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Started by commonsense1968, Sep 20, 05:09 PM 2010

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Quote from: esoito on May 11, 09:58 PM 2011
As an aside, here's interesting info on Ecart:


Right it is clear we are after the Statistical or Relative Ecart of appearances exclusively in short cycles.

Have just been through massive testing of a method that promised much, said all the right things ( or at least its inventors did) but it did not perform because another one of the criteria we need to add in our search, as stated earlier, but now reinforced, is relative simplicity and speed of operation.

Waiting for the planets to come into alignment is not my first priority, although when it happens thats remarkable.

Aiming to set out some key and proven criteria and methods very soon now. In setting these out for myself this may help others.


On this thread I am going to explore the principle of climbing on to a streak and staking aggressively in an optimum period determined by prior testing to be a most likely outcome.

In other words a parlay on a consistent winning sequence.

At this time on the Divide and Conquer thread and also on my Workshop  (Experimental bets in Professional Play) we are examining some methods prepared by John Legend and Scooby Doo. First of these to be looked at is the Divide and Conquer matrix idea.

Trigger to start the parlay bet will be a correction phase followed by ( at least) one winning bet. Optimum strike may be a simple 1-2-3 parlay on the following three bets, ie we are seeking ( at least) a run of four wins. We can also let the streak proceed one game at a time and then simply stop at the first check ( ie -2 points). These streaks can go 20 or more wins in a row.
testing these ideas now and will report in a few days.


Key here in climbing on board a streak is to recognise, acknowledge and act on the correction phase having passed and it will be followed by a Deviation  streak which can be 22 or more wins in row. That is a win using  a short progression say 1-3-9 until hit, orv a several step 2-6/4-12/ 8-24 and so on.

As a reality check yes I did encounter a game that was hit on the 7th attempt. Such is hard to play out, so I believe it is best to let these phases pass, then climb on. Not continuous play.

I will be very honest with you. My head swirls at times because there are SO MANY principles to remember and take into account, but with more and more practice and testing it becomes clearer and clearer that timing is everything!

So by commencing play AFTER a major loss event ( watching it virtually), then we can start a sequence and could take a nibble, but also could start an aggressive short progression on the winning streak. Say 2-3-5-8

But remember they may not all be won on the first attempt and some may go to three, So in this case you might have a tasty 8x9 bet on the 3rd attempt in one of these streaks. You can take comfort that statistically the short term odds are in your favour. That is why we are using the Ecart phase.

Another way is to use a trigger like a LLW loss or worse and then simply play for a one -off flat bet win. These attempts themselves could be stepped if necessary.

In both of these exercises I have found the odds in our favour to start-stop this way.


As a reality check and replacing the dry test data with some live Latvian spins, I applied the D+C with these results on 80 spins.

W  - climb on and play 2,3,5 
W    take main profit ( +10 points) but keep the streak moving at
W    play the streak at a basic level 1 risking 2 units

Playing the first five games -22 points if playing 1-3-9 and stop

Playing the first 12 games   -15 points

Yet 14 wins between losses - an opportunity for a streak play there

                           suggest 2,3,5 and make +10 points

Playing 2 hits after Loss      +4 points at primary bet value


W      win 2 points here
W     play 2,3,5 progression as chop has stabilised ( +10 points)
W     continue on with streak on level 1 staking, risking -2
W    +22 points playing 1-3-9.

remarkable stable run of 22 and continued on....

Easy to play both dozens and columns even with high pressure time demand


This material is being updated with 500 game test sample on D+C thread.
Lots of BWAB ideas are being investigated.
Then we can have a look at P4 and PB.


There has been such a harvest of ideas out of the D+C that there really is no need now to revisit the P4 and PB. There will be cross over applications in principle between matrix bets and I will leave it you to investigate.

Now might be a great opportunity to swing into something completely different... the pppc bet.


Context of this is to discuss and find ways to abstract a further level of bet that can be selectively applied, or not, as per the understanding of the game as it flows.

There are several areas we can look at and one is that so called pppc bet, and several others where primary and secondary bets can overlap on a method.

New work will explore this principle and endeavour to uncover several possibilities and provide some concrete examples, or at the very least to provide the framework for the individual to develop a personal, and very valuable, professional bet.


Betting on Pairs.
Outcomes that come in sets of two. Primary and secondary bets.

You can play win or loss on these as well
Also can incorporate the unbalanced pair of RO/BE and BO/RE as an unusual model but what that has inside table betting applications.

Posts on these ideas will follow in the next couple of days.


Over the next couple of days I will present a simple bet strategy for Pairs that can be successful when applied with triggers and stops. They are the key. This will present some options then it is up to you to develop your unique variation and source of the Pairs, for your own bet.


There is no limit to how often this needs to be re-stated.

For all the good methods and matrices and the rationalisations and the hit and run and the reputations and the famous gamblers and the whole shooting gallery(!) there is really only one parameter that sits above them all and it is timing and the knowledge of why that timing.

Examples will follow in a few days to make this clearer.


Progression, smesshion!!!

When will people realise that big progressions make for big big risk, and probably. ultimate failure.

Unless you can find the correct timing*, and not by 'luck', you may become like one of those unfortunate, sadly tragi-comic laboratory animals that go round and round in the wheel, which sadly is propelled by your own anxieties.

Please explore the alternative options. Exercise choice!

* When to start your real play and stop your real play in the game.


"It is funny that you mention that VLS post. as there are sseveral threads with application of this knowledge here at the forum and none has got many attention..."

So post the links, then!!


Worth it just to see this and also our old  friends Captain Nemo and Prisoner #6


Thanks Esoito
