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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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May I ask, in this whole thread is there a roulette method presented?

So far I have got the impression that it is acting as XXVV's personal blog? I mean don't get me wrong I have nothing against that but could we perhaps see a strategy, or a system from you, XXVV?



"...could we perhaps see a strategy, or a system from you, XXVV?"

In my humble opinion, this is not necessarily needed.

This gentleman's posts are a joy to read -- erudite, informed, thoughtful, perceptive. And with impeccable grammar and syntax as a welcome bonus.  :thumbsup:

What a pleasure and priviledge to have a well educated poster amongst us, who is prepared to share his thoughts and insights.

Much of what he writes is a springboard, a catalyst, for those able to join the dots, and for those able to think beyond the next meal.

He more than 'pays his way' with his contributions for which I offer a big THANK YOU.


Thanks S.

Fair call. However, carefully review the thread in detail as I have applied the ongoing 'strategy', since the departure of CS, of bouncing between overview and detail and back again to push boundaries, and to try and shake to cause to fall into our arms some of those ripe tasty peaches on the tree of roulette knowledge.

There is a 'method' in the madness.

Nevertheless, back to Macao, Paddy O'Neil-Dunne was a brilliant Irishman, businessman (and RAF hero) and that book was written in 1971 when he was 63 and featured just over 20,000 sequenced spins thoroughly analysed.

It would be interesting to see how we ( various experienced roulette players with access to such new knowledge and understanding) might approach such a challenge today, and what results would be obtained and published after 30 days of full time ( team shift) play.

flukey luke

It would be fascinating indeed to see how a modern group of players could tackle the wheel over a month of play. Without any disrespect towards Paddy O'Neil-Dunne and his cohorts, times have moved on and it could be possible that players of the last generation were stuck within the constraints of the somewhat older classical roulette strategies. 
I have never read the book you talk about XXVV but I will be hunting it down when I get the chance.


Classical then, although 'choosability' was pretty fuzzy, compared to the linked-in switched-on, wired generation of smart players today.
Amazon $17USD or less.
Stanley Ho was and still is a supreme entrepreneur.
The strange Macao wheel number sequence is a weird and effective randomiser. Tests on that Macao data have always been tough.


Quote from: flukey luke on Dec 28, 09:57 PM 2010
It would be fascinating indeed to see how a modern group of players could tackle the wheel over a month of play. Without any disrespect towards Paddy O'Neil-Dunne and his cohorts, times have moved on and it could be possible that players of the last generation were stuck within the constraints of the somewhat older classical roulette strategies. 
I have never read the book you talk about XXVV but I will be hunting it down when I get the chance.

It's a great read, and is one of my favourite books.

I basically got involved in roulette through reading it. :thumbsup:
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


It is the format of presentation of the 24 hour spin play cycles that so impresses also with this book. Brilliantly presented and signed off as genuine by the casino management. Nevertheless there is an infamous passage around 3am on the 2nd night shift when at least 40 spins appear to follow an exact sequence from that about 90 minutes earlier.

Had this been the true sequence then I think all would have left multi-millionaires and taken up hotel and casino development work in Macao.

However the study of such session results is exactly what I am now doing in trying to select the best outside bet methods for flat staking only. My appraisal of all progressive methods, however conservative, exposes their ultimate weakness and thats not for me.

Analysing data from live sessions to find the best ratios of wins and losses which to attack, whether to allow the runs (same) to proceed, or to hop onto the chops (change) when they appear. Maybe the swings from same to change oscillate within an imbalance ratio and will try this, but of course change cant be precisely predicted - that would be foolish. It can only be followed.

However we know there is ( longer term) consistent win and loss ratio in EC betting. In the shorter term this can be imbalanced. Maybe we can find a way to take advantage of this winning and losing if the unit goals are very modest. Aim would be to build up unit value as I earlier suggested by using the considerable power of compounding.



There is some value in penultimate cycle betting but in the long term it appears to hold no difference in relative stability to sequential betting. Flip 300 coins and measure the results both sequential and penultimate.

However there is a use, in that the pattern of p/e is not so obvious and it may run different to the sequentail pattern and thus may have some practical inter- variation use. I also believe that as in the matrix betting targetting four numbers out of a nine number quadrant ( second tier bet), that a combination of sequential, penultimate, tertiary, and even quadruple cycle betting can be useful in a fuzzy logic way to reveal short term resonances on inside numbers. Take a fast look at several runs of results and spot the links.

Perhaps a combination of a couple of ways, ie playing to take advantage of runs (same), and short chop play to take advantage of change, can be combined in a bwab form to shape a CWS bet for EC work using a combination of spin cycles. Something relatively consistent ( first tier).

On another forum that post by Medo, and that post by Se-Same ( referred to on this forum via a link under the heading 'another pppcbet'  - was most interesting but unfortunately as they both relied on progressions - they had a tipping point revealed within a few hundred spins and failed - they were not consistent enough).

The trick will be ( note future tense) to introduce variables such as those used in those bets  in a combination that uses bwab flat betting.

I am re-reading two classic books from the 60's and 70's right now as they throw great light on EC betting and outcome patterns. I will elaborate on these in a future post.



Another great post XXvv.

Such an interesting take on the "dance".

Sounds like future 'choreography', is the dish of the day!?!  :xd:


The 300 flips can be split into sets of 10, 20, 100 and 300. Compare the % outcomes.

Of course as the sample grows the variance from probablity theory expectation decreases.

It seems that the 100 spin ratio is similar for penultimate and sequential spin analysis.

However the really interesting and useful difference in using penultimate is that, in comparison to the more obvious cycles, it can reveal hidden short term symmetries or patterns in random behaviour.

The key book from the 60's is L.G. Holloway's "Full Time Gambler".  This contains very useful information on EC and series betting. Likewise Frank Barstow, ex Wall Street, is a brilliant writer with unique insight.

Added to this c***tail, I am also researching work by Ion Saliu in relation to EC/ outside table betting. Wherever possible I am endeavouring to keep the bet relatively simple and flat. That is not to say however that under certain special bwab circumstances there might be an opportunity for either a big bet sequence (higher level) or a short parlay based on the earlier unit value.

Reading the wisdom and experience of the two professionals, I believe the parlay bet may be the way to go, when the planets are in alignment.

Thats about it for now as am preparing for live action in the 2011 campaign.
I will report back in a few weeks with results from the various approaches.
Key will be to find a suitable first tier bet package to enable a solid financial foundation to the series, so that a small proportion of profit can be applied to the more inconsistent second tier bets which can occasionally pay big dividends. Application of Common Sense will be fundamental. Other senses can then be overlaid!



On another forum that post by Medo, and that post by Se-Same ( referred to on this forum via a link under the heading 'another pppcbet'  - was most interesting but unfortunately as they both relied on progressions - they had a tipping point revealed within a few hundred spins and failed - they were not consistent enough



True they both/Medos and Se_same/relied on progression,but the fact is that bet we are about here/which wasn't explained in full btw./never reached 11th. step of progression/most 9nth./in 10 months playing,and it won over 600000 euros in this period of time.I'm constantly informed of these things from the man who is playing this.
You can always get me on  


Thanks for that. That is excellent news as I really like the composition of those bets.

I think we have to be flexible and pragmatic. There are progressions and progressions, and there are some that are constructed to nullify risk at every opportunity and cancel debt, at the price of rapid movement. Nevertheless if such can bridge the occasional chasm on our pathway, then I am willing to review my approach to those very interesting bets that trap both runs and change on outside table bets.



Always open to a better way, I have been inundated with good ideas ( thank you Universe), to such an extent that clearly something was going to snap.

So thanks to the wisdom of Timothy Ferriss, I am reminded of the words of the one and only Bruce Lee who I definitely want to star in the new kung-fu roulette movie to be shot in Macao, Run and Chop, or is it better Chop and Run, or Shop n Run.

"One does not accumulate but eliminate. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity."

So to those essential simple EC bets....


Perhaps its that its now the height of summer where I write this. Perhaps the delightful cooling summer breeze and the azure sky; the garden full of bursting promise and running water.....

But I see a way ahead, clear and simple.

Its in multiples of threes. Three, the number of Venus and Nature.

Three bets ( or multiples of three bets) and taking, accumulating, 3 units profit per line ( three lines) of EC, as a micro session, as part of the rules and strategy back-fitted to the method and characteristics of the bet. Three lines of three would do me fine for these first tier bets.

Simple and effective and we have been given the elements of these bets already in this thread, and thereabouts.

Flat bets only where possible or certainly a no-loss policy to nullify debt asap.

Planning is nearly complete, so off on the road.

Will report in a week or so.

Best xxvv


Quote from: XXVV on Jan 12, 10:58 PM 2011
Perhaps its that its now the height of summer where I write this. Perhaps the delightful cooling summer breeze and the azure sky; the garden full of bursting promise and running water.....

But I see a way ahead, clear and simple.

Its in multiples of threes. Three, the number of Venus and Nature.

Three bets ( or multiples of three bets) and taking, accumulating, 3 units profit per line ( three lines) of EC, as a micro session, as part of the rules and strategy back-fitted to the method and characteristics of the bet. Three lines of three would do me fine for these first tier bets.

Simple and effective and we have been given the elements of these bets already in this thread, and thereabouts.

Flat bets only where possible or certainly a no-loss policy to nullify debt asap.

Planning is nearly complete, so off on the road.

Will report in a week or so.

Best xxvv

Even thought half of your words/meaning behind sentences/I don't
grasp but pressuming that you are talking about flat bet on 3 lines and if so
let me point out few words about that bet.
33 spins lines 2,4,5, didn't hit while punting on these.
On 11th.spin/when lost previous winnings/I thought that maybe they/my local casino/
began dirty play,so punting again on the same 2,4,5,lines,before the dealer said;
no more bets,I switched the bets on 1,3,6 lines,and BINGO I was right.
Since then I never entered in that casino.
Unless you have some new way of betting on 3 lines.
You can always get me on  
