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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Once again thanks for your reply as it forced me to read and re-read your work and it did not need any explanation -  but the additional imagery of trees and forest of time and dance and use of numbers is very further helpful.

I am interested in "overlaps", and these sure, can manifest in the patterns you have nominated but there are many other modes as well - all I need is to harness a variable that might provide the key.

Also interested in specific solutions - not asking too much!

I love it when science professionals have to acknowledge that their previous view of the world was too limited - the possibilities are there within our imagination.

Looking forward now to speculation with all these shiny new tools!



Quote from: Carsch link=topic=1393. msg15281#msg15281 date=1286839271
That green table layout reminds of the battleship game.  One has to find the ships and sink them.   ;D

Now, that's an idea for a system.   ;D

No, mate.  The roulette layout should be the place to follow the battle but the wheel is where the battle takes place.  I wouldn't confide a strategy risen from the layout.  Thats my 2 cents.
The ball is always landing on the wheel's pockets not on the green carpet. 

Dont you read Victor's teachings? He knows perfectly what he is talking about.  All of us should listen to him.

Is it a difficult task to put at stake what he claims? Of course it is. 

Does anybody think that there is only one good bet selection out of the events to be recorded? Sure there is not only one but many depending on what you are looking for.

Bet selections could overlap themselves when events have common areas, pockets to share among them.

I suggest to put the pockets in order relating them along key times 1 4 7, 2 5 8 and 3 6 9.
It is easy, number 32 belongs to 1 4 7, 15 belongs to 2 5 8, 19 belongs to 3 6 9 and so on.
Think about it.



Quote from: carpanta on Oct 11, 07:53 PM 2010
I suggest to put the pockets in order relating them along key times 1 4 7, 2 5 8 and 3 6 9.
It is easy, number 32 belongs to 1 4 7, 15 belongs to 2 5 8, 19 belongs to 3 6 9 and so on.
Think about it.


That if we are using time keys based on dozens/columns.
Otherwise 32 would belong to 2 5 8, 15 to 3 6 9 and 19 to 1 4 7.

Using the wheel I can't find any advantage of using time keys based on dozens/columns instead of using "numeris" time keys.

Maybe I have been using the wrong approach
I will track some spins and use that information.
It possible that something can be exploited using your way :)

I pmed you. I would appreciate any answer if it's possible ^^

Best regards,


I have a vision of a sort of 4D cube ( it revolves in time) with multi facets per face, and through 'internal force' the facets change and sometimes with a "tendency" to an outcome - not necessarily fixed or totally predictable.

Yes its a game - there is a delight and freedom in watching the outcomes.

Within that apparent random action we sometimes may perceive short term patterns.

We know there can be tendencies signalled because its a closed system.

It is the 'overlapping' of tendencies that can target a short term predictable  outcome solution.

Two or better, three tendencies should be sufficient to provide the co-ordinates required.

Just one way of looking at the microscopic world of roulette.

Its a sort of word/ idea matrix as well
Food for thought


Quote from: A3on link=topic=1393. msg15291#msg15291 date=1286841583
That if we are using time keys based on dozens/columns.
Otherwise 32 would belong to 2 5 8, 15 to 3 6 9 and 19 to 1 4 7.

Using the wheel I can't find any advantage of using time keys based on dozens/columns instead of using "numeris" time keys.

Maybe I have been using the wrong approach
I will track some spins and use that information.
It possible that something can be exploited using your way :)

by the way,
I pmed you.  I would appreciate any answer if it's possible ^^

Best regards,

Using my way you can exploit turning your attention to the wheel and make me happy to know you forget about the felt (felt, I like this term over layout, Victor).
Ball movement is most important and it runs on the wheel.  What is it doing? Is it favouring a particular key time in last spins? Last key time is repeating? Are they coming alternative?
Outcomes are favouring odd numbers from key times (i. e.  1, 3, 9, 5) while at the same time those outcomes belong to black numbers?

I can speculate like every other human being playing roulette.  I dont have a bet to secure every bet selection.  This doesnt exist for sure.  But putting an order to the pockets let me speculate on more solid ground than playing my friends birdays figures.



For example of various tendencies-why limit ourselves?

On the wheel there can be clear pattern formulation if we say divide the wheel into 4 groups of nine numbers or even 9 groups of four numbers.

In finales, teher can be a tendency for a clustering of outcomes of numbers ending in 1 and 3 for xample ( and include zero number), witha group of numbers ending in7, 8, 9 ( and include 30 number) if we again divide into groups of 9 numbers.

On the table layout and the movements there well why not the matrix of nine areas.

These three tendencies can with practice be monitored quickly and economically.

I demonstrated this to myself once when with a moment of rare clarity I placed one chip on the table on 36R as all three windows on the cosmic slot machine went red cherry and the ball skipped around and landed on 36 Red.

These are tendencies so hard to immediately repeat that spell, but it seems in Nature, events can often cluster, so there can be groups of events when it is like shaking the apple tree and they all fall to be caught, or trapped, as others say.



Amongst all the excitement and exchanging of ideas and methodologies which are in the process of being further developed and tweaked and tested, here is some information from the recommendations of CS before his unexpected and unfortunate departure.

You will recall he postulated ( and it is certainly counter to my personal previous belief system ) that 3 Red could be fruitful should you bet Odd after its outcome.

I have been randomly accessing Wiesbaden data from the past 3 months and have prepared what I would consider to be a statistically suitable sample  from about 7000 spins.

You will note I have commented before tho how clusters and cycles can temporarily distort from hours to days to weeks and even months of play - cycles within cycles.

The Evens appeared 76 times after 3 Red

The Odds appeared 95 times (ie +19)

Surprisingly in various other smaller samples I have done the scales have tipped this way.

Can anybody comment.

Then to the controversial and curious proposal put to us by CS following an initial post by Carlos.

By following the instructions from the posting by CS, taking into account his 'afterthought', the results of 200 outcomes where on the appearance of 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 - fourteen nominated targets were played, resulted in a not very surprising loss of -316 units, ie 69 wins and 131 losses.

Clearly a REVERSAL of this approach would have resulted in a profit.

However, curiously, if you look at the comment from CS on his added 'afterthought' post -where he suggested the removal of 2,4,6, and 8 from the first list of triggers would be understood by testing, there was a remarkable contrast in results to the first test.

It is possibly statistically insignificant and negligible but by playing just 2, 4, 6, 8 as triggers alone then the results are much better.

After 200 outcomes there were 80 wins and 120 losses

This gave a small win to the method by +80 units.

In summary tho all this may mean is that, as stated, it is a little exercise for that is break even and good for testing and practice of flat staking with taking of profit ( grab it while you can) when available.

Time consuming but I felt it had to be done. Hope I havent missed anything of major consequence.



Quote from: XXVV on Oct 11, 08:26 PM 2010
For example of various tendencies-why limit ourselves?

On the wheel there can be clear pattern formulation if we say divide the wheel into 4 groups of nine numbers or even 9 groups of four numbers.

In finales, teher can be a tendency for a clustering of outcomes of numbers ending in 1 and 3 for xample ( and include zero number), witha group of numbers ending in7, 8, 9 ( and include 30 number) if we again divide into groups of 9 numbers.

(Sorry I need to clarify this - as you can tell it was written in haste -)

This can be one of several clusters of groupings within this frame of finales. In cluster theory there may be say 4 groups of 9 characteristic finales and any two of these four have a tendency to cluster together at a time from short choppy clusters to (dream run) long stable clusters - it is the latter which can provide great opportunity for the overlaps we are seeking because you can combine the stability of one variable with say stability in another and whammo you have a target.

Such was the case with 36 red because it met the criteria I was using of the time of falling on a last street, red, even and 3rd doz and a number ending in 5 or 6, and not in the zero section!!!

Hope that helps. Food for thought.

On the table layout and the movements there well why not the matrix of nine areas.

These three tendencies can with practice be monitored quickly and economically.

I demonstrated this to myself once when with a moment of rare clarity I placed one chip on the table on 36R as all three windows on the cosmic slot machine went red cherry and the ball skipped around and landed on 36 Red.

These are tendencies so hard to immediately repeat that spell, but it seems in Nature, events can often cluster, so there can be groups of events when it is like shaking the apple tree and they all fall to be caught, or trapped, as others say.


flukey luke

This thread has caught my imagination.  There are a lot of experienced players coming together sharing their thoughts here.  One point I would like to make though is not to get caught in the trap of thinking that this will produce a 100% winning bet.  The 'nature of the beast' always ensures for the dynamics of the game to be forever changing on almost a spin to spin basis.  The best I think we can hope for is to be right just a little bit more often than we are wrong.  To do this successfully requires having a lot of different information which we can hopefully put together and use to our advantage. 
I find myself agreeing with a lot of the opinions offered on this thread.
.  The wheel layout is more important than the felt.
.  Wins and losses tend to clump together.
.  It is possible to group numbers together and this has the effect of making the game seem less daunting a prospect to overcome.  This part is what I would consider my speciality subject.  Grouping numbers together is great but because of the dynamics of the game as mentioned earlier, I really do feel it is important that you should not use static groups of numbers or charts.  They should be able to change on a spin to spin basis if necessary.  This can enable us to take advantage of the deviations (both good and bad) within the game more effectively.  This is the reason why I mentioned not to get sidetracked into thinking that there is 'one' winning bet.  There are actually hundreds of winning bets.  The information that we have at our fingertips and the ability for it to flow in rhythm with the game will determine our fate.

I really hope this thread continues.  I think we can all benefit and improve our games to the next level.


Quote from: flukey luke on Oct 12, 02:35 PM 2010
This thread has caught my imagination.  There are a lot of experienced players coming together sharing their thoughts here.  One point I would like to make though is not to get caught in the trap of thinking that this will produce a 100% winning bet.  The 'nature of the beast' always ensures for the dynamics of the game to be forever changing on almost a spin to spin basis.  The best I think we can hope for is to be right just a little bit more often than we are wrong.  To do this successfully requires having a lot of different information which we can hopefully put together and use to our advantage. 
I find myself agreeing with a lot of the opinions offered on this thread.
.  The wheel layout is more important than the felt.
.  Wins and losses tend to clump together.
.  It is possible to group numbers together and this has the effect of making the game seem less daunting a prospect to overcome.  This part is what I would consider my speciality subject.  Grouping numbers together is great but because of the dynamics of the game as mentioned earlier, I really do feel it is important that you should not use static groups of numbers or charts.  They should be able to change on a spin to spin basis if necessary.  This can enable us to take advantage of the deviations (both good and bad) within the game more effectively.  This is the reason why I mentioned not to get sidetracked into thinking that there is 'one' winning bet.  There are actually hundreds of winning bets.  The information that we have at our fingertips and the ability for it to flow in rhythm with the game will determine our fate.

I really hope this thread continues.  I think we can all benefit and improve our games to the next level.

---Nice post.
First post,34 min.on line and so well informed about the matter,and
sounds like a real know how to solve this.Very anxious to see further results.
You can always get me on  


Thanks F.L. for your excellent observations.
You are absolutely correct when you state that any winning method must be dynamic and be able to adapt to change/ random shifts if necessary spin by spin.

Nevertheless it is my observation that the dynamics of the game, the random power shifts enable not only dramatic and unpredictable shifts, but also relatively short phases of what we might term patterns that can be recognised and interpreted if we are 'in the zone'.

You could use the analogy of weather maps - they are a great way of bringing visual order, understanding and some level of prediction to a complex and dynamic system. We can read calm and we can read storm. Where would you rather be?  One area you can harvest, another means trouble.

Cluster analysis is one way of spotting patterns that might be invisible to an onlooker who is not looking below the surface yet is standing watching a game of roulette.

I think it is unwise to suggest one field is better than any other, ie the wheel better than the felt, better than several other more abstract modes.

I will give you an example.

Consider the table layout and its dozens and columns. we know for a fact that clusters of coded detail from these can provide short term sequences which can be read and turned to profit.

The  twelve street patterns (say for example 1,2 and 3 being A together with
13,14,15 then 25,26,27) can be broken into 4 groups ABCD.
You will find that these clusters group in short phases two at a time, and the patterns can be profitably interpreted from.

There are many other ways on the table.

These patterns mostly transcend any dealer change and are as valuable as any patterns derived from division of the wheel layout.

Why you would suggest one source is more reliable or superior to another beats me. They all come and go.

I see the game as a constant shifting of windows and doors of opportunity that open and close often without notice although trigger mechanisms can signal change to help us catch a winning bet - of course not necessarily every spin, far from it. However, who is to say that might not be possible.

There are phases of play that can range over several spins ( even a dozen)  where profit can be harvested through some factors temporarily overlapping before they shift.

You are absolutely correct to say that we should flow in rhythm with the game - thats great. That is part of the best approach that winners practice.

However I dont want us to lose sight of what CS correctly stated at the outset of this thread and that is we need to use Common Sense to think freely and cut through a lot of misconceptions and prejudices, and just be clear and direct.  Why limit yourself?  There are lots of fresh ways of looking at things and we have touched on only a few.  Thanks to those who have posted  several fresh ideas. But why limit yourself to making only just a little more than break even?

Winning is not a fluke.

We are trying to find better and better ways all the time to grow our skills and knowledge of this game. This Forum is a great opportunity for that.


flukey luke

Quote from: XXVV link=topic=1393. msg15497#msg15497 date=1286917110

I think it is unwise to suggest one field is better than any other, ie the wheel better than the felt, better than several other more abstract modes. 

It probably stems from my time experimenting with different ideas to try and exploit the wheel layout.    The debate has raged on for ages about dealers signature.    The testing that I conducted did show that you could get periods which were stable if you took release point into account and the final destination of where the ball landed.   
I have many charts showing the distance that the ball travelled which seem to indicate that you can get a lot of short term clustering.    It was fascinating to see a burst of 'hot pockets' as opposed to hot numbers and then watch it go somewhere else and see the same sort of temporary bias in a new location. 
However, on saying that, I certainly take your point on board that it is unwise to have any preconceived ideas which attract more importance over anything else.   All options need to be open in such a dynamic game. 


Time to step off the train for a while as I am about to embark on a lengthy campaign of live casino play to tune, test and tweak many ideas.

I want to thank Victor for what he has done, his own writings, and all the posters who contribute to this thread, and to several other great features on this site.

It is only now that I have read the full and seamless thread of 13 pages and  realise there was some material from CS I somehow missed first time round. Some of the negative stuff however I was glad to have missed. CS certainly polarised a few and raised a few spectres from the past, rightly or wrongly.

Nevertheless, I am very grateful for all that has been provided and the experience has been of considerable benefit, triggering many new creative links in thinking and I hope I may have been able to share some of that with you.

Good fortune to all!


Have returned from a short and successful trip and have seen an interesting parallel thread on DNA of Roulette. Am very familiar with this and encourage matrix readers and theorists to see this work.

Needs to be simplified in rules and to have consistent simple terminology as is used on this thread. The writer is onto to something and the triggers he uses sometimes have spectacularly successful outcomes. However we require consistency and the earlier versions of DNA were unreliable as based on too limited data. Answer required is a better method to handle and  trap randomness.

Am currently working on some further trigger ideas for the matrix as proposed by CS. Have found live application to date remarkable successful.



Hi XX.

Do u only play at Bricks and Mortar, or do u play at live wheels online?

If so, which one's?
Cheers XXVV

