$ and he will get 1000 application forms (1000 people willing to pay him that 500$ just to get into that club) it will be cool half mil dollars.  If the fee and numbers will be higher well heââ,¬â,,¢s looking about close to 1mil or even more.  Not a bad payday for 3years work.  Would you work for that kind of sum for 3 years? I would.
So as you can see its one of the best 21century scams here.  Just open your eyes to reality people.  If you donââ,¬â,,¢t believe me, and I think half of you will, do what you want, look for that bet, continue to lose your precious time on that man, JUST DONââ,¬â,,¢T SEND HIM MONEY!!! Thatââ,¬â,,¢s all I ask.  I know he all brainwashed us very hard, just trust your heart on this, and whatever you doââ,¬Â¦donââ,¬â,,¢t send him moneyââ,¬Â¦

Thank you all  for your time, if you can, please advice more and more people to read this.  Its time to wake up from that bad dream.

This is just for new people to see the truth with thei own eyes."
Its Set In Stone =)


Jordan may be right.
Why all the cloak and dagger and cryptic enigmas???
(Very very similar to silly CEH website tactics, if you ask me)
Yes we ARE serious people - and we are patiently waiting for you to explain. Moreover we are giving you the space and chance to enlighten us; not befuddle and perplex us with egoistic jingo...
Why not answer some of the questions posed that you have seen fit to disregard so far?Better still, why not tell us your method already so we can trial and test on your behalf?
I will still follow your thread as a matter of interest of course, only cannot understand why you are shrouding it in mysterious publicity - unless you are building up to a scam?!
It's your call, buddy.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


AMAZING i,m not ceh there is no mystery i, teaching you to think differently.
  jordan you know i,m not you.....flat you have a flat bet with which you do not share?are you ceh trying to discredit me in case i find it?
   the win3million site is very interesting reading is it not?you have all read it?have i asked you for any money NO atlantis explaining things and making you work for it is to help your thinking...no cryptic messages i have basically told you where to look.PERPLEXED wouldn,t even cover it.DID compa not solve it ?as he given you his bet?has he deleted some of his threads is he indeed ceh?   RUBBISH.  concerning the boffins bet and win3million they are indeed very similar if not the same people.DID ANYONE think to look at win3million on the wayback machine when he first started? ITS NOT THE SAME PERSON THAT IS DOING THE SITE NOW...go and read carefully the way he talks the way he comes accross its completley different from a few months later.IF I WAS CEH I THINK I WOULD HAVE GENERATED ENOUGH INTEREST FROM WIN3MILLION THAN CONVERT ANYONE ON HERE. you absolute donkeys.....if you wish progression betting i can give you loads a lot better than you have all posted on here but you will still lose in the long run...LAST WORD TO YOU AMAZING


Quote from: commonsense1968 on Sep 26, 09:46 AM 2010
AMAZING i,m not ceh there is no mystery i, teaching you to think differently.
 jordan you know i,m not you.....flat you have a flat bet with which you do not share?are you ceh trying to discredit me in case I find it?
  the  site is very interesting reading is it not?you have all read it?have I asked you for any money NO atlantis explaining things and making you work for it is to help your thinking...no cryptic messages I have basically told you where to look.PERPLEXED wouldn,t even cover it.DID compa not solve it ?as he given you his bet?has he deleted some of his threads is he indeed ceh?   of not so much value.  concerning the boffins bet and  they are indeed very similar if not the same people.DID ANYONE think to look at  on the wayback machine when he first started? ITS NOT THE SAME PERSON THAT IS DOING THE SITE NOW...go and read carefully the way he talks the way he comes accross its completley different from a few months later.IF I WAS CEH I THINK I WOULD HAVE GENERATED ENOUGH INTEREST FROM  THAN CONVERT ANYONE ON HERE. you absolute donkeys.....if you wish progression betting I can give you loads a lot better than you have all posted on here but you will still lose in the long run...LAST WORD TO YOU AMAZING

Nice  :D !
Its Set In Stone =)


I know my Friend, I thought you would appreciate it  :thumbsup:
Its Set In Stone =)
