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Dynamic Betting + Cold Number Tracking. ~ Possible Holy Grail?

Started by RouletteKnight, Sep 21, 02:35 AM 2014

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Ok, I think I've sussed it (see attached spreadsheet; can enter sleepers inside the black box and choose a unit value but don't edit the left 3 coloured columns)

Just need to figure out now what to do when 1 chip wins or what RouletteKnight was suggesting about re-distributing chips after a win (and the green bankroll currently only reflects winnings should sleeper 1 hits first)


Quote from: falkor on Sep 30, 05:27 AM 2014
My calculations don't seem to match yours when I try to apply your rules to 2 sleepers:

Spin, max bet for longest sleeper, loss, sleeper 1, sleeper 2
34   1   -68   1   1
35   1   -70   1   1
36   2   -76   2   1
37   2   -82   2   1

If I win on spin 35 then my profit is 34, but that isn't enough to recover 68.
If I win on spin 36 then my profit is 69, but that isn't enough to recover 70.

Where am I going wrong?

You are not doing anything wrong. (But just to clarify, you only play numbers after they didnt appear for 100 spins. So that would be spins 135 not appeared technically, but for ease sake we call it spin 35).

Your first example, when it hits on spin 35. yes you profit 34. it isn't enough to recover your 68. but now you left 34 more units to recover. You continue the game, you continue betting 1 unit on that last sleeper, coincidentally the next spin is the last 1 unit as there will be 35 units (threshold) more to recover, then you add 1 more additional unit to that last sleeper to continue betting 2 units on that last sleeper until it reaches the threshold of 70.

Of course, in between while betting 2 units on that last sleeper before reaching that threshold of 70, If another spin has not appeared for 100 spins, you can then split the 2 units, 1 each on the last sleeper and the new sleeper.

Now you get it?

Your 2nd example, you hit your 2 units (last sleeper) and you profit 68 which isnt enough to recover the previous 70, but now you are left with 2 more to recover and with 1 unit on that last sleeper. Isn't that a good sign? You continue the game betting that 1 unit until it reaches the threshold of 35 to recover.

If in between new sleepers appear, you add 1 betting unit to that new sleeper, but also increase the threshold to 70 to recover. If there are 3 sleepers at 1 unit each then it will be threshold 105 to recover...etc...

Hope this clarify your question.

Also there is an error in your graph.

Spin, max bet for longest sleeper, loss, sleeper 1, sleeper 2
34   1   -68   1   1
35   1   -70   1   1
36   2   -76   2   1 <---( loss should be -73)
37   2   -82   2   1   <---(loss should be -76)


Falkor, just another example to show you how the splitting is done.

If you are betting 3 units on the longest sleeper and another 2 units on another sleeper.
and another qualifying sleeper appears. How would you bet it?

The best way to do it would be, 2 units each on the longest sleeper and 2nd longest and
1 unit on the new sleeper.

You continue betting this way, until the threshold is reached, 175 (35x5=175),
you add 1 additional unit on that new sleeper. So it would be 2 units on each of the 3 sleepers.

If the threshold is reached again 210 ( 35x6=210)
You then add 1 additional unit to that last sleeper. So it will be 3 units on the last sleeper and 2 units on the other 2 sleeper.

Hope this shows you how to split and bet it logically (To spread out the bet and minimise risk).

The rule is simple. Always split or bet it in a way that the betting spread is even amongst the numbers. If it isn't possible for all bets to be even then give priority to the longest sleeper, then 2nd longest, then 3rd longest etc...

So you never have say 4 units on the longest sleeper and 2 units on another sleeper. you split it 3 units each in this case..
So 3 units each on the 2 sleepers. If another sleeper appears, then split it again 2 units each on the 3 numbers. etc..


Im still doing pretty fine. Yes, it might tank in the future as all systems will do.
But keep in mind, there is no 100% winning roulette system. A roulette can go for 50 blacks in a row and screw you up, it is mathematically improbable but not impossible.

GLC also did make a good suggestion that I can play it on streets which may be more practical.


OK thanks for taking time to reiterate - it does seem very complicated - but could be an effective way of chasing losses. You must have some kind of spreadsheet or software yourself to help you keep track..? For sure understanding I think we need about 5 different examples for 1-5 sleepers based on: what happens exactly when a new sleeper joins the betting (1) and what happens when one sleeper wins compared to another sleeper winning in each example (2); however - see my latest update of the spread sheet (attached).

How about if we just simplify it like this?
Bet only the following ratios based on how sleeper 1 (coldest) is progressing?
2:1 (2 sleepers on the go with the longest sleeper progressed to chip 2)
or 3:2:2 (3 sleepers on the go)
or 5:4:4:4 (4 sleepers; Sleeper 1 progressed to 5 chips)
If Sleeper 1 wins then we start again at 0 bankroll, putting the profit into a separate stash.
If Sleeper 2+ wins then we feed the orange figure (see my spreadsheet; usually slightly negative) in place of the bankroll and continue betting on the existing sleepers? We can reset to 1 or carry on with the current unit amount?

Of course I'm aware of the cold tracking part - that's the easiest part to grasp - spin 35 in the chart example represents spins since sleeper 1 betting commenced.

Unless there are some typos I do see some contradictory information/instructions re: Dynamic Betting. However, what seems clear: the more sleepers you introduce and the more betting that's split will result in a more steeper progression.

Without 5 clear examples it would be difficult to get 100% clarity - and before I try to point out any flaws in the method or attempt to test this over 1,000,000 spins - what do you think of the simple instructions above? Would they propose any major disadvantage at recovering a negative bankroll, as you see it, and based on your understanding...?


I've got a basic flat-betting engine running for testing this as well as henry's similar system in the Testing Zone--just awaiting the Knight's precise instructions based on multiple examples for incrementing and splitting chips across multiple sleepers--before I implement this properly for a million spins. Let me know if you spot any bugs in this thousand spin sample of the engine - no fancy graphs unfortunately - I'm not that smart!

From this sample you can get a good idea of how the Cold Number Tracking works and how many sleepers are usually in play simultaneously! Again, any bugs are purely my own and be swiftly fixed... I'm all for testing out any promising looking systems!


Quote from: falkor on Sep 30, 06:23 PM 2014
I've got a basic flat-betting engine running for testing this as well as henry's similar system in the Testing Zone--just awaiting the Knight's precise instructions based on multiple examples for incrementing and splitting chips across multiple sleepers--before I implement this properly for a million spins. Let me know if you spot any bugs in this thousand spin sample of the engine - no fancy graphs unfortunately - I'm not that smart!

From this sample you can get a good idea of how the Cold Number Tracking works and how many sleepers are usually in play simultaneously! Again, any bugs are purely my own and be swiftly fixed... I'm all for testing out any promising looking systems!

On your test, i looked through briefly. On spin 165, shouldn't you increase number 21 to 2 units? and number 15 remains 1 unit. Because your bankroll reached 929 (below threshold of 70) (1000-70=930).

Hope you get it.


As I said: it's only programmed for flat 1 unit betting so far - to demonstrate other aspects of your system and those in common with other 1-4 number systems - until we can clarify your Dynamic Betting rules explicitly through multiple examples - or through further discussion based on what I outlined in previous replies; your feedback on those points would be appreciated. Alternatively, I can go through all your paragraphs describing Dynamic Betting in limited contexts and try to resolve any contradictions by proposing questions to you through examples of my own. Let me know if and how you would like to proceed? Until then I am going to move onto implementing independent number progressions according to henry's rules, as well as looking next into the Star System based on other members' recommendations.


the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I fixed 2 bugs in the spreadsheet and introduced a nested IF statement in case we need to increase by 2 chips should a new sleeper be introduced to the betting scheme at the same moment 1 chip is increased.

Yeah, I'll bare that in mind re: Star System. I need to look at suitable modifications that can overcome 22 losses in a row followed by 2 wins in a row, say. Perhaps we should wait for an even chance result to come in a row at least 3 times before we even think about beginning the Star System.

EDIT:Damn, there's still 1 bug in that spread sheet since this system is more complex than I imagined - but splitting the betting across multiple sleepers could pay off in the end since we have a chance of breaking the 500 spin sleeper limit. I think it's worth persevering - even if we can't agree on the exact rules!


I made an excel file for tracking numbers. File is tracking numbers for the last 37 spins and hits on specific groups for last 45 spins. I divide numbers in to 3 groups. First group is called HOT, all unique numbers in last 18 spins. Next group is called MEDIUM, which are all unique numbers between spin 19-37. Third group is COLD, all unique numbers which were not hit in last 37 spins. Since I track hits on different groups I can see the dynamics. Sometimes you will not have hits on COLD numbers for 10 consecutive spins, in rare occasions even more. In such case this group will rise up to 17-18 numbers, usually is between 12-15, sometimes even less. MEDIUM group is sort of interruption group. Usually there are not many numbers, somwhere between 3-10. Hits on this group are very unpredictable and you can see no hits on this group up to 20+ consecutive spins in worst case. HOT group is probably the best group to bet on, but when COLD numbers are hitting in consecutive spins, this group can rise up to 18 numbers.
The best thing in my opinion is you can see the dynamics, which group is the hotest. As I said MEDIUM group is somewhat interruption, so HOT and COLD are the option for betting.

Now I am working on good progression, which can allow to survive quite some misses. As far I have tested the sowtware I came to conclusion, when group consist more than 16 numbers, it become a dangerous to bet on, as it might happen a long series of non hits.


THIS SHOULD NOW BE BUG FREE BUT DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT!  :twisted: I think some later progressions may need 3-4 chip progressions, so could still be more updates further down the line, but am starting to reach a comfort zone threshold in order to commence implementation in one form or another.  :smile:


Quote from: Bo on Oct 01, 07:08 AM 2014
I made an excel file for tracking numbers. File is tracking numbers for the last 37 spins and hits on specific groups for last 45 spins. I divide numbers in to 3 groups. First group is called HOT, all unique numbers in last 18 spins. Next group is called MEDIUM, which are all unique numbers between spin 19-37. Third group is COLD, all unique numbers which were not hit in last 37 spins. Since I track hits on different groups I can see the dynamics. Sometimes you will not have hits on COLD numbers for 10 consecutive spins, in rare occasions even more. In such case this group will rise up to 17-18 numbers, usually is between 12-15, sometimes even less. MEDIUM group is sort of interruption group. Usually there are not many numbers, somwhere between 3-10. Hits on this group are very unpredictable and you can see no hits on this group up to 20+ consecutive spins in worst case. HOT group is probably the best group to bet on, but when COLD numbers are hitting in consecutive spins, this group can rise up to 18 numbers.
The best thing in my opinion is you can see the dynamics, which group is the hotest. As I said MEDIUM group is somewhat interruption, so HOT and COLD are the option for betting.

Now I am working on good progression, which can allow to survive quite some misses. As far I have tested the sowtware I came to conclusion, when group consist more than 16 numbers, it become a dangerous to bet on, as it might happen a long series of non hits.

That's interesting that HOT and COLD are both worth considering since a lot of other systems I'm seeing (MrJs?) often bet on HOT numbers - contrary to my logical understanding


QuoteNow I am working on good progression, which can allow to survive quite some misses. As far I have tested the sowtware I came to conclusion, when group consist more than 16 numbers, it become a dangerous to bet on, as it might happen a long series of non hits.
OK, so you are seeing some definite patterns here? How about testing over longer periods than 37? You got me intrigued... I'm going to do some more analysis myself.


37 spins in every moment, but overall spins are endless
