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Simple yet effective DS tactic

Started by buffalowizard, Dec 24, 05:03 PM 2014

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Here is a 96 spin session:

I used $10 units for the streets and and insurance bet of $1 on zero stop on a win.

When zero hit I continued to bet for 2 more bets.
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


For a perfectly good session you didn't make enough profit. I don't think that progression is the best to be honest. Look and see how much it would have made you had you used other forms of progression


Hi RouletteGhost,

Yes, re-set to 1 unit after you have played out at 2 units and recovered.     Play European wheel: play French roulette wheel if possible to only lose 50% on a zero    (I have never played on a no zero wheel so do not know anything about that)  Personally I often switch tables or have a short break when a zero appears because after 1 zero in a lot of times another is not far behind and I do not like double zeroes!!

Good luck

(Thanks Buffalowizard for posting this system and your comments)       Isn`t it nice to be nice!! :) :) :)


Sure is Bleep! You still testing this?


Hello Nowun,

This is a rolling trigger system.  You generally get a new trigger straight after a win so looking at your numbers you were not doing that.   Perhaps re-read Buffalowizard`s first posting.    I do not know why you are covering zero in this instance.    You look to be flat betting at $10 x 3 = $30     If a zero comes out you win $35 but it may have cost you $20/30/40 whatever to cover zero so really you have not made anything.   I would accept -$30 on a zero - possibly have a break or switch tables.   You can soon make up lost $30.   That is my view, other members may look at it differently.   (I am playing +1/-1 progression so a zero is not of as much significance to me)

Good luck


Hello Buffalowizard,

I am now confident of playing with real dosh.    I have my eye on that 230mph car that the footballer was pictured with this week.   I think it only cost about 250K so I`ll pay in cash from my winnings. hahaha!!      Will keep you posted with my results from a session I intend to play to-night (BTW how much do you have to win to get barred/restricted from an on-line casino)        It`s only my Geordie sense of humour!!

Best regards.


Hell Nowun,

That was a hellish run of numbers especially round about the middle.  I have re-worked them using +1/-1.  There were 3 x 3 losses and 1 x 6 loss.   I just played right through, at several times you could have got out whilst in front.  With that run of numbers I would have probably switched tables or took a short break.    We all know that numbers repeat but with some dealers there are lots of repeats whilst with other dealers a lot less.  With this system we want less repeats.  Perhaps look at history to see if current dealer is spinning lots or less repeats.
Also I did not re-set at anytime or re-tracked after a 3 or 6 loss: just played right through.   It did get up to betting 12 units max. a couple of times (x3 = 36) so a BR of 250 is probably needed to cover this happening with this progression.  On Marty 6x loss = 1 2 4 8 16 32/64 x 3 a lot more (Who said this could probably be played with a Marty?) Anyway, the nitty gritty is (If you do not believe it re-work it yourself) drum roll.........   It still came out 66 units in front - yes, 66 units in front on a bit of a hellish run.  Seems to demonstrate that this very good.  Other progressions may make it even better.(e.g.   111 222 333)


The way I played it was to wait for a trigger then bet until a win or until 3 losses.  If the betting row was a trigger I bet the very next row. 

In the example I posted I flat bet until win or 3 losses.  I thought the result was OK considering only flat betting and only one complete row loss.

Here are the same results using two progressions, first is a recover progression, second is a more aggressive one aiming to win at 20+ units each time plus recover the previous losses on the row.

Each zero progression wins or recovers as well.

I have also shown the flat bet result as per my first post.  A run from hell could be very costly so a stop loss would be required.
My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


Hello Nowun,

This looks like a very good system to me.  As usual the MM is the key issue and we all have our preferred progressions.  I suggest that all members try out a progression and post the results so we can get a handle of this.  Thanks for your work on this Nowun.



Hi again Nowun,

I have just digested your results and they have sunk in (it must be my age)  I see that the way you were playing even flat betting resulted in a positive all be it a small one, so it`s onwards and upwards from here.  This is` Getting to look a lot like Christmas` - more positive at every turn.   I do not think that there will be many hellish runs that often or any worse than the one that you posted, but a stop loss is always something that we can use if felt necessary. Also re-setting and re-tracking but as I recorded in an earlier post, even playing through it came out good.   Testing various progressions with this I feel is the key so more testers needed: it is in everyone`s best interest to get this nailed as I have never felt as positive before about any system as this.(I think!!)mind I have had my hopes dashed more than a few times so fingers and toes crossed.  I will be playing real money to-night so will post my results later etc.

Best of luck.


could you resume the actual tweak and progression so that more people can test it?


Assuming roulette evolution airball isnt rigged it should work there to
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Rfmaxx start with +1/-1 ....now at spin 216 with this progression. It just to easy. For sure it have to lose but......maybe 1 of 10 or much more sessions. Keep testing. .......
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Hi everyone,

As I`ve said before, we cannot expect to win every session but if we can win say 8/10 then that is very good.  This system seems to offer that prospect.     Earlier I  suggested  that members test this using their personal preferred progression and ideas for re-setting and re-tracking.  To-night I`m going to use 111 222 333 etc. with no breaks of play, will post results later.



Bleep where do u play. American? European? Airball?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

