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Started by tezza12, Mar 25, 05:07 PM 2015

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Chris a single dozen in order can go missing for 30+spins, if you wait 12 then start betting you had better have a 20 step progression which is much costlier. And as denzie said its not the only trigger, i know how long everythings max is apart from singles, if you know what the max life term of a missing street, quad,split,sixline,dozen ect.... is then you have many chances to attack.


Quote from: tezza12 on Mar 26, 07:04 AM 2015
Chris a single dozen in order can go missing for 30+spins, if you wait 12 then start betting you had better have a 20 step progression which is much costlier. And as denzie said its not the only trigger, i know how long everythings max is apart from singles, if you know what the max life term of a missing street, quad,split,sixline,dozen ect.... is then you have many chances to attack.

Does anyone have some statistics regarding this numbers - the max a street, quad, split, sixline, etc can miss?
To make this statistics extra safe we could:
1 - determine the maximum ammount of spins we can see in our lifetime, playing RNG or a live wheel on TV (numbers will be different) 4-6 hours /day, every day.
2 - take that number (let's imagine its 1.000.000), and do the statistics (the max a street, quad, split, sixline, etc has missed) for a random 1.000.000 spins
3 - repeat step 2 1000 times (or just multiply the number of spins on test 2 by 1000).
4- determine your bankroll and progressions for each case. When you are betting for one trigger, do not start betting for another or your bankroll may not sustain both at the same time.

If while playing and following this rules, you ever get over the calculated limmits and lose your entire bankroll - altough improbable it can happen - you are very,very,very unlucky...

To play this way, you need a good tracker... It's not 100% fullproof, but I believe it's a good aproach.

EDIT: In step 4, when determining your bankroll, divide it by 2.  This way you will have 2 shots in your lifetime. It should be very hard to lose both of them... (altough you would have more opportunities to play if using just the entire bankroll, since you can take bigger progressions - its the trade off between risk and proffit).
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


you are right vladir, just because it may have never happened before, does not mean it can't, in theory it can, but you would be considered seriously and possibly the unluckiest human alive lol

The biggest problem people have when playing roulette is human induced behaviors, things like impatience, boredom, emotions, drinking alcohol, being a general gambler. to win, and win a lot, requires a different approach, it requires you to treat it like a job and have discipline and MM, even i suffer sometimes, i have often pulled out of a progression just because i bottled it, then it hit 1-2-3-4 spins later (as i knew it would from my own research) sometimes you can't help who you are and what you do, we are human and do make mistakes from time to time.


This is also a great way to play in online casinos that give you bonuses - any kind of bonus, even the ones you can' twithdraw after wagered, because they increase how much you can go on the progressions. Any bonus, as long as the terms allow you to play roulette with it - most don't unfortunatly, and the ones who do, sometimes have very litle table limmits to play this way - it makes me wonder,  maybe someone has already been doing this?
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


The thing with roulette is their is no HG, it does not allow their to be, what you can have is a 99.99% winning way, and if you hit the 0.1% which will only be once in a lifetime them dam, unlucky is not the world, most people do not have the patience to play the waiting way. Nothing is ever forever, we all need to remember that, One day, in millions or billions of years the earth will not be here, its just fact.

I read somewhere once, the best roulette players are the ones with bipolar disorder, as they do not experience emotions in the same way due to medication ect....


Quote from: tezza12 on Mar 26, 08:17 AM 2015
The thing with roulette is their is no HG, it does not allow their to be, what you can have is a 99.99% winning way, and if you hit the 0.1% which will only be once in a lifetime them dam, unlucky is not the world, most people do not have the patience to play the waiting way. Nothing is ever forever, we all need to remember that, One day, in millions or billions of years the earth will not be here, its just fact.

I read somewhere once, the best roulette players are the ones with bipolar disorder, as they do not experience emotions in the same way due to medication ect....

Ok then, imagine this scenario instead. If I have this system that loses for 0,01% of players through their life time. I get 100 computers, each one running a bot, I then divide the bankroll in 100 parts and leave the bots running for my whole life. Let's assume there are no disconections, errors, etc for now...
Even if 1 or 2 in them loses (1-2%), the other 98-99 will profit. How much, would it be enough to compensate for 1-2% loss of the bankroll of the losing ones? I believe it could....  Would you consider this a H.G. ?
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Bingo tezza...but personally i give myself 3 shots ....but for the rest yep your right on the money.  I said it b4...patience!!!
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Well no, it can't be a HG because it loses, but yes it is a fantastic money maker, hence my bot question on this forum ;)

If you have the cash, space and BR for 100 computers and set up ect..... then id ask why you are playing roulette lol, but yes, in theory, until of course their is a error or disconnection, or glitch in the system, thats all RNG is, a system, its about finding the glitch.


Quote from: denzie on Mar 26, 08:28 AM 2015
Bingo tezza...but personally i give myself 3 shots ....but for the rest yep your right on the money.  I said it b4...patience!!!

You give yourself 3 shots of what  ::)


Tequila.  Lol. No i was wrong. It was from Vladir. He put the br in 2....i put in 3 .... just extra warranty. 
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: denzie on Mar 26, 08:41 AM 2015
Tequila.  Lol. No i was wrong. It was from Vladir. He put the br in 2....i put in 3 .... just extra warranty.

Well, technically he wants to split the BR in to 100, one with each comp and bot, he must be mega loaded, My own personal biggest problem when i play is i play with money i can't afford to lose, so i bottle it or are ultra cautious, If i had the £ and didnt care if it lost or not, ironically id be a lot richer right now lol


Quote from: tezza12 on Mar 26, 09:02 AM 2015
Well, technically he wants to split the BR in to 100, one with each comp and bot, he must be mega loaded, My own personal biggest problem when i play is i play with money i can't afford to lose, so i bottle it or are ultra cautious, If i had the £ and didnt care if it lost or not, ironically id be a lot richer right now lol

LOL, unfortunatly I'm not loaded, it was just a theoretical example to explain my point of view. If I was "loaded" I wouldn't even consider playing at all. After having a certain amount of money to live comfortably, why would I want even more? I just want enough to be able to dedicate myself to things I really like instead of a stupid pointless job - things that don't require much money at all by themselfs.
"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Hello Tezza12 . . .

Sorry our emails are not working.

I have attached the Excel Sheet that I use for testing DS(lines) that are sleeping.

You can select how long you wish a line to sleep for before betting.

It comes with a built in 40 step progression which you can change if you wish.

It has a built in Trailing Profit which basically means that if you get into a profit you will never lose it all.


Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Quote from: Nickmsi on Mar 26, 10:08 AM 2015
Hello Tezza12 . . .

Sorry our emails are not working.

I have attached the Excel Sheet that I use for testing DS(lines) that are sleeping.

You can select how long you wish a line to sleep for before betting.

It comes with a built in 40 step progression which you can change if you wish.

It has a built in Trailing Profit which basically means that if you get into a profit you will never lose it all.



Hey Nick, my PC will not let me open for some reason, which version excel are you using, also, i appreciate the link, but is it just a excel sheet, i have one of those myself, great for manual tracking ect.... I am after a bot, to do it for me on autopilot once programmed :)


I am using Excel 2007.

The Excel sheet is the power that drives our bots.  Our updated bot is currently being coded by Victor(VLS).

You can check this site for when the bot will be made available.




Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.
