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Range Progression

Started by nowun, Oct 22, 09:05 PM 2014

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Attached is the Range Progression, has anyone tried it in the past.  I've been trying it out with quite a bit of success with the WABO System.

Early days, just wondered if it had been tested by anyone on the forum, couldn't find anything while searching.
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


interesting progression
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Why must we stop when we reach 17 units? If a system is winning, it is best to play as often at least that is what I think.


Ok, i get that you combine the wabo system and the range progression. In the range 21 example, you cannot have 11 more losses than wins. The difference between red/blacks can easily be more than 11 though. Thus, the real answer we need to know is if this system can make more the times the red/blacks are equal compared to when you eventually lose the bankroll? If so, then it is a worthy system to play.


It's been tried before! 


Evidently it's not the answer we're looking for.

It's no worse or better than other progression ideas so if you're having luck with it, go for it.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks GLC, I thought you might have seen it used somewhere before.  :thumbsup:
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


Quote from: nowun on Oct 23, 07:07 PM 2014
Thanks GLC, I thought you might have seen it used somewhere before.  :thumbsup:

Just wanted to bring you up to speed so you'd know that the basic idea has been tried and didn't stand the test of time.

I'm not saying it's a lousy way to bet as long as you know that there will be some sequences that cost you your bank roll.

I've played with progressions for years.  They all have their losing sequences.  What I'm about to write, I've written multiple times but it's worth saying again.  As long as there are numbers which if spun will cause you to lose your bet, eventually they will hit close enough together to wipe you out.  The more numbers that will cause you to lose, the greater your payoff if you win the spin.  The fewer numbers that will cause you to lose, the smaller the payoff if you win the spin.  There's just no bet that has few numbers that cause you to lose and pays a large amount if you win.

That's why systems like The Star come along.  It seems almost impossible to lose three times in a row without recovering first so you can reset to your base bets.  Even if you had enough money to have a base progression and 5 or 6 recovery progressions, there's always the possibility that the streak from hell will wipe you out.  Granted, the more bank you have to throw at a system, the better your odds of never hitting the ruining sequence, but you can never get a 100% guarantee.

From my experience progressions are not going to give you the edge you're looking for.  I'm not saying you can't play a progression using your own skills and knowledge of the game and with a little luck come out ahead, but it will take a lot of experience.

If you don't believe me, just ask Flatino or my favorite moniker he uses is Iboba.  He is a consistent winner playing roulette, but how many years did he consistently lose before he knew how to play the game well enough to win?  That's the 64,000 dollar question.  And do you have what it takes to stay with it long enough to master the game?  Only a handful do.

Good Luck,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Here's a system no worse than most.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
