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Even Odds

Started by psimoes, Jan 10, 11:05 AM 2015

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sorry to say, but the willhell got me again. I was betting even ec. went up to 1200. then the magic happens( 13 odds, 2 evens, 9 odds, 1 even, 14 odds :question:) and I busted out. went from 5-10-20-40-80-100. so pretty aggressive. Maybe instead of 12 bet for 20 or 30 and make the progression less aggressive it will be a good system.



Sorry to hear. I keep telling this thing is no Holy Grail. And if such a thing existed, you'd need at least two to beat RNGs. LOL. Hoping it was fun money.

Well I was going to add that the 12-spin cycles were initially chosen because the original progression is 12 steps. And a pattern of 12 ECs hitting once every 4096 makes it bearable.

If we could use a 24-step marty, believe me, I'd choose 24-spin cycles instead. A bad run of LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLW would profit 1unit.

[Math+1] beats a Math game


I think true all systems over the past 3/4 years that i tested, still i think the maringale is the best, maybe if we test it more ways , like 8 blacks then progression of 12 steps example. It sounds noob, but still think with good stoploss wingoal target we can find a sollit way.

How about wait for 3 ec bet against, if lost wait for 4 ec bet against then 5,6 etc with progression.



Hi psimoes
Not wanting to read all old posts, but when you have your 12 spins, are you playing to win just the 1 unit and stop as soon as won,then chart another 12 spins, and win another unit, keep repeating till won enough units.
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision



Changing patterns along the way is always a good idea as random doesn't behave the same forever.

I'm still working on the original bet selection and progression.

No system out there is a HG. I'm sticking to it. We can't use the same system on and on like robots expecting it won't tank  because it will, at one time or another. And as soon as it tanks we shouldn't discard it promptly.
Using different methods per session, one at a time, is another way of changing patterns.

[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: nottophammer on Jan 15, 04:43 PM 2015
Hi psimoes
Not wanting to read all old posts, but when you have your 12 spins, are you playing to win just the 1 unit and stop as soon as won,then chart another 12 spins, and win another unit, keep repeating till won enough units.

Seriously, old posts? The entire thread is only five pages long. Bear in mind I'm not "playing"; I'm posting ideas in the notepad section. Don't let the current hype fool you, it's only tests done by me and other members and it's not finished. But it's a mess, I'll give you that.

Note last 12 spins, bet for or against, your choice, continuously. No stopping. For every next 12 spins you're betting for/against the last . Use the progression 1-2-3, 2-4-6, 3-6-9, 4-8-12 published earlier in the thread. Pay attention to the levels. I only commented on the 1 unit goal because you mentioned.

[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: psimoes on Jan 15, 05:29 PM 2015
Seriously, old posts? The entire thread is only five pages long. Bear in mind I'm not "playing"; I'm posting ideas in the notepad section. Don't let the current hype fool you, it's only tests done by me and other members and it's not finished. But it's a mess, I'll give you that.

Note last 12 spins, bet for or against, your choice, continuously. No stopping. For every next 12 spins you're betting for/against the last . Use the progression 1-2-3, 2-4-6, 3-6-9, 4-8-12 published earlier in the thread. Pay attention to the levels. I only commented on the 1 unit goal because you mentioned.

Hey Psimoes,

What about waiting for 6 virtual losses then Martingale or other progression ? (sorry if this has already been mentioned) :)
You sir.......are a monster!!!


Yes, you did mention waiting for Four virtual losses and I was about to give it some credit after watching the LW registry of that Bad Run (a long cycle of LLLLLLLLs before the Ws start hitting). So in fact, waiting for 7 virtual losses is indeed safer.

IMHO it can get boring pretty quickly unless you're playing some other method and taking notes at the same time. Say you're betting Same As Last Dozens or whatever, really, and always keeping an eye on the decisions. When opportunity calls, you change method, capitalize on it and get back to playing dozens. This can also be another way of change patterns of play.

[Math+1] beats a Math game


Speaking of which:

Has any research ever been done on LW registries? Do they all look the same, or are there noticeable trends that depend on the type of bet selection? For Even Chances, that is.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: psimoes on Jan 15, 06:47 PM 2015
Yes, you did mention waiting for Four virtual losses and I was about to give it some credit after watching the LW registry of that Bad Run (a long cycle of LLLLLLLLs before the Ws start hitting). So in fact, waiting for 7 virtual losses is indeed safer.

IMHO it can get boring pretty quickly unless you're playing some other method and taking notes at the same time. Say you're betting Same As Last Dozens or whatever, really, and always keeping an eye on the decisions. When opportunity calls, you change method, capitalize on it and get back to playing dozens. This can also be another way of change patterns of play.

Waiting for different "rare sequences" to emerge may be the best long-term system. If you had enough of these going at once, you could just bet when a trigger occurred.

Ex. - Waiting for 4-in-a-row from natural patterns: R/B/H/L/O/E
         Waiting for 4-in-a-row from created patters (similar to the 12vs12 idea)
         Waiting for 3-in-a-row from : Dozens/Columns


The key would be to find the progression with the lowest risk/reward for these sequences, although a flat-bet would obviously be best :)

You sir.......are a monster!!!


Yes, I'm aware of those. Four ECs in a row lie in the middle term where they're rare enough for us to bet for the changing of events, and hit often enough so we don't have to wait that much for a second opportunity and apply a progression.

Some people play like that at the B&M. They wait for four identical outcomes, say four reds, and bet black. A fifth red hits and they martingale on the black. A zero, then a sixth, seventh, eigth red hits and they walk away swearing. Yesterday some guy kept losing flat-betting 500 euros each time. In my view when lose the first bet they should better wait for another series of four and double their wages. The question is: knowing that all series of four have the same chance of appearing; after losing for the fifth red, should they wait for another series of reds, or would any other series of four, say EEEE, suffice?

Some punter once told me a good bet is to wait for the third dozen to repeat and bet on it for no more than two times, doubling-up the second bet. And reset regardless you win or lose. Third dozen only. Looks like sort of traditional at that casino.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: psimoes on Jan 15, 08:12 PM 2015
Yes, I'm aware of those. Four ECs in a row lie in the middle term where they're rare enough for us to bet for the changing of events, and hit often enough so we don't have to wait that much for a second opportunity and apply a progression.

Some people play like that at the B&M. They wait for four identical outcomes, say four reds, and bet black. A fifth red hits and they martingale on the black. A zero, then a sixth, seventh, eigth red hits and they walk away swearing. Yesterday some guy kept losing flat-betting 500 euros each time. In my view when lose the first bet they should better wait for another series of four and double their wages. The question is: knowing that all series of four have the same chance of appearing; after losing for the fifth red, should they wait for another series of reds, or would any other series of four, say EEEE, suffice?

Some punter once told me a good bet is to wait for the third dozen to repeat and bet on it for no more than two times, doubling-up the second bet. And reset regardless you win or lose. Third dozen only. Looks like sort of traditional at that casino.

What about applying a cancellation progression to a four run sequence.


RRRR - bet for Black
BBBB - bet for Red
HHHH - bet for Low

....then use a simple cancellation progression(with proper MM)....kills 2 losses for every win :)

You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: thelaw on Jan 15, 08:35 PM 2015
What about applying a cancellation progression to a four run sequence.


RRRR - bet for Black
BBBB - bet for Red
HHHH - bet for Low

....then use a simple cancellation progression(with proper MM)....kills 2 losses for every win :)

Scratch the cancellation progression idea......it can run out of control like any other ec bet :)
You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: thelaw on Jan 15, 08:35 PM 2015
What about applying a cancellation progression to a four run sequence.


RRRR - bet for Black
BBBB - bet for Red
HHHH - bet for Low

....then use a simple cancellation progression(with proper MM)....kills 2 losses for every win :)

Sorry, must have some irrational thing against the Labby. Can't comment on that.

About that RRRR - bet for Black etc, then there comes the irritating bit that says for example BBBR have the same probability, so we'd bet Red (against the first Black). Then, the resulting four spins are now BBRR (if we won by betting for Red. If we lost it would turn BBRB instead). So these last four also have the same probabilities, so we bet Red against that first Black and so on. This way we can bet spin after spin. And then we realize we're in fact betting for Different Than the Fourth Last Outcome and will also realize there will be clusters of wins and clusters of losses. These would happen if we were betting for simpler runs such as BBBB RRRR OOOO EEEE etc, as well, only it would take so much time to wait for them to appear that we would in reality be betting for like just four or five times per session before leaving; after some 160 spins had passed. Longer runs such as RRRRRRRRRRRR or HHHHHHHHHHHH are rarer. Since it would take an eternity to wait for several of them before betting, and knowing that RRRBRBBBRRBBR has the same probability, why not betting continuously, spin by spin? Reminds of something? LOL
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Quote from: thelaw on Jan 15, 08:41 PM 2015
Scratch the cancellation progression idea......it can run out of control like any other ec bet :)

Ya, figured. Don't know why, though.

[Math+1] beats a Math game
