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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Couldn't resist it. 100 samples. Red 3 followed by Odd 54 times ( +8) and at one stage two thirds through was +15. At all times was ahead. All live Wiesbaden.

Who knows, next samples may tell a different story.....

Have had a lot of success on the Matrix playing the "same" as triggers as well as "opposite". Successful timing of exit as always is essential for substantial profit. Early days yet on this Quest.



Will need to sleep on some of this but I believe that CS is suggesting the 4 numbers be targetted by means of 2 split bets, each paying 17:1 with return of chip.

Thus a loss of 6 consecutive bets ( worst case scenario) loses 12 units, but this is recovered by +18, ie overall +6.

Never more than 20 units are at risk.

If this is correct and then we have to find a steady and accurate trigger to activate the bets. After all, sometimes there will be two consecutive wins, probably a great place to take the profit and close, but the targetting must be accurate.

I have found by playing the "same" 4 numbers as I used as the trigger, when playing ab , ac , cb and cc, that when the wins came, they often arrived clustered close, like we had got into ' phase '.

I have been targetting "different/ opposite" as well.

An idea came to me that the LR ac could be the reverse for HB cb.

Also maybe the BO may signal alikely further Odd but maybe Red (to reverse) so becomes ac or cc.

Perhaps the window of 18 numbers more likely to repeat may also signal where to place the bet.

Clearly the 'tweaking' of the accuracy here is vital.

After this little brainstorm, hope this moves us forward a little.



Clearly the BO/RE  opposites may have a bearing here, as also RO/BE with the observations from the various hints from CS in recent messages, to help set the correct trigger for best bet selection.

Clearly if the CWB misses only occasionally and the worst  ever miss was 6 consecutive losses, then most of the time it must hit first spin! That must be why double hits occur which are a fabulous way to finish a winning session.

Food for thought


Still fully trying to get to grips with the system that ur now suggesting.

Is it poss to put all of this down now, in a precise manageable form
(iidiot proof) as a clear set of instructions.
With the trigger indicators and the method
of choosing the next group of target numbers in the matrix?

Then we could do a test panel, group of testers, say split into two groups,
Bricks and Mortar team, plus Online team and see if the results could to compared in any way?

Thorts XXVV = 30, or 10+10+5+5   who knows!!


xxvv i,m surprised you are the only person posting with the amount of interest generated.i think you should change your  name to triple x as you get three stars for your dedication.its nice to see some one thinking along same lines as me.as you progress  things will get easier and not as complicated as you think.maybe now some people might see flat betting in a different light.
   you,ve started down a road now that,ll convince you progression is not for winners.there are only 9 movements REMEMBER THIS that is 9 places where the ball will land.think ENGINEER a bet.let your imagination go wild. 20 bets from ceh means there is at least 4 spins in between EACH ONE IN A COMBINATION pointing to the bet selection.


Thanks CS

I will take this on board and take a deep breath!



Quote from: chrisbis on Oct 08, 04:23 AM 2010
Still fully trying to get to grips with the system that your now suggesting.

Is it poss to put all of this down now, in a precise manageable form
(iidiot proof) as a clear set of instructions.
With the trigger indicators and the method
of choosing the next group of target numbers in the matrix?

Agreed! That would help and will bring more of us forward to share in this exploration.


Thanks for the requests for clarification. I have placed my own request as well on this journey of exploration!

I think it will all come clear(er) in due course.

Please follow my previous posts carefully. I have to re-read what CS states about 7 times! ...and then it may change its meaning in 12 hours!

I will continue on and summarise key steps when appropriate.

Anyone can input at any time and offer different shades of meaning. You can ask questions of CS yourself at any time I am sure if you put forward a thought/ an idea.

I like the analogy of a snowball going down the mountain. It picks up momentum/ energy with everyone's input and gravity!



Quote from: XXVV on Oct 08, 03:16 PM 2010
Thanks for the requests for clarification. I have placed my own request as well on this journey of exploration!

Please follow my previous posts carefully. I have to re-read what CS states about 7 times! ...and then it may change its meaning in 12 hours!

LOL! I guess that's ok, as long as you're getting it.  ;D


Thanks for suggestion of clarification. I probably need to elaborate. When something of complexity and value is read, we can come back to it several times and with each new reading it may become clearer, and even new shades of meaning unfold.

This happened in reading a lot of earlier CEH material also.

In fact when I have reviewed material not seen for say several months, it is me that has changed, not what was written.

Also there is a principle here, strongly stated by CS, that we have to work for what is of value, to earn the right to extraordonary knowledge.

There is no easy way - and if there were we would not value it. These are aspects of human nature aren't they, and we have to be honest with ourselves.

We can work alone or together, and hopefully the best combination, both.
As a professional designer ( Architect) I know that it is essential sometimes to work solo, as design by committee reflects just that - a series of compromises. However I also know in building, we cannot do anything alone as it is a team that builds. So I think the answer is to combine the best of both approaches.

So that is what I am trying to do with the amazing opportunity here before us at this time.

I will try to set out what is clear and expressable in due course, and in the meantime would invite all to participate without fear of negative comment or derision. The spirit at work within this Forum at this time is excellent and I have loved the opportunity to share some thoughts and have received nothing but support and encouragement as someone new to Forums.

A start will be to define "to Engineer " - to originate, cause, plan in a clever
manner,to design plan ingeniously and construct ( from parts and assembled material) - also the lovely connotation - to ' mastermind' !

So we have to 'Engineer a Bet'.

We must also apply Common Sense!

Need to think freshly and outside of the box, ie think laterally.

The progress that we have made is fantastic in that we are told to form this bet we have a framework of 9 movements. Weknow these are the movements on the table and they are housed in the nine sections of the table layout  
aa  ab  ac
ba   bb  bc
ca   cb  cc

We have been told that we should look for the opposites, and from this that could mean for example....

aa could be switched diagonally on this matrix to cc and vice versa
ca to ac and vice versa.

I have suggested that initial stage may be 'virtual play', and this may lead up to an eventual trigger for live play.

We have been told that the available staking is 20 bets

We know this is only utilised in flat betting - no progressions.

I have assumed that bet selection will be based on penultimate spin selections.

We have been told that the target will be one of these zones in the matrix consisting of 4 inner numbers.

I have surmised ( I may be wrong) that the betting consists of 2 units placed as split betting for maximum efficiency and economy to cover 4 numbers.

We have been told that CEH lost no more than 6 bets in a row ( worst case scenario) with the consistent winning bet.

We have also been told (elsewhere) that a session was finished ideally with consecutive wins. That the worst outcome is six losses would indicate that the probablity of a first spin hit is very high. The mathematicians among you will have the tables to demonstrate this.

It seems we are on the right track, and goodness knows we have come a lot further than any before, thanks to the knowledge and assistance of CS.

The latest stage we are at is to determine how we Engineer the Bet - the live bet that will be so successful.

"at least 4 spins in between EACH ONE IN A COMBINATION pointing to the bet selection".

So I have summarised clearly for all to surely understand where we are at - so it would be very helpful if we now had some ideas input from our Forum participants!

I believe the answer will be clear, simple and elegant when its all polished!

Genuinely hope this helps,


There are 9 movements

9 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1

and 3 key times

Key time 1= 1 4 7
Key time 2= 2 5 8
Key time 3= 3 6 9

inside the cube if you play the opposites always you'll have same result:


Then it is reduced to 5 movements
four of them with 8 numbers
one with 4 (5 repeats itself)

Besides you could record EC and speculate with that dominant for whatever EC  so as to reduce the bet to 4 numbers.  If we follow Common Sense suggestion we could even reduce amount of numbers to put into play just working with numbers with one outcome at least, more than one would be a repeat of course.

A 9 number example:

Numbers                      Matrix for movements
12 25 32                          3  7  8
33  1 34                           9  1  7
27  3  15                          9  3  6

You read proper outcome of numbers from right to left, upside down, the same for the movement matrix.

For this 9 movements i use numbers so as to have better in mind all 3 key times


aa is 1
ab is 2
ac is 3 and so on till cc is 9


Remember you can have the same key times and 9 movements on the wheel and not only on the green carpet.  But that is a another issue.


Apart from sleep deprivation, have been reviewing (again) what CS has stated, and am reminded he wants us to work as a group to improve bet selection, and to develop a consistent winning selection!

Go back to first post by CS and read how "your own system of play" will give you the edge when you "engineer bets from the ground up" by for example using a window of 18 previous numbers, or a selected colour, or column, or in this case  selected panel(s) of the matrix based on say penultimate spinning or say suitable reversals.

Our engineering needs to bring into play appropriate controls to sharpen our focus and improve the accuracy of our bet selection.

There are lots of ways, some may choose numbers, I like to use words to convey ideas, but I have been advised it need not be complicated. So I guess its going to be a bit of trial and error, and I'll gratefully accept any hints!!

This where the imagination has to brainstorm! Loosen up!!!

Ive started by reviewing the past spins and assigning the code- then reversing it - trying say 4 penultimate spins - then see where this points - a direction? - a short term pattern - exploring.

Will advise results later.


carpanta thats not neccesserily true.i think your trying to make a time key work from compa,s post.lateral means DIFFERENT ANGLES.
   everybody seems to be making fun systems so to take your mind off this for a day or two i,ll give you one to play with.
    there is no stop loss only when you want to and you only need win 3 times or 2 depending how disciplined you are.
   no doubt you could see this as a system of play.so this is from me to all who is showing interest in flat betting.
    in the game for people who look beyond columns dozens high and low streets corners lines there is another game to be played for those who look.YOU COULD CALL IT A GAME WITHIN A GAME LOL.as i say its a different way of thinking
     i will explain the best i can and only once.on the table there are only 9 true evens which are 2,4,6,8,20,22,24,26,28. when 1 of these come out bet on all true oe and eo numbers which are 10,12,14,16,18,21,23,25,27,29,30,32,34,36 and thats a 14 unit bet,you bet only once per true even number.do not bet after 2 true even numbers ie 20,4.wait for the next one.i,m giving you this as a fun system probably better and safer than all systems on this site.no doubt all progressors will have a field day with this but its a disciplened fun way to win.all things and that i give in the time i,m on this site can be tweaked using all of my previous post  .the thing that makes thiswork is your self discipline to stop when in a small amount of profit.   ENJOY


i forgot to mention out of the true evens you only bet after the double evens which are 20,22,24,26,28 not after 2,4,6,8 this is important your test will show you why


After reading last two Common Sense's posts i'm done with this thread.
Are you serious, mate?

