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Even Odds

Started by psimoes, Jan 10, 11:05 AM 2015

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Hi psimoes, agesta, bleep24

Matrix betting vertically using bleep24 idea against 4 in row pattern continuing on symmetricals:

OOOO - bet E
EEEE- bet O
OEOE - bet E
EOEO - bet O
EEOO - bet O
OOEE - bet E
OEEO - bet E
EOOE - Bet O

I use same grid results as posted before:

          col1  col2  col3
EEE    W
OOO   L       L
OOO   W     W
EEO    W     W
EEE    W      W      W
EOE    L
OEE    W               L
EOE             W
EEO                      W
OEE             W   
EEE    W
OEE   W 
OOE               L
EEE         L     L
OEO        W    W

16W; 7L

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


One more test now with trioplay progression


24 w
30 l
-14 one time in the trioplay
I will do the same with the matrix play from Atlantis tonight



Atlantis, agesta, thanks.

Hey people, you won't believe this:

Next to the matrix, I added DTL 12 numbers.

We've got to benefit from this, but atm I'm still like wth...

[Math+1] beats a Math game


Here's how it's developing:

Remember how the thread started? We note the last 12 spins and bet against them spin by spin.
If spin #1 was O, we bet spin #13 is E, if spin #2 was E, we bet spin #14 is O and so on.

I took the grid posted by atlantis, applied the method and made a comparison:

ALL results matched.

Now, how can we capitalize on it?

In the attachment, there's four groups of columns. First is atlantis' L4A. We can only bet when last 4 spins were symmetrical, so the empty spaces are No Bets.

Second is the 12 spins bet minus the Ws and Ls of the 1st group. We bet on all spins, resulting in more Wins, but more Losses as well. Too many.

Third group is the 12 spins bet in reverse. Previous Wins are now Losses; previous Losses are now Wins. This is easily achieved by betting Same As Last 12 instead of Different Than Last. Looks a bit better now.

Finally, there's Third group and First group together. SAL12+L4A results in a lot more Wins this time. Maximum Losses in a row is 3. 63 spins, 38 Wins, 25 Losses.

Method of operation proposed is simple:

We bet spin by spin. Every time L4A determines No Bets, we bet Same As Last 12.

That's it!

[Math+1] beats a Math game


Hey psimoes,

Good stuff and seem very interesting indeed.
This combo might be the ticket !?
I'll be trying it soon.

Q. How are you handling the green 0 in the tracking and if lost during betting?

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hi Psimoes,
I only play Live on-line.  I only use 1 bank.   I have run a session from Wm. Hill using chops as well as 4 of a kind.Here is the result:
WWWLWWLWWWWWWWLWLWLLWLLWLLWLLW       Using only 4`s - WWWWWWWWLWLLW    Both look good.   On this basis you could flat bet but the winnings are not going to amount to much.   Combining 4`s and chops looks good but entails more recording.  Total 76 spins.

Bleep24          (Brian from a snowy Guisborough)


Just tried the
Quote from: psimoes on Jan 19, 04:46 PM 2015
Here's how it's developing:

Remember how the thread started? We note the last 12 spins and bet against them spin by spin.
If spin #1 was O, we bet spin #13 is E, if spin #2 was E, we bet spin #14 is O and so on.

I took the grid posted by atlantis, applied the method and made a comparison:

ALL results matched.

Now, how can we capitalize on it?

In the attachment, there's four groups of columns. First is atlantis' L4A. We can only bet when last 4 spins were symmetrical, so the empty spaces are No Bets.

Second is the 12 spins bet minus the Ws and Ls of the 1st group. We bet on all spins, resulting in more Wins, but more Losses as well. Too many.

Third group is the 12 spins bet in reverse. Previous Wins are now Losses; previous Losses are now Wins. This is easily achieved by betting Same As Last 12 instead of Different Than Last. Looks a bit better now.

Finally, there's Third group and First group together. SAL12+L4A results in a lot more Wins this time. Maximum Losses in a row is 3. 63 spins, 38 Wins, 25 Losses.

Method of operation proposed is simple:

We bet spin by spin. Every time L4A determines No Bets, we bet Same As Last 12.

That's it!

Thanks for all your work on this.

Just did a quick test on rxtreme:

Starting BR: 500 End:533 (1 unit bets)
Bets won 39, bets lost 33
Longest losing run: 4 (simple progression, bet 16 units once)


Second test using real live numbers, 7 losses in a row which wiped out the marty.

Still think there's merit somewhere here though.


Hi atlantis. Interesting would be an understatement from me. I'm astonished. Results with real spins are disappointing for now though LOL. I'm trying L4A on the columns and L12F on the rows, and there's too many Losses already! We gotta find a better bet. But, if you watch L4F and L12F you'll see they always match! What we can learn from this is how to deal with the other runs. When OEOO hits, L4F determines No bets because it has nowhere to go, but L12F shall tell us what must be the next outcome. So we could see what goes after an asymmetrical run. At least I hope so.

Ignore the Zero or do as I said earlier in the thread: every EC is 18 numbers against 19 because Zero is always against us. So if you're betting E and lose because of the Zero, just assume O has hit instead.

Ignoring is much simpler and quicker: Tracking and betting 12 spins we'll count 1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8,9... and OOE0E = OOEE...

It could probably mess with the results either way, though. Damn it.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Thanks guys for testing. Damn it. What a huge disappointment. But I think we're onto something here. Never heard of this before. Either it's really simple or there's some predictability about random we've just discovered. Crazy stuff.

E   O   E <---- spin #3         
O   O   E            
O   O   O            
E   E   E            
E   O   E       W   W   W <---- spin #3
O   O   O      W   W   L
O   O   O      W   W   W
O   O   E      L   L   W
E   O   E      W   W   W <---- spin #15
E   O   O      L   W   W
O   O   O      W   W   W

Those are taken from SBWB Table 3 today. A Win happens when the outcome at say spin #15 is identical to spin #3. With this same example, could the next logical step to EEOE be E?

Regards to all.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Another matrix!

Track 6 spins like this
now bet that the vertical matrix in the columns will continue, in this example
first c bet r
second c bet r
third c bet b so
I did a test  of this, my w/l ended like this.

31 w
21 l
8 no bet because of the zeros
+8 units flat bet
5 losses in the row at one time

This is no worse or better than any other matrix it is easy to play.
I will to some more test with trio play



Quote from: psimoes on Jan 19, 06:09 PM 2015
Hi atlantis. Interesting would be an understatement from me. I'm astonished. Results with real spins are disappointing for now though LOL. I'm trying L4A on the columns and L12F on the rows, and there's too many Losses already! We gotta find a better bet. But, if you watch L4F and L12F you'll see they always match! What we can learn from this is how to deal with the other runs. When OEOO hits, L4F determines No bets because it has nowhere to go, but L12F shall tell us what must be the next outcome. So we could see what goes after an asymmetrical run. At least I hope so.

Ignore the Zero or do as I said earlier in the thread: every EC is 18 numbers against 19 because Zero is always against us. So if you're betting E and lose because of the Zero, just assume O has hit instead.

Ignoring is much simpler and quicker: Tracking and betting 12 spins we'll count 1,2,3,4,5,0,6,7,8,9... and OOE0E = OOEE...

It could probably mess with the results either way, though. Damn it.

Hi psimoes. Thanks for clarity over the 0.

Now in my test last night using your idea of L4A and if no bet then L12F I got a discouraging result:

LLL... stopped here...

I'm not so sure the matrix idea is making any appreciable difference at all; so today I will revert to your ORIGINAL idea of tracking 12 outcomes - but I will use the previous L3A+L2A instead of L4A and if there is no bet then I will follow your idea of the L12F instead.
I'm still interested in bleep24 idea of differential betting + breadwinner - if I could get my head round it. His results were good, but sometimes I'm a bit thick until the penny finally drops... :)

Good Luck,

UPDATE: As I thought a much better outcome without matrix using same O/E results using L3A+L2A and L12F:


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Tried an example using ALL 3 EC (L3A+L2A else L12F)

1. ROH
2. REH
3. BEL
4. BOH
5. BOH
6. REL
7. BEH
8. ROH
9. ROL
1. REH    WLW
2. ROH    LWW
3. BOL    WLW
4. REL     LLL
5. ROL    WWL
6. ROH   WWW
7. BEL    WWL
8. BEL    LLW
9. BOH   LWL
11.REL   WWW


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Phew! Trying to leave no stone unterned here. I debugged the thing now. It´s dead simple. Don´t have much time. So, about runs or patterns, the "next logical step" is always identical to the first; the step after is always identical to the second and so on. So we can forget the "symmetrical" and "asymmetrical" runs. For instance:

OOE next step O (For)
OEOO next step O (For)
EOO next step O (Against)
EOEOOOEOEOOE next step E (For)
OEOEOEEOOEOO next step E (Against)

Cheers. Later.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Continuing, the thing with the runs of spins is that there's no need in trying to find a pattern there. It's even useless. If we look at a run of 4 spins, say RRRR and try to "guess" its logical following step, we don't look at them like RRRR is 1234 and with a next step added it's 12345. Wrong. It's all about 1234123412341234 etc. If aim at a run of 3 spins such as RRR it'll be regarded as 123123123 etc. So the next logical step for RRRR is obviously R. The next logical step for BRRR is B. This way we can track any type of run, not only streaks or chops. As long as it's an equal number of spins, every run has the same chance of hitting, the same chance of repeating or the same chance of breaking.

We have been looking at "symmetrical" runs because they're so easily identifiable. We have been avoiding the "asymmetrical" types because we didn't know how to bet for or against them. Now we know and it's been the same since the first post: bet same or opposite to last (number of spins per run).

About the grid, three columns and runs of four means nothing but the following: Say we detected a "pattern" of 4 reds in the same column and we'll bet for the continuity. Say also, that all the spins in the other columns are blacks, for understanding sake.


This is the same as RBBRBBRBBRBB.

At first it seems to beat random, but it's just complicated. Random will catch up and eventually there will be a series of outcomes that will cause that betting scheme to lose. In the example above, betting RED will be at spin#13. Red is the same outcome as in spin #1. Not exactly because the run is all red. Big deal you would say. What about when the results matched and there were patterns like OEOE or OEEO? The thing is because a run of four spins is an even number and since we're betting only for the Symmetrical runs, the "next logical step" is always identical to the first. No wonder the Ws and Ls of L4F matched L12F. They had to match! This was really immature on my side. Sorry for the hype.
[Math+1] beats a Math game
