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Started by GLC, Sep 26, 01:25 AM 2010

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Okay Guys, this is a fun way to play and has all the earmarks of a winning system.  And guess what, there's no need to change how you think regarding roulette.

Divide the table into 6 corner bets and the 3rd column.

The corner bets are:

Begin by tracking until you have 2 corners showing.  May be as little as 2 spins before you can bet.

Bet 1 unit each on the last 2 different corners and 2 units on the 3rd column.

If you hit a corner, you win +5 units.

If you hit the 3rd dozen, you win +2 units.

Always bet the last 2 different corners that aren't in the 3rd column.

Of course there are 17 numbers counting the zero that cause you to lose.

On a loss, add 1 unit to each of the corners.  And, always bet 1 more unit on the 3rd column than on a corner to insure a win if it hits.

If you hit a corner on bets 1-1 & 2 thru 4-4 & 5 you will be in profit, so start over at 1-1 &2.

If you hit a corner betting more than 4-4&5, go back 3 levels and continue playing.  If you have hit the 3rd column a number of times, you can adjust how many levels you go back.  If you hit it enough, you might be able to just start over at 1-1-&2.

Variations:  If you like you can pick the 6 corners in the 2nd & 3rd columns and bet 2 of them in conjunction with the 1st column.

You can also bet 3 corners instead of "2 and the column" for more wins but less won  on each win.

You can use a less aggressive progression like betting each level 2 times before going on to the next level.

You can also bet the same amount of units on the 3rd column as the corners and use it as a break even bet.

Test it.  It's easy to play and can generate some quick profits.

Good Luck,


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Some additional thoughts:

Instead of betting for hot corners, you could bet for sleepers.

How you pick the corners or how many you bet on or whatever progression you like is entirely your choice.  The best is yet to be determined.

This will continue to win steadily until the corners you have selected miss for an extended sequence.  That's the way with all roulette systems.  The hope is that the 3rd column will hit often enough between corner hits to keep us from going too deep into the hole.

I have played a few sessions with good results.  Detailing a session is time consuming, but I will show one just so you can see exactly how it's played and what you're missing if you don't give a go.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Here is a short session.

I'll be betting for a repeat of one of the last 2 corners and also playing the 3rd column.

Corners are identified by the number in the upper right hand corner.  Ie. 1= 1,2,4,5; 7= 7,8,10,11; 13= 13,14,16,17  etc...

#spun   1 cor/bet                   2 cor/bet        col/bet      Total
B33   7 @ 1 unit  l   25 @ 1 unit l       2 unit w   +2   Re-set
R36   7 @ 1 unit  l   25 @ 1 unit l       2 u   nit w   +4   Re-set
R34   7 @ 1 unit  l   25 @ 1 unit l       2 unit  l   0
R1   7 @ 2 unit  l   31 @ 2 unit l       3 u   nit  l   -7
B8   31 @ 3 unit  l   1 @ 3 unit   l       4 unit  l          -17
R21   1 @ 4 unit  l   7 @ 4 unit  l        5 unit w   -15
B2   1 @ 4 unit  W   7 @ 4 unit  l        5 unit l   +8   Re-set
R18   1 @ 1 unit  l   7 @ 1 unit  l        2 u   nit w   +10   Re-set
R3   1 @ 1 unit  l   7 @ 1 unit  l        2 u   nit w   +12   Re-set
R3   1 @ 1 unit  l   7 @ 1 unit  l        2 unit w   +14   Re-set
R32   1 @ 1 unit  l   7 @ 1 unit  l        2 unit  l   +10
R21   31 @ 2 unit  l   1 @ 2 unit  l        2 unit  W       +12
B2   31 @ 2 unit  l   1 @ 2 unit  w      2 unit  l   +23   Re-set

Please not that the l & w after unit indicates whether we won or lost that part of the bet.
On the 4th spin I finally have 2 different corners, (7)8,9,10 and (25)26,28,29.
I bet 1 unit on the 7 & 25 corners and 2 units on the 3rd col (hereafter designated as col)
B33 Hits in our col for a win of 4 units minus the 2 units bet on corners nets us +2 units.
Since this is a new high, we re-set back to 1-1&2.
R36 hits in our col for another net win of +2 units.
No new corners have spun, so we are still betting 7 & 25.
R34 is a total miss, so we lose -4 units.
Increase our bets to 2 units on each corner and 3 on our col.
R1 is a total miss, so we lose -7 units.  Increase bets by 1 unit.
B8 is a total miss, so we lose -10 units.  Increase bets by 1 unit.
R21 is a hit in our col for a net win of +2.  Leave bets at 4,4&5.
B2 hits our 1 corner bet at 4 units for +36 -13 units bet -15 =+8 a new high so re-set.
R18 hits our col, +2
R3 hits our col, +2
R3 hits our col, +2
R32 is a total miss -4, increase our bets by 1 unit on all three.
We're now betting on corners 1 & 31 plus our col.
R21 hits our col, +2.  Not a new high so no re-set.
B2 hits our 1 corner for a net win of 18-7=+11 +12 = new high, re-set

Okay, this was a very good run, but no 'cooking the books' here, they are actual numbers from betvoyager single zero roulette.

As you can see, when the col is hitting regularly, it can really help add up the chips.

If you bet the same amount on the col as you do on the corners, there would be no win (break even only) when the col hits, but when the corners hit you would net more.

Enough for now,


P.S.  Sorry, but my columns never line up quite right on these posts.  With a little effort you can see what the chart should look like.  LoL
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks for sharing your method dear GLC  :thumbsup:
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Me likes :)

I did a test on 100 past numbers from a live american wheel. However, I did play it a bit different (my fault, I didn't read all the instructions).

Net profit: 150 units
Highest bet: 10 units
Drawdown: 87 units
Longest losing streak: 9 spins

I always used the Column that hit last

I bet on last 2 different corners (not belonging to a same dozen)

I bet 1u. on the Col, and 1u. on each ot the two corners

I used this progression:1-1-1-2-2-3-4-6-8-10 (it's a bit too agressive, I feel)

See attachment



Thanks for testing and posting results.

I chose the 3rd column to produce a win anytime there was a hit and because the corners were from the 1st and 2nd columns.

In the long run I don't think it matters.

From my perspective, your progression is just fine.  It may be better than the one I suggested.  Probably depends on playing style. 

Nine losses in a row probably isn't that unusual, although, to hit one on your first test is a bit unlucky.  The best thing about it is that it hi-lights what to expect.

It did recover with a nice win for a relatively short session.

Thanks again,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


George, the reason I feel the progression is a bit agressive is because the systems seems to yield very good results. Well, in this case I believe the risks can be minimized by adjusting the progression. I'd be happy with a system that can yield in average 30 units (and sometimes less) per 100 spins. I'll be testing more and let you know.

And yes, after reading your rules, I realized the reason you chose the 3rd column.  But I guess it can be a good thing sometimes to not always pay attention to the rules. LoL

Thanks for posting your system. :)


Quote from: Carsch on Sep 26, 07:11 PM 2010
George, the reason I feel the progression is a bit aggressive is because the systems seems to yield very good results. Well, in this case I believe the risks can be minimized by adjusting the progression. I'd be happy with a system that can yield in average 30 units (and sometimes less) per 100 spins. I'll be testing more and let you know.

And yes, after reading your rules, I realized the reason you chose the 3rd column.  But I guess it can be a good thing sometimes to not always pay attention to the rules. LoL

Thanks for posting your system. :)

I agree that the progression can be tweaked to have less volatility.  I'm just not sure that tweaking a progression always makes that much difference.

Why, is that if you win on a sequence of spins with a moderate betting system, you'll probably win with an aggressive one as well.  You'll just go deeper in the hole but win more units in the end which will compensate for the larger bankroll needed.  A less aggressive system will keep you from going so deep in the hole, but in the end will usually win fewer units, but with a smaller bankroll.

Now I could be off base to lump all bet systems together because the new bet progression suggested by Katilla and tweaked by Atlantis and Warrior is something a bit different.

In the end, it will probably follow these same tendencies.  We'll see.

Thanks for your interest in this system.  I hope it proves profitable for you.

I'm going to continue testing it along with my experiment with Random vs Random.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Sep 26, 08:45 PM 2010

Why, is that if you win on a sequence of spins with a moderate betting system, you'll probably win with an aggressive one as well.  You'll just go deeper in the hole but win more units in the end which will compensate for the larger bankroll needed.  A less aggressive system will keep you from going so deep in the hole, but in the end will usually win fewer units, but with a smaller bankroll.

You could be right. Hmmm, maybe a stop-loss or something could help. Well, i'll see what i'll come up with.

Anyway, I just tested another 100 spins from the same files. This time the profit is much lower because I went deep in the hole for a while, but still I was able to recoup real quick.

Net profit: + 84
Highest bet: 14 units
Drawdown: -114
Longest losing streak: 10 spins

See attachment



Just did another short test.

+28 units in 18 spins.
Largest bet was 5-5 &6.
Largest drawdown -29.

Quick hit and run for this one.

I think that betting on other than the 3rd column could occasionally give you a very good win if you hit a column and corner together.  It may not be such a bad idea, although, I do like the fact that when you hit the column it results in a free spin and a couple of units to boot.

I have hit as many as 4 3rd columns in a row.  Those would have been losses but as it turned out because of the 8 units won, I was able to reset back to 1-1 &2.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


The idea seems to be real unique and has some merits but I think a stop loss point should be added to make it a complete system. Further, playing current numbers are always better than playing sleepers because sleepers can sleep for any long. I will test this method in live spins and with some genuine RNGs and report back. By the way, George, why not we try it on no zero roulette because zero cuts the games dramatically.


The inevitable happened. I did more tests and ran into a 15-spin losing streak, and right after that I ran into a 12-spin losing streak. That would be too much.

However, I tried something else. I stopped my bets at every loss and waited till there was a virtual win and then continued on the next spin till I hit another loss. For a total of 281 spins, I came out ahead +115 units. Highest bet was 3 units.

Slow, but that's not bad at all. That's an average of 40 units per 100 spins. I'm happy with that.

I'll do more tests this way.


Quote from: albalaha on Sep 27, 12:34 AM 2010
Further, playing current numbers are always better than playing sleepers because sleepers can sleep for any long.

I thought of that when playing the corners (same with columns), and I agree, of course.


That is why I suggest that keep a stop loss at 8 spins maximum because losses will come eventually in every system. Since we are leaving 4 corners unbet, I think 8 failed attempts are more than sufficient to stop the game that moment. I think, we can even raise the numbers of corners to three to make it better. What do you feel George and Carcth?


Quote from: albalaha on Sep 27, 12:53 AM 2010
I think, we can even raise the numbers of corners to three to make it better. What do you feel George and Carcth?

That's something to think about. Let's see what George thinks.
