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The denzie system 3x3

Started by denzie, Jan 29, 11:22 AM 2015

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Still not sure if it works but im testing and testing and ...................................

I bet all 3 dozens/colums or both if your brain can handle it . And i do this with the barracuda system with a twist.
The twist? i reset at step 5 on the ladder to keep control over the bankroll.
I also reset when im in a new profit with all the dozens.

lets say  5-5-14-35-26-8-20-7-36-22-11-31-34-18


It also works if u keep playing till every dozen on his own is back in profit . But then u need the bankroll.
Again not gonna say it works . It need much more testing. But the highest i invest on about 250 spins is 25units

Let me know what you think or the guys/girls who can work with the bot .... lets give it a try :thumbsup:
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As spins roll off our predictions get better


Can you please explain how you exactly play using one dz or c, i will test it when i am 100% sure how to play it.
Thank you!


serious sam

Nothing works man ... these wheels r manipulated.they R running a program that constantly changes and covering every possible and imposible strategies
So if something works for a while then you can be sure that after 10-20-40 minutes you will loose big time with that same strategy :xd:

Sometimes I wonder why al this discution about strategies when ppl knows about this manpiulated wheels ?? why not discuss about breaking the program ?
However, if you are clever enough to know what "program" they r running aat the time ,you can win some money(like i did) but then the operating team intervines and cuts your betting time ...or all kind of strange problems apears like conection time out ,all kind of errors .
Im very dissapointed about online roulette ,they are all fixed . f.em all betvictor ,immersive roulette ,william hill ,dublin bet and the others
They all cheaters YOU WILL NEVER WALK AWAY WIT COSISTENT WINNINGS (what might work is a hit and run but m not so sure about that either.for example if you win big with only one spin im not sure they will pay U)


@serious sam: i don't know these casinos.  Im from Belgium and just play the Belgium casino cuz they get checked really a lot and strictly. If they break the rules ....bye bye casino. And i play abt 1000nrs/day so that's not 40min ...that's 3/4day and yep all possible and impossible nrs come. So if i still win on a daily basis...
That says something 😉

@agusta: i play the 3 dozen/colum at the same time
1 unit on al 3 dozen. The dozen that hit i stay at 1unit . The other 2 dozen i put +1 unit

Here u have 2 choices : if u have a new high reset all 3 dozen (the highest i go is 5 units and back to 1 for control the bankroll
Or keep playing each dozen separately till new high on each dozen
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: denzie on Jan 29, 11:22 AM 2015

lets say  5-5-14-35-26-8-20-7-36-22-11-31-34-18

10-10-10    nb-nb-nb
10-20-20    nb-10-10
20-10-30    10-nb-20
30-20-10    20-10-nb
40-30-10    30-20-nb
10-40-10    nb-30-nb
20-10-20    10-nb-10
10-20-30    etc

Never bet all dozens (or streets, double streets, ECs, whatever) at the same time.
[Math+1] beats a Math game


Why not psimoes? cuz nr 0?
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Well I've been playing all 3 dozens now....so far didn't fail ! Works pretty good in my book. But better with all 3 and not 2.

Just give it a try
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: denzie on Jan 31, 11:52 AM 2015
Why not psimoes? cuz nr 0?

Mostly because of the zero; and also because, as you move up the progression, less money is required.

Do the math and you'll see you get the same results whether winning or losing.

If there are identical stakes on all three dozens, what you win on a dozen you lose on the other two.

Ex: 10 10 10 - dz1 hits, you win 20 but since dz2 and 3 lose, you lose the stakes there - 20. If zero hits you lose 30. So better No Bet.

If there are different stakes on all three dozens, just remove the lowest stake from its respective dozen and subtract the same amount from the other dozens.

Ex: 40 20 10 - dz1 hits, you win 80 but since dz2 and 3 lose, you lose the stakes there - 30. Result: 80 - 30 = 50. If zero hits you lose 70.

Now bet only on the two dozens with the higher steaks instead, removing the 10 from the 3rd dz, and subtracting 10 from dzs 2 and 1:

30 10 0(nb) - dz1 hits, you win 60, lose 10 on dz2, and lose nothing on dz3. Result: 60 - 10 = 50, same as if you were betting 40 20 10. If zero hits you lose 40 instead of 70.

[Math+1] beats a Math game


I've give it a try today.  That's the beauty of this forum.  The subtracting i didn't think about. I start testing in a bit. It might work perfectly cuz it already works with all 3

But if i play the 3 dozens on there own then just better all 3. Cuz I've testing on 1 dozen en stay with that dozen it always hit untill it start sleeping for 20 or more. After 5 x i wait till they wake up and start again from 1.

So still not sure whats best...play all 3 but on there own  oooor play 2 but let them team up for make profit
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