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Floating this

Started by MrJ, Jun 03, 11:34 AM 2015

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Anyone who has read most of my posts, may remember me saying.......while I'm playing
such-n-such method, I keep my eyes open for ANYTHING odd, always taking notes etc.

This method, I see no way to test with RNG numbers, I honestly dont. With that said, here we go....

In your notebook AT THE CASINO, you must have all numbers written down (0-36) with some room after each number. Use whatever numbers are on the history board and at first, you won't have much data to go off of. I really have to write data down for a good 90 minutes before actually playing BUT I do some other bets to pass the time.

Okay, after any number that has hit, write down the following number in that box. Meaning, a 22 just hit. Next number is a 35. Write the 35 in the 22 box. After the 35, a 0 hits. Write a 0 in the 35 box etc. Lets say a 22 hit again and a 13 after that. Cross off the 35 (in the 22 box) and now write down a 13.

When/how to bet? >> EXAMPLE...... a 27 just hit, in the 27 box you have a 5. Bet the 5 and the two neighbors.... the 5, 17, 22.

A 17 hits (win). Look in your 17 box, its a 29. Bet the 29, 12, 25 AND yes, the 17 again. As I stated in my last posted method, I never drop a winning number for at least one spin !!

Another example >> a 24 hits, a 24 hits again (back to back). What to bet now? Yes, the 24 and the 3, 36. Like I said, not a lot betting at first because you won't have much data to go off.

EXAMPLE..... a 15 just hit, the 15 has not hit yet since you sat down, no data but you will have data on that next spin. A 2 hit. Write the 2 down in the 15 box for the next time a 15 hits but yes its possible, perhaps a 15 won't hit for the next five hours.

What to bet (if anything) if no data yet? That is all UP TO YOU !!!

You can do nothing. Me? I simply bet 1-3 numbers, whichever numbers might complete a street.

There is a 35, 36 on the board, I may bet the 34 until its actually time to play the original method again. Its really up to you but PLEASE....no betting 20 numbers !!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Hi Ken,

Thanks for sharing, I do like your stuff :)

I need to read over it few times to fully understand it, and probably play it with some old data to fully get my head round it, any queries, I'll let you know.



Need to add something..... I would start playing this at/soon after the beginning of a shift. Why?

I'm getting more and more into a dealer spinning the same way throughout the shift, even next day or next week, makes no difference. I watch ALL dealers when they spin. You get anywhere between 2-6 seconds before releasing the ball AFTER pick up. Most of the time (not always) a dealer will be consistent with the "WHEN" of releasing. Yes I know, we still have ball and wheel speed.

Point being, this method is based off of landing in the general same area as the PREVIOUS time a certain number hit.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.
