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Started by Lee, Aug 31, 09:56 PM 2014

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I know this might sound strange at first but bare with me.

When I travel to the casino close to my house I always take my wife.

It's a once a month thing and we love being together.

Well, she isn't going with me to just sit there and watch, she wants to play.

So, I can not have my partner betting against me unless we end up winning overall. We play together, in opposition, to WIN!

I play red and she plays black and we always leave with a profit.

Here's how we do it. We use a loss progression of 1 2 3 5 8 respective of our color.

I am Player 1, she is Player 2.

            Player 1    Player 2
             Red         Black
Spin 1        1u           1u        Red won
Spin 2        1u           2u        Black Won
Spin 3        2u           1u        Black Won
Spin 4        3u           1u        Red Won

In 4 spins we are up 2u. Every time you win, you go back to the one unit bet. When you lose, that player increases according to the 1-2-3-5-8 progression. Five loses in a row on either side is a killer but that happens infrequently and when the progression stops out at 5 in a row we just reset back to 1 and take the hit because it is infrequent.

We have never came home a loser betting this and it really gets her wet. There is another play we do together playing Craps, more along the same line with Pass/Don't Pass.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


Lee - If zero(s) hits you then lose both of your bets on that spin.

Playing via DB (differential betting), (with or without a partner) achieves the same returns for less risk/outlay. DB has often been discussed before here on the forum. DB can be played on any even chance game.

As the name implies you only bet the difference between the lower amount & the higher amount. So a lot of the betting is done V (virtual) on paper instead of placing the full amounts. Bets of equal amounts are not placed, usually at the start where the bet amounts are the same.

I'll demo. it using your 4 spin sample. V = virtual, nb = no bet. W = win & L = Loss

Spin & W     P1 Red (he)             P2 Black (she)   +/- (profit/loss)
   1 R             nb V 1u W                nb V 1u L       00        Trigger spin,  Red wins   V 1u   Black loses   V -1u  Calc for bet 2  B2 - R1 = 1u on black.
   2 B             nb 1u VL                   B 1u W         + 1        Calc for bet 3  R2 - B1 = 1u on Red
   3 B             R 1u L                      nb V 1u W      00        Calc for bet 4  R3 - B1 = 2u on Red
   4 R             R 2u W                     nb V 1u L      +2         Calc for bet 5  B2 - R1 = 1u on Black (series end @ 4 but just showing how the VB would cont.)

Wet or dry Lee this is a smarter way to play it & as you can see the same 2u up & only 4 units total outlayed vs. your samples 12 units (granted only a proportion of it @ net risk). Your 5 level progression adds up to 19 units. At my casino the ECs need a minimum $25 bet. 19 x 25 = $475. If zero(s) hits then the gloss can disappear on a fun night out as you rue your rather expensive  & unnecessary "donation" to the casino. Zero insurance bets could also be an option ?


Thank you ausguy, but the problems on my end are several.

1. When I take her with me she wants to play.
2. There are two-sided electronic boards with 5 terminals on each side so we may not be sitting next to each other.
3. She is NOT doing any math, hates it. We can not virtual play and do time consuming calculations on every spin.
4. What she can do well is raise her bet when she loses and follow the progression I wrote on an index card and go back to 1u anytime she wins or hits the end of the prog.

Zero hits, fact of life. And we do hit the end of the progression occasionally. But the wins are enough to cover these and still give us a profit.
If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


Lee - It sounds like you are at the casino at a really busy time ? Surely it's not as much fun playing apart & with a little patience you should be able get seats next to each other ? What about playing at an earlier time when it's less busy/crowded ? Surely the end game is to cash in for profit ?

What roulette game do you play on your visits ? Live dealer or other ?

On the index card it ain't difficult to do simple subtractions?  Mostly it would be  2 - 1 = 1 or 3 - 1 = 2 or 5 - 1 = 4 etc. It only needs 1 person (you Lee) to do the calcs. & the wife next to you to get her directed bet ie to bet or not to bet & vice versa for you. Also good on Craps Pass/Don't pass & Baccarat.

If you're happy betting the way you do, no problems. I was just pointing out a smarter less expensive less risky way to lay your bets for the same potential profit.

On the zeros for your USA wheel consider these insurance bets for your 1 2 3 5 8 progression. L1, L2, L3 same as normal. At L4 make it 6 & 1u on the 0/00 split & L5 bet 10 & 2 split on 0/00. Although with DB (diff. bet) the bets would probably be 1u less ? So maybe 5 & 1 & 9 & 2 ? Whatever the case the extra on the EC bet covers the outlay. So on any loss you lose a bit more, on any EC win you win the same as the DB progression & if 0/00 hits you get a bit extra over the EC win amount. 


Some good advice, thanks.

It's always busy 24/7. The parking lot is always full and there is always one dozen, or more buses. It is the WinStar Casino and about 1.5 hours from home so we have to go on the weekends.

We haven't been since April. A friend went last weekend and told me they now have Card Roulette. I imagine they have a 6 deck shoe, he didn't know because he only plays blackjack. Their website doesn't specify, just that 1 of 38 cards corresponding to the 38 numbers on the board is drawn. The pic of the board is the same layout as a normal roulette board.

I could go to Shreveport LA where they have several good casinos with real live dealer wheels but that is a 200 mile road trip. Not too bad of a drive, we did it twice already...

If you think you can, or you think you can't, you right. - Henry Ford

A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide. - Samuel Butler


As you haven't been for 4 + months perhaps you could plan a weekend of it & stay over night ?

My experience is that while casinos are on the go 24/7 they are fairly quiet in the A.M. as most of the partying ramps up into the afternoon then more so into night & then tapers off in the early hours. Playing at 8am - 11am +/- is usually fairly relaxed as the party animals are still in bed nursing a hangover or the "herd" plans/times their visit for dinner, show, casino & thus the "peak rush hour" thingo.

At least you have a few choices of casinos & not too taxing a drive to & from if spread over a couple of days.

I'd be wary of card roulette. It certainly wouldn't have the odds slanted in the players direction. I'd suggest you stick with what you already succeed with.

Good luck & have fun.
